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January 27, 2015: GENERAL SUMMARY COMBAT OPERATIONS at Donbass, Novoross, UKRAINE

СообщениеДобавлено: 28 янв 2015, 16:13
28.01.15. Overview of the situation of voenkora with the call sign "Steppe".

"The situation in Donetsk on 27 January 28, remained extremely tense. Districts have been shot by fascist artillery. Throughout the night, gunfire along the perimeter of the city. The most serious bombardment Petrovsky and the Kiev district.

After a series of defeats in the south-west and north-west Ukrainian troops stepped up the pressure on the capital of Donbass and increased the frequency of artillery strikes.
Now, no one area of the city can not be considered even conditionally safe as it was even a month ago.

Residents of the village. Nitrogen, Miner, Mine October, Panfilov, Petrovka all evening and spent the whole night anxious and tense, many descended into hiding because of the continuous operation of conventional and rocket artillery.

The situation is aggravated by the lack of light, water and gas because of serious damage communications. It was restless and in Makeyevka, the satellite city of Donetsk.

After losses in the sand near Marinka and Debaltsevskom boiler Ukrainian fighters vent anger on innocent civilians.

Punishers shelled residential quarters, and then try to break through the front from the south, then west directions, pulling back forces of the army DNR and diverting attention to the simulation of the counter-offensive.

Next massive bombardment suffering Horlovks on which beat from Dzerzhinsk - Kurdyumovki. The number of wounded - about two dozen people.

The city - the destruction of countless homes, seriously damaged social infrastructure - substations, water lines and gas pipelines.

In the south the third day the Nazis 28th Brigade shelled Elenovka. There is now wielded by specially trained gunners and artillery fire spotters.

DNR army suppressed the enemy battery in the northwest, which confirmed the exploration and locals tell of bright flashes and loud hits from the detonation of ammunition.

But in general, to establish full control over the village, as well as to move closer to Marinka in the south-west, so far failed. Battles are fierce positional character.

Mercenaries are complaining on the air that "separatists seem to be going to sleep under the sand every square inch of their mines and shells," but immediately recognized that willingly would carry off the face of the earth all the Donetsk cities and towns, but it is not strong enough, shells and attack aircraft. "

28.01.15. Results of the last days of the military analyst Boris Rozhina ("colonelcassad").

"By January 28 offensive VSN in most of the front brake. The attack with decisive goals still continues only in the area Debaltsevskogo pocket. Some people continue to call it pot, but the lid fully closed yet, there are periodic fire control communications enemy hampering message debaltsevskoy groups with the mainland.

1. In the vicinity of the airport continue to hold our position in the airport, the village of Spartacus and on the outskirts of the village of Sands. The junta currently controls most of the village. Avdiyivka as firmly held. In the battles of Avdiyivka last week as far as I know, incurred substantial losses on our side. In general, the junta is unable to hold the front and the phase of the success of the junta after the defeat in the battle for the airport here for us over.

2. Our today reported that occupied part of Marinka, but talk about total control is not necessary. On the part of Kurakhovo opponent has the ability to pull reserves plus artillery and MLRS concentrated under Krasnogorovka have the opportunity to work as in Donetsk and support positions in the area of the junta Marinka.

3. In the area Elenovka and Dokuchaevsk enemy armored vehicles continues to focus and take the attack near Elenovka. After taking Elenovka, the junta can strike directly north to the Petrovsky district, and may try to start enveloping movement eastward through Mospino, with the aim of cutting the communications leading from Donetsk to the south. While our here hold the front, but the potential threat in this area is growing.

4. In the area of Mariupol yet largely unchanged, although the day again passed the message that our supposedly still took Grape. Distinct evidence of this yet. The enemy continues to throw reinforcements to Mariupol Zaporozhye and Kherson regions. Overall, there continues to operate factor provocation.

5. In the area Gorlovki, the opponent the last couple of days is offensive to repel the lost positions at Partizan and Red Majorcan, VSN here went on the defensive. On the capture of Dzerzhinsk now say no. Accordingly, to slow down the offensive, while making it impossible to cease attacks Gorlovki.

