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GENERAL SUMMARY OF MILITARY ACTIONS at Donbass, Novoross, UKRAINE September 4-5, 2014

СообщениеДобавлено: 05 сен 2014, 17:05

The fighting began Thursday afternoon on the outskirts of the eastern part of Mariupol. Clearly heard explosions and queues of large-caliber weapons. While in the neighborhood of "East", we can assume that the battle is by Novoazovsk. Militia reported that at the moment because the city is trying to break a group of Ukrainian military and there is a fight in the area of the village of nameless. Part of the Ukrainian security forces trying to break through the ring around Mariupol. The exact number and composition of the forces assaulted the militia turns.

Battalion "Kiev12" badly damaged. Battalion camp completely destroyed militia destroyed all the property and all the equipment. Many dead and wounded. Shapoval said, quote: "The numbers are not going to call that there was no panic

"The head of the People's Republic of Donetsk Alexander Zaharchenko and head of the People's Republic of Lugansk Igor Carpenter made ​​a joint statement that" ready tomorrow September 5, 2014 at 15:00 to order a cease-fire, if agreement is reached, and the representatives of Ukraine to sign up political settlement of the conflict. "In addition, Zaharchenko and Carpenter said that" in Minsk tomorrow present to the contact group suggestions on ceasefire, which will be spelled out in detail the guarantee of compliance with this regime parties to the conflict "

September 3 about 19:30 Ukrainian troops had suffered a blow to the residential areas north of Makeyevka. Volleys plants were covered with hail YAKHZ village and part of the neighborhood Cheryuomushki. One of the shells hit the roof of a 3-storey house in the alley №6 Garmata YAKHZ in the village. As a result, on the 2nd and 3rd floors completely destroyed four apartments, and located next door - severely damaged.
During the shelling was also damaged the roof of the factory dispensary, in many houses of the village YAKHZ shattered glass, in the land of gaping crater, knocked down trees. "

About eight in the morning ukry caused artudar with MLRS on Petrovka. In many areas of Donetsk serious shortages of water, there are power outages in some places and communication failure. Almost the same situation in Gorlovka in Makeyevka (yesterday in the district YAKHZ laid down seven rounds, the devastation and casualties information yet), but with the water better. In the area of ​​Slavic-Slavyanogorsk are fights between the entities and the Nazis ukropovskoy army refused to fight. Towards the database had left a few ambulances and tablets.
In Kramatorsk drunken Nazis groomed their usmert - managed to make "ears" in the APC, as a result of two crushed, scrapped in heaven.
In Mariupol situation is quite tense, tied fights. In Donetsk and Makeyevka remains tense throughout the day tensions remain - shelled periodideski Petrovka Kiev areas. From 18:25 Nazis shelled with MSTA-S and "tulips" District 5 Precinct and Lower Gladovki damaged pipeline is hit in a residential apartment building

Army Novorossia won a stunning victory in the battle for Yelenovka, Konstantinovka, Telmanovo. Under pressure from the army Novorossia Ukrainian fascists during punitive operations in the Donbass left a number of settlements in the southern direction. Ukrainian insurgents fled Yelenovka, Konstantinovka, Telmanovo. In the battle for Telmanovo destroyed armored personnel carriers, two mortar calculation, killing 20 security forces, reports RIA Novosti. When taking control Novosёlovki, according to the DNR, surrendered with arms 35 Ukrainian Bewick, destroyed 5 "Grad". Significant losses were Ukrainian militia, under Volnovaha and Avdiyivka where hit by two APCs. Under the Light 96 people surrendered to the army of New Russia.
In recent days, some 700 Ukrainian militants were captured by the militia, with 80% of them - after the battles at Ilovaiskaya.

04.09.14. Overview combat situation from a military analyst "colonelcassad".

1 Under Mariupol army Novorossia conducted reconnaissance in force, which went directly to the approaches to the city. Both sides suffered minor losses.
In the observed movement of Mariupol enemy columns facing west from the city.

