Why Obama called Putin

Модератор: zlata

Why Obama called Putin

Сообщение DARPA » 11 фев 2015, 20:42

Last night, Barack Obama called Vladimir Putin. The official version of the Kremlin - to emphasize the importance of a political rather than a military solution Ukrainian domestic problems. The White House issued its interpretation: to warn the Russian president from further escalation of tension in Ukraine.

Well, it is necessary to say something zamerevshemu in anticipation of the world.
It is clear that both the press service had to interpret the conversation between the two leaders as they are expected. President of the United States must stand head of the country from which everything depends. Russian President should look like the head of state, which depends not all, but many.

It is quite possible that in Minsk today nothing will happen, as it did last month in Astana. Leaders' Norman Four "just will not come, because preparation of a document is not yet completed. So there are grounds to believe.

"Tyrolean" Putin's plan

Editions ZN managed to get a secret plan Putin to resolve the situation in the Donbass, which he allegedly still in late January gave Angela Merkel and Francois Hollande. "The package of measures to implement the Protocol of the Minsk 05.09.2014, at the settlement of the conflict in the South-East of Ukraine" contains four sections:

1. Urgent measures.
2. Expansion of the Minsk format and demilitarization.
3. Municipal elections.
4. Constitutional reform.

Ukraine, he went after persistent requests by proxy, the Russian president, Viktor Medvedchuk. Several provisions of the instrument caused such a violent reaction that Poroshenko hastened to publicly declare that his country will only be unitary, and the official language - only Ukrainian.

These provisions:

• Provide status of autonomy and LC DNR within the administrative boundaries of Lugansk and Donetsk regions;
• guarantee the security, integrity and irrevocability elected by special municipal election officials and authorities (especially Alexander and Igor Zakharchenko carpentry, of course);
• guarantee that the Ukrainian Law "On special status" in full (in which, for example, do not specify the date of the local elections and the territory in which it applies);
• guarantee of constitutional reform in Ukraine, which provides decentralization and federalization, as well as the creation of Donetsk and Lugansk autonomous regions (or country).

Constitutional changes in respect of Donbass Russian president sees as follows:

• the creation of autonomous republics;
• giving them the status of a free economic zone;
• adoption of constitutions Donetsk and Lugansk autonomous republics;
• the conduct of elections in accordance with the Donetsk and Lugansk Constitution;
• agreement on the delimitation of powers between Ukraine and the Autonomous Republic.

Almost all of these provisions allegedly taken from the Act on Special Statute of the Autonomous Region of Trentino - Alto Adige / South Tyrol. This area is in the north of Italy with the German-speaking population living in a compact few decades has been the subject of a dispute between Italy and Austria, and only in 1992 was able to find a compromise.

Today Rome Tyrolese guarantee the safety of their cultural and linguistic differences. Was also formed regional parliament, which has not only legislative power at the regional level, but also elects the president, two vice presidents and ministers of autonomy.

It is always useful to have on hand a precedent, is not it?

Inclusion in Washington

Many experts have long noted that Washington studiously pretend that does not apply to Ukrainian crisis irrelevant, and only worries about democracy. And so painful that Kiev is ready to give a lethal weapon. But it refuses to participate in the negotiations.

In my opinion, the last call of US President President of the Russian Federation was initiated by the Russian side during his visit to Moscow last week, Angela Merkel and Francois Hollande. Vladimir Putin heard assurances that their position is consistent with the White House to hear the evidence of the authority of the Europeans Barack Obama personally. Quite reasonable.

Yesterday, however, the Russian president was filed another signal. Namely, that the country's "Big Seven" in cooperation with the IMF began talks on granting Ukraine is not $ 17 billion, as much as forty. Remarkably, a message about this important event came just hours before the call to Moscow from Washington - it looks as if the White House had to visibly demonstrate to the Kremlin that his intention to change the world war is quite serious.

Logically, an impressive part of this amount will go towards rebuilding war-torn Donbass, since he, according to the West, is a part of Ukraine. And I do not rule out that Angela Merkel gave Barack Obama is quite natural requirement of Vladimir Putin. If Donetsk and Lugansk receive from Kiev several billion dollars, a humanitarian catastrophe will be able to survive.

And at whose expense should build more houses, roads and bridges, hospitals and schools, as well as the industry - for the Russian? No, it's all blown up by shells and bombs Ukraine. So, she and pay.

How small denominations will be provided loan and what conditions will be burdened, time will tell. However, this carrot may well distract the Ukrainian authorities to the problems in the south-east and turn our attention to the economy. Anyway, in this case, the default may be postponed for several months.

Yesterday's meeting in Minsk envoy of Ukraine Leonid Kuchma, the OSCE Representative Heidi Tagliavini, a representative of the DNI Dennis Pushilin and LC Vladislav Dane ended after midnight. Moreover, the first two talk to the press did not want to, and the latter were terse: Ukraine and the OSCE have received offers "both military and political," and went to consult.

Nothing speaks for the fact that the heads of state "Norman Quartet" will arrive today in Minsk. "Tyrolean" plan is unlikely to fully accept Washington - in which case he would have to admit complete defeat in Ukraine and finally lose its status as the world's hegemon. The question is, what concessions had to go to Moscow to help the US to save face.
Сообщений: 1520
Зарегистрирован: 26 июн 2014, 11:58


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