6. Debaltsevsky pocket until it rests on its perimeter, trying to break through the defense on the perimeter of the junta as a whole has been unsuccessful - a slight advance in some areas + sensory loss (especially under Nikishin). In general, the junta has built over the past few months there is enough solid defense, which is difficult to take on the forehead. The main thrust here is to the north-east, where the junta incurring losses, forced to slowly shift its position to Debaltseve, resulting in his pocket slowly changes shape, and local residents reported that VSN already reached the outskirts of Debaltseve. Probably due to the threat, the enemy will try to narrow down the front line and withdraw some troops in the area of the neck, to continue to hold Debaltseve, Uglegorsk and company strongholds in the villages along the perimeter of the pocket.
Nevertheless, due to the factor suzivsheysya Debaltsevskogo neck pocket, our offensive continues, but today were persistent reports that the junta counterattacks previously occupied towns like Red Plowman, which was supposed to lead to further advance in order to cut the highway M-103. The enemy in general has determined that at this time the main threat comes from here and so has sharply increased pressure on the advancing side, moving in a counter, in order to stabilize the front in the neck area Debaltsevskogo pocket. In the next few days, it will become clear whether the VSN will be able to physically occupy a key route or APU by counterattacks, be able to keep the settlements to ensure control over the M-103.

7. Popasnaya still not taken, so plans of attack through Popasnaya to all of the same highway M-103 or directly on Artemivs'k, yet remain unfulfilled. Here, both sides have suffered serious losses, plus our troops already there has been a lack of ammunition, whose reserves are not keeping pace with the intensity of the fighting. However battles in this area are continuing. In the area of the track Bakhmutskaya front stood up and APU are already attempting to advance on the 31st checkpoint and height of 175.9. In general, at this stage of our offensive bogged down here. Next to the Cossack village of Slavyanoserbsky Lugansk without significant changes.

Generally speaking, the general offensive VSN, which began after the victory in the battle for the airport and developed in several directions, as a whole is stopped (except Debaltsevskogo pocket) and the opponent has himself trying to go on the offensive under Elenovka, Gorlovka and near Bakhmutskaya track . As mentioned at the beginning of the fighting, we should not underestimate the enemy and its numerical superiority. If the junta mediocre offensive failed, the leading exhausting battles in defense, where there is an exchange in people and technology, the junta as a whole was able to hold positions in most of the areas of our attacks. However, the situation for the junta continues to be challenging, as the issue of Debaltseve still not been resolved in the case of the formation of the boiler, all the tactical achievements in the defense of the junta will be leveled. On the other hand, if the junta will be able to stop us here, we run the risk of losing the initiative and then we try to hold the junta offensive with decisive goals, not the bloody clowning, which she arranged for the airport.

Losses of the parties in the ongoing battles quite serious (and both sides more than the officially stated), although the morale of the troops is still quite high. After two weeks of fighting in some parts of starting up the question of lack of ammunition. Opponents while trends to a breakdown of the front and the disintegration of the army does not show. To this must be coerced, and current forces still lacking. So now all attention is focused on the Debaltsevskomu afford it, the outcome of the battle for who will determine the final outcome of an investigation from mid-January offensive VSN. Along the way, it is possible that in addition to the current junta counterattacks, may still try to put a serious blow to the far-reaching goals (the most menacing plot - Elenovka-Dokuchaevsk).

In Ukraine, the expected continuing problems with mobilization. Apparently and 4th wave will be disrupted, but a certain percentage of the army still zagrebut, so there is likely to be satisfied with the fact that they can now dial, and then the case will stand for the 5th wave of mobilization. In general, the population despite the jingoistic propaganda, is not eager to go to war and looking for all the possible ways to avoid the need to protect the junta. Coercion, which people try to drive to the troops, only reinforce unrest among the population, which slowly begins to get tired of this war, which also begins to affect them personally. "

28.01.15. 9:17. Posted by militia.