It is not clear, that there is a tactical regrouping, or junta prepares leaving Mariupol as heavy weapons she is almost there. On the whole army Novorossia obviously shows the intention to establish control over the city in the coming days.

2 Donetsk airport at the moment the army Novorossia not taken, so triumphant as I said a few ahead of the event. Militia were again able to surround the airport, but out of him entrenched junta forces there can not yet. In my opinion there still fuss for a few days, but given the configuration of the front and the development of the situation, the airport will not be able to keep the junta. I think this saga will end with the fall of the village of Sands.

3 To the south of Donetsk has practical shape Volnovhsky boiler, which now can be supplied only on country roads. To the north of Donetsk, in the formation of the boiler under Debalcevo. Junta too long persisted in holding this key point despite sagging flanks and regularly received traditional strikes the flank and rear. Needless Debalcevo junta has something-or in full, then, whether partially left and began to crawl to Svetlodarsk. Here everything is as expected, the threat from the north of Donetsk coverage removed. Shelling of the city will cease to approximately 10-12 September, if not earlier.

4 from the village of Lugansk clear until the junta can not, but the positional battles here do not have a global strategic importance, although in terms of the struggle for happiness, fetter fighting for stanitsas Luhansk not give militias to develop more actively offensive in Novoaydarsky direction. Fighting near Slavyanoserbsk just came down to positional fuss. In the south-west of Luhansk Novorossia army continues to crumble crumbling boiler - huge deposits of broken and captured equipment, numerous corpses and prisoners, all this has become an integral part of the final stages of the Battle of Lugansk.

5 Ironically, but the boiler under Deakovo still exists. I can not deny that there guys sitting resistant. Army Novorossia sluggish boiler shells, the junta there entrenched and does not go anywhere. Our wait until it ends terpelka and run junta in Russia to give up. Nowhere to escape from the boiler (front rolled away far to the west), while the surviving art critical problems with fuel and ammunition. Therefore, both parties are in effect serving room clearly known result. "

Lugansk airport after release

Local argue that in Mariupol mined bridges leading from the East. In the city may be reached only through the ARB. People saw ukrovoyak with drawers under bridges. Just down the avenue Ilyich passed five or six APCs with VSUshnikami in Armor. Passed towards the East.

04.09.14. News Summary Army Southeast for September 4.

"The Punisher back under Debalcevo and Lugansk, Mariupol militia coming to close, destroyed TRC" Tochka-U ".

During the day, the Nazis continued artillery shelling of residential areas and infrastructure of the city of Donetsk.

Militia commanders allocate part of their forces to provide the necessary assistance to the civilian population in the liberated areas. Planned work on the delivery of food to the most affected by actions of fascists settlements.

At Donetsk direction junta troops continue to regroup and tighten reserves.

After fire damage caused by artillery Army DNR on enemy positions in the area Debalcevo forces and the National Guard under MAT, suffering significant losses in manpower and technology, began to retreat in the northern and north-western directions. Incapacitated 2 tanks, armored personnel carriers 9, three BMP, 2 mortars, 12 cars. Killed and wounded 25 punishers.
Measures are being taken to identify and destroy subversive enemy reconnaissance groups in areas Razdolnoe, Styla, Komsomol.

Direction of the force at the Lugansk junta under the blows of the militia continued to retreat, concentrating in the areas of human settlements Merry Hill and Happiness.

During the fierce fighting militia units occupied Yellow and Red Yar. Retreating, sabotage and reconnaissance groups of the enemy mined key infrastructure and prepared them for undermining. Thanks to swift and decisive action plans militia fighters Nazis were not fulfilled. Currently demining projects.

As a result of the application of artillery strikes on positions in the areas of punitive settlements Victory and Dmitrovka were destroyed tactical missile complex "Tochka-U" to 9 tanks, 14 infantry fighting vehicles and armored personnel carriers, 30 trucks. Losses in manpower occupiers were more than 60 people killed and wounded.

