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9.7.14. Posted by military analyst "colonelcassad"

СообщениеДобавлено: 08 сен 2014, 02:19
Despite the political truce, the war continued as such, because the logic of conflict requires his permission just by military means. The inertia of the war caused all new skirmish attacks and fights. In this case, the junta openly and publicly demonstrates that openly uses the "truce" to build up strength for the transition to the new offensive. United States look at it approvingly, as a military solution to the problem of New Russia and the final defeat of Russia in the struggle for Ukraine, in their national interest. Absolutely no difference in what condition will the junta is - as long as she had the power, it will be used against Russia. The suffering of the victims of the soldiers and the destruction of infrastructure - from the point of view of the United States are low cost. Therefore, from a military point of view, a complete destruction of the fascist junta is the best guarantee of ending the war.
The guide Novorossia understand it, but can not do anything - they are dependent on the political line supervisors Ukrainian politics and humanitarian supplies.
Hence the silly statement that "we thought that the junta will probably observe a truce, but it fails to comply with - oh what a bad fascist junta." Of course, this kindergarten seriously discredited as a military-political leadership of the DNI and the Russian policy in the New Russia. The junta that moment caught and frankly enjoys, but it has one problem - it can not solve the problem by force Novorossia if the Stars and Stripes Hand sanctions rests on the "red cock PX" and carefully it does not block the junta giving the necessary time. And that in fact launch an offensive of course possible, but extremely high risk to get the output flags are not of the junta over Donetsk and Gorlovka, and thousands more dead and hundreds of broken-down tanks and armored cars with another tantrum that Putin kills Ukrainian patriots and Poroshenko generals betrayed all .

Since the parties can not yet determine the parameters of the resolution of the crisis, the war goes on as usual, where the resumption of full-scale hostilities looks inevitable, because the United States will push the junta to force the destruction of New Russia, and Russia, in turn, once again fall into all the same plug decisions - between the power scenario (sending troops or "impolite merchandisers" is not so important - it is only the method of implementation of the decision) and drain Novorossia (cessation of military support, the acceptance of "united Ukraine" and arm-twisting warlords army of New Russia, which will begin ask "tough questions"). The main difficulty negotiators is that the default response to the suggestion that the militia "one pro-Russian Ukraine" - "What in the Dupuy Ukraine ?!" For "United Ukraine" from Russia can fight unless polit.tehnologi in Moscow and attendants Surkov that this nonsense broadcasts mass militia fighting there for quite another.

Some still persistently fail to understand that the war with the junta Novorossia, this is only one dimension of the conflict, no resolution of conflicts between the United States and Russia, full of peace will not be there. Therefore Minsk negotiations and that pahabnaya piece of paper that was signed there, it's just another attempt to jump out of the same unpleasant fork decisions that still need to take.

Actually that's why I'm in no hurry to pour into the crowd, shouting "Novorossia merged" or mantras about HSP. The final choice remains to be done, and the current efforts depart from it only worsen the conditions in which this choice is made.

New Russia in some form will be unconditionally. But some, it will be decided in the coming weeks, when it becomes clear to the final choice of Russia in the Ukrainian question.