"In the area Elenovka and Dokuchaevsk APU continues to focus and take the armor attack. In the case of taking Elenovka, Ukrainian Army can strike directly north to the Petrovsky district, and may try to start enveloping movement eastward through Mospino, with the aim of cutting the communications leading from Donetsk on south. while the army DNR is holding the front, but the potential threat in this area is growing. The number of victims of the shelling of one of the districts of Lugansk has increased to 11 people. for the past day on the movement of the front line: Squeeze the Nazis from Novoorlovki (about the cleaning and strengthening until not confirmed), repelled an attack aimed at the Nazi breakthrough in Makeyevka. in surrendered a little more than a dozen soldiers APU, others less fortunate. Uglegorsk: artillery positions eliminated (now confirmed) Krasnogorovka: one of the firing positions of the Nazis successfully covered several volleys of hailstones. What especially want to note: at the time of approach to the target convoys of ammunition. Elenovka: camp with artillery positions and BC - to destroy. "

27.01.15. Briefs from the browser.

"Mariupol. Summing up. The next provocation Kiev regime has failed. It is still not entirely clear when it will understand the performers themselves (they try), but it seems that the rest everything is clear. Mariupol January 24 - is another bloody crimes committed by criminal the Nazi regime in Kiev.

To understand the techniques of provocation, I had to see a lot of videos, photos, talk to witnesses of the tragedy.

How was it

The night before duty of the police on the street. Kiev 47A was lined with sandbags. The fact that this precaution was not superfluous, Mariupol residents felt the next morning. Around 8.00 on January 24 in the area of intended fire was extinguished light. After 10 minutes off the Internet and telecommunications. A near half-past nine in the morning in the eastern district of Mariupol flew several dozen missiles. Judging by the nature of falls (large area of the district, but the rocket fell heap groups) firing was conducted from several plants (at least three). It is also indicated by the direction from which came the missiles. Let's call them the North-East, Eastern (yet except oral statements locals WESTERN to document can not).

North-east. Fired from the area south TALAKOVKI. There are oral testimony of eyewitnesses, that at this time were the shots of the MLRS "Grad".

Eastern. Correct even a little south-east. Grape shot north or Pioneer.

Have also been found and funnel like mortar ??? To accurately determine the identity of projectiles (missiles) flown from the Northeast, it is necessary to know the distance of the flight. This can be determined by the angle of entering of the rocket. True, there is a moment. HAIL shells can be equipped with brake rings of two diameters. Accordingly, at the same angle will rocket from three distances (remember this fact).

From the East is clear. January 24, this area was under the control of parts of the APU. And here the question can not be (personally I). "Virtual offensive" parts VSN (Armed Forces of New Russia) in the area on January 24 or earlier, about which much has been written explicitly (visual or audio) was not observed.

OSCE Mission

On this episode of the history of many oddities. Preliminary findings of the commission say:

"Observers visited the place of fire in Mariupol. The analysis showed that provoked the destruction was caused by missiles that were fired from" Grad "and" Hurricane. "In accordance with the analysis, rockets" Grad "was released in the direction of" north-east "in the area of the October (19 km north-east st. Olympic Mariupol) missiles "Hurricane" - from the east, with the district Zaichenko (15 km to the east), which are controlled by "Donetsk People's Republic."

Remembering application features GRAD missiles, I have every reason to doubt this conclusion. The expert would suggest three possible distances. How expert literally knee identified only right distance - a mystery to me. The second mystery in the report appeared on January 26 after the head of the SBU Nalyvaychenko showed evidence gathered by his office. Miraculously they were no remnants of MLRS rockets "Hurricane". He thus completely discredited the report of the OSCE mission, compiled on January 24.

Other evidence of the SBU

January 26, along with other were shown footage on a mobile phone (which is weird). They man named Valery Kirsanov born in 1975 (though here and Nalivaychenko zavralsya calling 1974), said such nonsense that it is time to move her eyebrows in surprise: "Was there a spotter."

Do not need a spotter to hit a stationary checkpoint. Such data could be referred by either the driver or passenger vehicle traveling through it. Similarly, do not need a spotter for the covering of the city (if it is assumed).