As a result of successful offensive operations in the areas of the Nameless and Red Army forces of the People's Militia, and went
fixed on the turn-Shirokino Kominternovo. Kiev junta forces retreating in the direction of Mariupol. "

Militias destroyed Ukrainian missile complex "Tochka-U" in the area of ​​human settlements and the victory Dmitrovka Donetsk region.
Earlier, near the village of Victory and in the vicinity of the DNI Dmitrovka fighters destroyed five armored vehicles, 12 trucks with ammunition and fuel. All during the night clashes, according to intelligence, disabled about 70 Ukrainian law enforcers. Also during the fight punitive superior forces managed to destroy anti-aircraft guns and a car "Ural" DNR militia near the village Kominternovo Novoazovskiy district.

Militia destroyed the mortar battery and 30 armored vehicles. In the area of ​​the village Water militia managed to destroy the mortar battery and a few cars were transporting munitions. According to operational reports of the Political Department of the Ministry of Defense DNI, in the village at the time of the attack were located more than 200 mercenaries. Of them were killed at least 47 people. Also militia near the village Bahmutovka under artillery fire hit a large number of Ukrainian armored vehicles. As a result artudara destroyed 29 armored vehicles. Another APC militia shot down at the checkpoint under Zhdanovka. It killed 12 Ukrainian law enforcers.

04.09.14 22:50 MSK. Summary of the Committee of Social Communications DNR September 4.

Donetsk AGAIN under intense shelling UKRAINIAN FIGHTERS

Donetsk again subjected to heavy artillery shelling Ukrainian fighters.

So, at night the powerful bombardment suffered Kiev Donetsk region. In the village. Gorky by gunfire about 04:00, a lot of destruction, discovered unexploded ordnance. In Trudovskoy for two additional days of entering into homes as a result of the shelling.

During the day, shelled and subjected Tekstilshchik Petrovsky district.

Afternoon for about two hours straight shelled with mortars MAKEEVKA.

Donetsk continues to face attacks from powerful MLRS ("Castle," "Twister") of Volnovakha district.

Ukrainian security forces checkpoint at the entrance to Mariupol by Novoazovsk militia fired from multiple rocket launchers "Grad".
Checkpoint is in the neighborhood of "East". The number of victims is still unknown. Key militias zakrepilois line Shirokino-Kominternovo 20 kilometers east of Mariupol.
Earlier it was reported that near Mariupol there are fights. Also, the media reported about the retreat Ukrainian security officials from the onslaught of the militias.

It seems that today is still a large-scale operation to liberate Mariupol. Of Grad began treating ukrospkie checkpoints in the east. Militias claim that the attack on Mariupol will take a large force and rapidly. In the next hour militias will start to process the approaches to Mariupol from the north-west. Number of offensive militias to release Mariupol is about 6,500 soldiers and 300 in order ed.boevoy technology. Militia ready to perform combat tasks and waiting for the order to open the home front in Mariupol. Change things anymore. To release Mariupol involved professional and trained fighters Novorossii.Tak same special forces involved.

Later in the afternoon, the army Novorossia start active operations on the outskirts of Mariupol. General goals are obvious - for September 5 to take all Mariupol, or at least part of it. For this purpose, concentrated to 5 thousand. Infantry and about 70 units of various armored vehicles and several + MLRS battery D-30. At Army Novorossia here overwhelming superiority in heavy weapons, especially tanks. Advantage in the infantry about 2-2.5. Therefore, in light of a possible ceasefire tomorrow at 15-00, there is a serious attempt to break through the defense of the junta and to enter into residential neighborhoods of Mariupol, which is scheduled either tonight or tomorrow morning.

So far, the two sides are firefight and suffering losses - our irretrievably lost 2 tanks + 1 is damaged, 3 trucks and up to 15 people. Junta poteryaala several armored vehicles and infantry fighting vehicles and up to 30 people. Prospects for the assault will depend on whether the army will Novorossia on fight night or postpone decisive attack until morning. Evening activities so far are more like a reinforced reconnaissance. Of course, if the war is not over shadow davlela political solution, it is much more appropriate would be to carry out the assault gradually, using superior firepower. But I think the calculation is based on the low morale of enemy infantry, which, after the losses incurred in the defense is extremely unstable and under severe pressure starts to depart.

