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08/28/14 militia came to the sea. Special correspondent "komersant" Ilya Barabanov witnessed taking Novoazovsk

СообщениеДобавлено: 28 авг 2014, 14:55
Yesterday, after a brief artillery barrage force DNR actually without a fight took a strategically important city Novoazovsk 40 km from Mariupol. Thus, the militia came to the Sea of ​​Azov. Special correspondent of "Kommersant" ILYA DRUMS witnessed the capture of the city and was convinced that the attack on the position of Ukrainian troops in the south is really a large scale.

Shelling Novoazovsk started yesterday somewhere at 10:45. Ukrainian military in the city at that time actually was not. They began to leave him even before, when under fire hit the northern and western suburbs. When we stopped in town to meet us got only one APC with a Ukrainian flag. The main forces, according to the military, organized Novoazovsk left early in the morning.

Shot very close, but the purpose of this time were, apparently, the northern areas of the city.

- In the basement of the hospital is better to sit, - advised passing by feldshery.- We and tea, and there is Wi-Fi, and all will be more whole.

The shelling ended after 40 minutes, after which we decided to drive on to the Russian-Ukrainian border.

In the seaside village of Sedov, where in recent weeks actively checking refugees from the areas of Donetsk region, where there were active clashes approaching war, seemed not to notice. Beaches packed with people, two local residents brewed close ear, poles hung with the advertisement of the deposit for rent housing for travelers.

Two women from the village of Kemerovo Krasnolimansky Donetsk region told that they had come with their families in the Sedov 4 days ago and since then, waiting to cross the border.

- My daughter is only 11 minutes class graduated, entered the Rostov-on-Don in the Institute, and the house shelling, so we have to get, - says one of nih.- from Kirov like deenerovtsy and gone, but the army shelling stops.

From Sedov to the boundary is less than 10 km through the villages and the Cold Open. At the Precipice - the same peaceful life with a coffee shop and people on the beach. But before we reached Cold already failed. Blocking the road squad of heavily armed men in masks, unmarked, with white armbands. Right off the highway into the field could be seen a few pieces of equipment, on one of the machines was raised a red flag "New Russia".

The question whether it is possible to get to the check point, one of the fighters - silently and without dropping weapons - shook his head and gestured that our car should be developed.

Get to located a few kilometers north of the CPR "Novoazovsk" was easier. In just some few kilometers from the border - at the turn of the track Odessa - Novoazovsk - the car is stopped for more than a motley camouflaged men representing "the host of the NPT." After checking the documents quickly passed.

- Just be careful at intersections, will soon be hot - suggests one of them.

Pivoted to the border and immediately run up against a convoy of several tanks and trucks. Machine wound and loaded people on board - the same red flag "New Russia".

The main checkpoint seems Alexander.

- The border is open, everyone, including refugees, are missing in both directions, - says on.- You, for example, would not want to go back home right now?

According to him, the soldiers took the border recently, but the exact date he does not name. Photograph checkpoint position and Alexander prohibits. In parting, leave your phone number and urges return to Novoazovsk not directly, but through the same Sedov.

In Novoazovsk again called at the city hospital.

- Colleagues from occupied DNR settlements called say that in our direction column with appliances moved, - divided sotrudniki.- You would think about the basement, there is exactly peresidev and to Mariupol can no longer drive.

As it turned out, the Ukrainian military moved to the settlement unnamed 20 km from Mariupol. When we left Novoazovsk towards Mariupol, on the crossroads on the western outskirts of the city was turning the tank with the same red flag on board. Sitting in a tank soldier waved: "Leave." The city actually was occupied without a fight.