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GENERAL SUMMARY OF MILITARY ACTIONS at Donbass, Novoross, UKRAINE September 7, 2014

СообщениеДобавлено: 08 сен 2014, 02:18
07/09/14 army fire on positions of the DNI and towns of the republic Ukrainian party going

A chronological summary of events from the Department of Defense DNI for September 6, 2014 as follows:
14:30 - Airport Area in Donetsk, the position of the army fired on the DNI of the CSG and BTR - as a result of one soldier wounded.
16:10 - 19:00 - made ​​attacks from certain types of weapons.
17:15 - 19:00 - also in the vicinity of airports for the regular firing of mortars at army positions DNR and residential neighborhoods.
21:00 - 21:20 - shelled Ukrainian army checkpoint in Zuevka - among militias have killed and wounded.
21:45 - mortar and artillery fire Khanzhonkov - homes destroyed, the data on the affected are specified.
22:50 - punishers committed shelling Yenakievo of Grads also destroyed homes.
23:10 - on Starobeshevo opened fire from the artillery of the two tanks and two BMP
23:20 - in Makeyevka by gunfire - 1 killed

07/09/14 13:42 Posted by political scientist Dmitry Dzygovbrodskogo.

"Dnepropetrovsk: Results" peremogy "under Ilovaiskaya.
6 hospital in the Baikal and 16 hospital on Heroes of Stalingrad.
Beds in the hospital and a military hospital Mechnikov simply does not. Severely scored all.

A Kiev all as reported, "only two killed, five wounded."
Svidomye Dnepropetrovsk, shook his blue-and-yellow cloth and go to the hospital. Look what you've done their criminal and punitive Maidan ATO. "

9.7.14. Summary of Staff of the militia.

"During the day, the APU violated the ceasefire more than 10 times.
At 13:38 according to local residents through the village of Krasnaya Polyana (DNR) in the direction of the station in the Conception 13-10 on MSK A column ukr.tehniki, 43 units. Tanks, self-propelled guns, trucks and buses with personnel. On the armor, too, was the infantry.
Trailers guns. Can then go to Mariupol (to the south), or Volnavahu (to the north).
As local residents report that morning passed 3 rocket launchers (maybe Tochka-U). Defense Minister Vladimir Kononov DNR warned that in the event of further provocations by Ukrainian security officials he would be forced to give the order to fire was "to kill".

9.7.14. 17:03. Posted by journalists.

"Remains of punitive" Aydar "drunk Svatovo (LC). Despite regrouping and pulling reserves the morale of troops Kiev junta continues to deteriorate rapidly. According to local residents, in the occupied city of punishers Svatovo Lugansk People's Republic for a few hours does not stop drunken orgy , organized by the soldiers of the Armed forces of Ukraine, as well as survivors of the Nazi battalion "Aydar." Bandera engaged in looting shops and people, there are numerous cases of withdrawal of vehicles from the townspeople. Installations MLRS, standing on the outskirts of Svatovo, drunken gunners deployed towards urban areas.
Ukrainian army officers have withdrawn from the control of the situation and also drunk, but in the location of headquarters.
About 80 punishers deserted with arms to the side Kupyansk by hiring a taxi. "

9.7.14. Overview combat situation by the battle.

"Armistice not. Whatever works junta from 19:00 (GMT) on Friday 09/05/2014, the completely negates what the Nazis claimed Kiev. This, in principle, it was clear even before the" peace "talks in Minsk. Nazis actively introduced their units in the localities where the weakening of their group, a division of the Nazis began to appear even where they were not. Some units are provided with weapons of NATO (American arms). Occurs rotation of enemy troops, moreover, the Nazis opened fire and Human Settlements so today Kiev fascists was fired from artillery Spartacus.
15:40 Kiev fascists continue shelling Spartacus.
16:30 Everything started ... In the vicinity of the airport heard tears, heard KPVT work.
16:45 At the moment, there is a fight at the airport, our units were forced to respond to an on-going attacks on Spartacus by Avdeyevka. Also there is a fight in Mariupol.
16:55 From the Shining Path Kiev Nazis opened mortar fire in the center of Donetsk.
17:00 From Airport district is shelling Kastrychnitski. "

As the commander of a special squad just MGB DNR "Varyag" Alexander Matyushin, subversive group punitive Armed Forces of Ukraine erupted in Donetsk. At the moment they are three kilometers from the base unit (district Avdotyino). Militia prepares to repel the attack. Composition broken through enemy forces specified. On the part of the Bright Path Kiev Nazis opened mortar fire on the center of Donetsk. There is a battle in the vicinity of the airport, our units were forced to respond to an on-going attacks on Spartacus.

In front Telmanovo Tank APU went militia. For one day town several times passed from hand to hand. Even before the announcement of the armistice militia forces managed to repel the Ukrainian military heavy equipment, which went to the front on August 24 immediately after the parade in honor of Independence Day. According to the militia, one-third of these machines did not reach the front line. September 6th district center Telmanovo became a place of fierce fighting, when the Ukrainian military was able to knock a few hours out of the village army DNR. However, they were unable to gain a foothold and soon militia reoccupied its position. On the battlefield, the APU threw a significant amount of equipment, which is now owned by the militias.

19:20 From the Mariupol Nazis opened artogon with howitzers on Shirokino and other surrounding villages.
19:35 Donetsk airport area again not calm, audible discontinuities.

9.7.14. 21:44. Posted by journalists.

"Telmanovo again in the hands of the militia. District center in the vicinity of Azov Telmanovo militia DNR seized several cars that participated in the military parade in Kiev on Ukraine's Independence Day. As you know, on the night of September 6 Telmanovo was suddenly attacked by the punishers, who managed to clear the militia from the town. However, during the battle huntovtsy suffered serious losses and could not be fixed. As a result, a few hours later banderofashisty were forced to leave the district center and retreat in the direction of Volnovakha. punishers On the battlefield, left a considerable amount of equipment, inherited militia. during the inspection of trophies, it was found that part of the machine moves in the state calculations on Khreshchatyk on 24 August.