Apparently, the concentration of such a serious force under Mariupol and had no possibility of the army Novorossia lead more active approach on the front between Mariupol and Volnovaha where the enemy were only light barriers, breaking that could move to Kiev. But apparently political motives are becoming stronger prevail over the military, so if you are really on the horizon looms the shadow of "Big Transdniestria", the control of Mariupol certainly important campaign to Zaporozhye and Dnepropetrovsk in the framework of the plan, "Large New Russia.

The militia took height, where security forces fired at Lugansk. September 4 militia liberated the village Vergunka. Ukrainian units retreated under the onslaught of the People's Republic Army Lugansk, throwing weapons, ammunition and several armored vehicles. Vergunka village located on a hill above Lugansk, and just a few months away troops shelled the city with artillery. A lot of shells arriving at the center of Lugansk. Last August attacks, which killed about 20 people, took place from this direction. Vergunka and its surroundings were cleaned completely. Fighters APU and the National Guard is not here anymore. Some found ammunition army soldiers LC destroyed on the spot. Has also been stripped and the area of the village Metalist, where a few months ago were killed by Russian journalists Igor Korneliouk and Anton Voloshin. From there, the security forces retreated to the north. According to the head of Igor LC carpentry, soon militias to liberate the city of happiness.

Strengthen the region that two weeks digging Nazis "Azov" and local dill destroyed shaft of fire. "Azov" suffered losses and retreated to Mariupol. Passage to Mariupol otkryt.Kombat Biletsky alive and with tears encourages help them heavy vooruzheniem.V the "Azov" left 50-60 people.

In the settlement Experimental destroyed an ammunition dump APU. To the east of the settlement North destroyed a convoy of two cars and one armored personnel carrier, as well as up to 40 enemy soldiers. In the area of ​​the settlement Khimki (District Carpool) was destroyed by a platoon of 152 mm howitzers, and up to 30 people of the personnel. "

The decor in the evening sharply escalated. Very tight was fired by the Nazis with "hurricane" and heavy artillery areas Petrovka, Kiev, October, Lenin, our answer artudarami on the enemy firing points with MLRS. In Donetsk, captured three of the Nazis, who set extensions in the courtyards of houses Donetsk and Makeyevka.
By evening, the Germans attacked the operational-tactical missile system (presumably "moon") in Gorlovka, a rocket landed in the private sector and did not explode. Using rockets and PTRC Soviet-made grandfather's time talking about serious problems with the arms of the junta. Moreover, in his time at the disposal of these machines have been allocated funds of the former Ukraine, and not small. And it is already facing a major scandal.
During the day, fighting continued in the area Trudovskoy and the airport, on the outskirts of Yasinovka, was also working for the destruction of the enemy's DRG. At the airport as a result of battle the Nazis surrendered 20 - mostly mercenaries (the Italians, the French, many Poles), and the rest moved into the hopper of an old building. Is not long, but the words of one filmstar Gaidai - "I will beat gently, but firmly." Risk for naprasnu no one will.
In Mariupol are active hostilities until the suburbs. As a result of the excellent work of the artillery militia - with the first shot has been completely defeated Nazi checkpoint in the East. Destroyed by mortar battery, drugs, military equipment, "slingshot". Maneuverable fighting took place in the East. Closer to the night a slight lull, but nobody is going to relax.

5.9.14. Posted by eyewitnesses

On the streets there is a move Mariupol Ukrainian military equipment. 10-35 - at the coke plant Ukrainian punishers prepare a trap for the army of New Russia. Ukrami mined warehouse with liquid chlorine at the treatment of Mariupol (with. Shliakh Ilyich), in the same building on the workers was seen gun. Were also seen snipers on the PBX 24 and GIPROMEZ. Ukrainian punishers system RZSO placed in residential areas, thus hiding behind the civilian population as a human shield
Explanation of the photos from a bystander: Mariupol, for Old Crimea on tractor brigade are castles in firing position in the middle of building.