Kiev put forward the theory that the militia would cover checkpoint APU №14. But where is the common sense. In such cases need a spotter if made sighting shots, which ... was not. And the military sense to fire the checkpoint was not. Because of fighting in the area within a radius of 10 km was not conducted.


On the motif of VSN will not even talk. Intelligible motive even Kiev did not name. Simply stating that it VSN all.

But with the motives of Kiev is much trickier. I want to remind you that on January 13 was a very similar case. Northeast Volnovakha allegedly under fire HAIL hit a passenger bus. As a result, 13 people were killed. At first, everything was the same. APU militia accused of shelling the checkpoint and death of bus passengers. International leaders and the media sharply preoccupied problems civilians Donbass, and the president of Ukraine took a piece of the shell Davos bus. But while he was carrying this piece, lost interest in the event. Accidentally filmed the explosion of the car driver. It turned out that the cause of death was an antipersonnel mine.

It was by chance or not, "the international community" did not find out. Overnight interest in the event and the fate of the residents of Donbass has fallen sharply. Militia accused of terrorism against civilians was not possible, and hence the interest of the West to the event is not. He did not appear during the terrorist attack in Donetsk, as before there was any interest in the West barbaric bombardment by artillery Ukrainian cities DNR.

Reaction worldwide

And on January 24, everything changed. Attack again. Again accusations republics and Russia. At first glance, it was all a trick masterful. But the massive evidence of inhabitants and the ambiguity of the evidence began to extinguish the interest of the West again. And even more so, after briefing the Security Service, where Nalivaychenko not only fails to provide evidence, but also destroyed the OSCE counterfeits. Many people all became clear. Despite all the tricks of Kiev, the "international community" has once again expressed his "concern" and "condemned". Russia once again it has imposed its "veto".

Opinion: in fact, the right to "veto", which is written for Russia in the UN Charter, it is today, the only factor that preserves the postwar world with a state of unstable, but the balance.

On this long and parted in the corners of the political ring. Provocation again failed.

Whatever instructed "Krivorukov" Kiev regime, he failed in all: "Boeing 777" Volnovakha, Mariupol and many other provocations that have not been able to discredit the liberation movement in the Donbass against the brown plague that hit Ukraine. West was ready to help all of its media resources, as well as during the Maidan. But in the information war "help" without reason, it is impossible. And build it did not succeed. This created a great merit of the Russian Global Media (Rush Today screen), as well as the work of ordinary journalists, bloggers and citizens. The active position of the people who post information on the network, despite the repression was very helpful and Volnovakha and Mariupol. All of this gave a result that has not yet been able to neutralize the global car world lies, called "democratic media."

PS Given the catastrophic situation in the army and the country, Kiev mode can only be saved "miracle." And it is this "miracle" called to commit bloody provocations against the liberation movement in the South-East. They have no other choice, and unfortunately, provocations will continue. And so it will be as long as they do not work, or until their criminal regime will not collapse. "

28/01/15 Posted by I.I.Strelkova:

"The offensive VSN actually stopped in all directions. APU everywhere counterattack. My personal assessment (according to available at my disposal to incomplete data): planning operations - by the" three-minus "performance - on" solid two. "
Sands and Avdiyivka remain under the full control of the APU.
Now APU on the number of personnel and technology throughout VSN exceed 3-5 times (in some places - and more). With less offensive to a large force of the enemy is only possible in the presence of favorable factors, to what is high morale, good planning and skillful maneuver forces in order to ensure local superiority. On the first point - in stock. The second and third - the complete absence. The result will finally be clear in the coming days. "

27.01.15. Military review from voenkora callsign "Samur".

"Oopolchenie occurs south of Marinka, repulsed an attack on Makeyevka, artillery duel going on. The northwestern part of the Kirov district of Donetsk - a village named after Abakumov mine, Working Playground, Street, located in the side of the exit to the village Staromykhailivka (south-west of Donetsk), already five days shaken by thunder and hail cannons. In this part of Donetsk were repeatedly identified sabotage and reconnaissance groups of Ukrainian troops.

