According to Brad Cabana, a retired captain of the Canadian armed forces and the political scientist, Russia should invade Ukraine

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According to Brad Cabana, a retired captain of the Canadian armed forces and the political scientist, Russia should invade Ukraine

Сообщение DARPA » 10 фев 2015, 19:31

According to Brad Cabana, a retired captain of the Canadian armed forces and the political scientist, Russia should invade the Ukraine. According to the analyst, the type of military conflict in the Ukraine - "The Second World War, only without the use of air power." Fighting is attrition. A massive artillery bombardment, destruction of cities, mass civilian casualties, the lack of decisive battles and maneuvers. And all this madness was caused by abnormal Western policy.

Brad Cabana (Brad Cabana) - Captain retiree Canadian Armed Forces, a political scientist, author of the popular blog regarding when «Google». His new article he entitled «Why Russia should Invade Ukraine» - «Why should invade Russia to Ukraine."

From the very first lines, the author states, yes, a bit unusual for a Western journalist to promote Russia's military action in the Ukrainian Republic - Donetsk and Luhansk. Nevertheless, every reason for that.
First base - the nature of the war in the two republics. It started as a small internal rebellion. However, the Ukrainian army could not counteract Slavyansk this type of war. Ukrainian armed forces began to use large-caliber weapons. Appeared in the sky combat aircraft and helicopters. The success was variable: Ukrainian army pushed "separatist forces" almost to the border with Russia, but then Kiev troops were defeated and retreated to about the line on which stand today.

The second reason for intervention - war is attrition.

In fact, in Ukraine comes "The Second World War without the participation of the Air Force." Massive artillery fire replaces air bombardment. Mass destruction and civilian casualties. Protracted bloody battles, accompanied by "meaningless counterattacks." The decisive battle maneuvers or not.

This kind of military "defense" away from each other, which grinds and people and machines. Such a protracted standoff has no end-edge. Finish it may or domestic political revolt or foreign intervention.

It was foreign interference author considers "necessary".

According to him, external military intervention in the conflict divorce hand, burning hatred for each other. Pure hatred can not be "cured" only the use of lethal force.

Given that conflict is on the border with Russia, it is logical to Russian intervention, writes retired captain.

How to do it?

One possible approach - to declare self-proclaimed republic in Donetsk and Luhansk "free zones hostilities."

The implementation of such a plan must be accompanied by significant deployment of Russia ("convincing") military forces at the border.

At the second stage of the operation is to get Russian air superiority. Russian Air Force must control the rebellious region, suppressing any point of artillery on both sides have violated the procedure in an area free from fighting.

The third step - the nomination of Russian land forces in both republics.

Ukrainian unit will have to leave the territory of the two republics. If they refuse to do so, Russian will have to "do" them and eventually to "neutralize".

As for the "separatist forces" that they and their equipment will have to concentrate at certain points of the dislocation in the republics. If they refuse to submit to the Russian army, they are waiting for the same fate as that of resisting Ukrainian part.

After the general order in the territories will be restored, the international community should hold a referendum in the two republics. Local residents will decide whether they want to remain part of Ukraine, create their own state, or leave a part of Russia. Possible "combination", says the author.

The plan - not peace, but a real "peacekeeping" indicates analyst. And no country for appeasement of Ukraine more than Russia. In restoring order in Donetsk and Lugansk also interested most of all Russia.

Finally, Russia as a member of the international community bears responsibility for certain events. That Russia should put an end to the war crimes of both warring parties (the author believes that the majority of war crimes on the conscience of the Ukrainian army).

What to someone's permission, then Russia does not need anybody to ask him. While there is talk about this resolution (and no one will give it to Russia), bloody conflict will carry tens of thousands of lives.

This is the only "real policy for the real situation» (real policy for a real situation). The West should step back and generally "do their own thing." The current situation - it is the result of Western intervention in the affairs of Ukraine. West is to blame "from the very beginning." The overthrow of the previous president of Ukraine did not happen by itself and not from the popular indignation. Someone set fire fitilёk ...

So, rather than intervene Russia, the less this insane war die civilians and especially children.

In comments to the article expresses a number of comments.

One reader believes that the idea of the author of "sound reasonable and humane," but if Russia will not permit the UN, the US and NATO Russian answer. World War II begins right in the Ukraine.

West and only does that "foaming at the mouth," trumpets the twentieth Russian invasion in Ukraine! The last time there invaded "9000 Russian soldiers dressed in cloaks of invisibility!"

PACE and the US clearly declared Russia the aggressor; Russia remains only to admit a country that supports terrorism.

The current agenda of the West - to destabilize Russia. And the West will do so at any cost, "until the last Ukrainian."

Some commentators have recognized that their blogs they write about the need for intervention in the Russian Ukrainian situation.

One reader said that is what writes Cabana, "makes sense, but this will never happen." After all, Russia had the opportunity to send troops to Ukraine as early as March or April 2014, to "protect Russian and Russian-speaking people - from Kharkov to Odessa." But did Russia do this? No. "Instead, Russia is helping Ukrainian Nazi regime, giving him free coal, gas, treating his wounded soldiers ... Is it so difficult to understand that the Kremlin regime is simply playing the role that he was assigned to the Western masters?" - Someone writes Nick Mick.

He meets Michael Wojciechowski: "The Kremlin does not help Kiev regime. The Kremlin keeps the Ukrainian people. This is a very unusual war. Ukraine - our sister seriously ill sister. She went crazy. If we sent troops in March, the sister decided to that we demons, conspired to kill her. And now she is beginning to understand that demons - in Kiev, that they - the Nazi government. We will come at the right time ... "
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Зарегистрирован: 26 июн 2014, 11:58


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