The inhabitants of these villages while away in basements and shelters. Top rise only to look, whether they are safe at home, or in order to get to the grocery stores are located in the "near the rear." Among the locals there are those who have moved into underground shelters in the early autumn.

The number of broken and damaged houses in the Kirov region is increasing every day.

An attempt was made breakthrough Yasinovataya east, across the road Yasinovataya - Horlovks.

Ukrainian military attack, as usual, was preceded by artillery preparation. Bombardment not only the position of the militia, but also the surrounding areas Makeyevka.

The situation around Marinka gradually changing in favor of the militia. Army DNR managed to press the enemy to the south of the town, in the direction from east to west along the bypass road to Kiev.

Armed forces drove the Ukrainian military DNI with checkpoints located near the bus stop coaches "High-voltage" and to turn to the ring road of the city Ugledar.

Bus service to Marinka, as before, no, mobile works intermittently.

28.01.15. 2:21. Posted by militias.

"To avoid panic clarifies the situation. Lugansk- yes again was hit. APU strike blows just for the dispensation of panic among the population. In the area of the village, Luhansk APU started" Chevilly ", it is not clear is offensive or a provocation, but the combat readiness there we №1. Fights are also Bahmutke. We keep defense Novtoshkovskom on the 31st and 29th and 175th checkpoints height. APU strikes infantry and armored forces. The attacks are recorded. APUs are just trying to regain lost ground, have introduced provisions which allow them to hold fast to the defense, and immediately began to squander their numerous attacks. Despite the superiority of the enemy - our units counterattacked with good results. So far, much of the offensive on the front suspended, waiting for the enemy's actions. I remind you that the enemy has entered into battle half second echelon troops. and he began to flip troops from the third. and we have not even entered their basic troops into battle. The enemy reveals his trump card, one after another, and we have our left up his sleeve. In the near future the enemy's will to attack, and we ... find out what we do when we do that! "

28.01.15. 1:19. Posted by volunteer with the call sign "Happy".

"In the area of Sand and AP is now quiet. Skirmishes and" whipping "SVD - a common occurrence. In the area of environment Debaltseve" boil. "Dill trying to escape."

Posted by militias: "Around midnight, the Germans again made art.obstrel in the center of Lugansk. Hit shells at the hospital and homes Sovetskaya. As a result of shelling by the Lugansk APU January 27 injured 16 civilians. Donetsk: just suppressed art the battery of the enemy in the north-west. The bright flash of hits and loud detonation BC ".

27.01.15. 23:47. Summary of "Somalia" and "Sparta".

"In Marinka blown up and destroyed the headquarters of the APU checkpoint. Has shelling near the checkpoint between Marinka and Donetsk, and also at the base area like the APU Staff. In the area of the seat APU was made a daring and confident swoop by Petrovsky district, a total of - Staff ukrov spaced, injuring about 14 people, and something in packages throws at Kamaz and follow along with rather towards Kurakhovo. Concerted action of tanks and infantry, caught unawares karateley- APU unit positions. They (ukry) threw everything they could and fled as far as possible from the post, someone was lucky someone did not have time. takes the position, move the line turn into the depths! "


Militia showed some liberated villages located at a key point on the route from Lisichansk and Severodonetsk. Militia LC moves to the position of the Ukrainian army has a webcam. Through this settlement military ammunition and provisions their units under the city Debaltseve. Supply of ammunition was from Lisichansk and Severodonetsk. Now militias hold a key sector in the vicinity of Kirovsk and Day, blocking one of the two possible ways to supply security forces "debaltsevskom pocket."

LifeNews visited the city of Kirov and the surrounding villages, which have recently shelled Ukrainian artillery and are able to release during the counter-offensive. Ability to lift our exclusive footage channel provided fighters brigade "Ghost."

Villagers Berezovsky Golubovsky and Vesnyanogo told as they existed until the militias are not pushed the Ukrainian position. Eloquently speak consequences shelling destroyed and damaged homes without glass in the windows. In these places live mostly elderly people, they had to hide in basements.

Soldiers fired on villages of systems "Grad" and "Hurricane". Militia fighter callsign Varyag missile showed "Hurricane", which fell near the houses.

Cutting off the supply route through the APU Popasnaya militias LC did half the work, to leave the APU units in debaltsevskom pocket without food and ammunition. When the army of the People's Republic of Donetsk Ukrainian army cut off the second path to Debaltseve - from Artemovska, MAT group numbering several thousand soldiers will be neutralized. "

27.01.15. Analytical commentary on military analyst Boris Rozhina ("colonelcassad").

"Parliament passed a bill that recognized Russia as aggressor, and" DNR "and" LC "terrorist organizations. For this decision voted 271 MP of 298 registered in the session hall. According to the statement, the Verkhovna Rada of the Russian Federation recognizes the aggressor State. In statement refers to the need to increase pressure on the Russian Federation, including through the introduction of new sectoral restrictive measures, sanctions, to stop the Russian aggression and force the Russian government to implement in full all the items Minsk arrangements.
Already there is a reaction Naryshkin.
Smart people never delirium did not pay attention. Unfortunately, what is happening in Ukraine is beyond the scope of law, beyond the boundaries of reasonable. Recent decisions - in this category.
It is quite clear why this is done, the US continues to institutionalize conflict hands of their puppets. The circle has closed peculiar - spring Kremlin actually recognize what occurred in Ukraine coup and took part in legitimizing Poroshenko and the ruling junta. After a few months, these people recognized the Russian aggressor country. With the submission of their owners, of course. Of course, all Russian arguments that it did not suit her coup led Ukraine to blood mush and Russia brought to power the fascist junta, the West will not be heard. Washington received a very convenient tool anti-Russian and will use it to its fullest, until recently, Ukrainian.
From a practical point of view it does not have a major impact on the military-political situation (which in terms of the global consequences of weakly dependent on the decisions of the Kiev puppets), but rather a consequential worsening conflict when trying to cram toothpaste back in the tube, lead to very dire consequences. "

27.01.15. Summary of Paul Dremova.

"There is an active attack in the area Novotoshkovki and Crimea, is a blow to the accumulation of technology at APU Debaltseve enemy counterattack 31 minutes checkpoint. APU attempted to seize settlement Sanzharovka. In the course of persistent conduct defense forces units separate motorized infantry Cossack regiment all attacks were repulsed APU . The enemy lost 5 tanks, BMP 2, casualties specified.

Artillery fire LC applied artillery strikes on opening platoon enemy strongholds. On the commanding heights near the village of Debaltseve, cause fire damage on a retractable reserves accumulations of weapons, military equipment and manpower of the enemy in the area n. n. Mironovsky, Debaltseve, Popasnaya, Novotoshkovka, Golden.

Losses among the personnel of Cossack regiment consisted of 10 people wounded and one killed.

There is an active attack in the area Novotoshkovki, Crimean by Bahmutki. The enemy is stepping up efforts to Lisicansk - May Day, Lisicansk-Frunze, trying to master the checkpoint № 31. The enemy does not leave attempts to recapture a checkpoint number 31.

On the part of Mr. n. Trёhizbenka applied constant artillery strikes, and aggravation of the situation in the region n. n. The Crimean height 175.9, where is fighting the 3rd Battalion of the 2nd Brigade LC.

According to the autopsy Popasnaya targets for January 27 was conducted artillery fire forces jet battery Cossack regiment, enemy losses specified.

Through the village Stakhanovets today was struck artillery strike on opening places clusters of enemy personnel in the district where they live.

In the Golden was struck a blow to the enemy concentration, the goal is suppressed, the result is refined, the enemy suffered losses, on top put forward the column stopped, our intelligence had revealed the location of the column, was given command of artillery to open fire, and, accordingly, was hitting the target.

Trinity is under the control of the National Guard.

An autopsy was conducted fire on enemy strongholds on the southern and the northern edge of the Trinity, and the fire damage was applied by the artillery units of the 2nd Brigade to slide out of the district. n. Popasnaya in n. n. Trinity enemy reserves, enemy losses are specified. "