et Putin explained to the people: Why stick a pin in a neighbor?

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et Putin explained to the people: Why stick a pin in a neighbor?

Сообщение DARPA » 15 фев 2015, 16:38

If he is an enemy - kill or contact. If he is not a friend, not an enemy, and so, do not bear him any business.
The best way to rally Ukrainians against Russia and turn them into cannon fodder for the war and punitive West against Russia is doing what he was doing until now Putin: to give them a little, and safe for the Kiev regime, but the evil voynushku on the edge of the suburbs. And tighten it for years, and it is better to generation.
I believe small arms, when he says that the spring could be taken without a fight by Novorossia Crimean scenario. Population to support "polite" and ukroarmiya would not resist.
Now you can do the same, but much more blood and the resistance of the population.
And what will happen tomorrow?
What scared Putin?
Sanctions? So the sanctions were, are and will only grow to a full surrender or victory Putin and Russia. Regardless of his behavior. According to Iranian or North Korean scenario. Nothing that those countries live - not tuzhatsya. And God forbid we develop.
The notorious "If only there was no war"?
And at least somebody someday prevent wars and intrigues usupkami if it ripe for economic and geopolitical reasons?
And if the war front, it is better to start with a buffer zone to the Dnieper, and an additional 20 million people.
Putin likes to play uvozhaemogo leader in the international arena and ride on simoziumam?
Yes, our negotiators on there just do not spit in the face. But not much left before ...
Actually, all of the above questions are rhetorical.
The reason for the collective behavior of Putin is that he is afraid of his inner circle, and does not trust its people, rejecting the very idea to rely on the people. Because he sees that the unavoidable class contradictions between the people and their inner circle. And while trying to please both, but in terms of declared war on the destruction of Russia have to choose. And collective Putin did not dare to make a choice. Which explains the condition of the Russian political elite mezheumochnoe.
A ruling in the Russian Union of a large bureaucracy and oligarchs stalling with the definition of Russian geopolitical course, waiting for the card will fall. Reluctance to break with them idolized them West. And while there is a possibility the cracks tyrit the stolen capitals.
But if the current state of the Russian geopolitics mezheumochnoe last long enough, then the opposition get their beneficiaries and become a self-sustaining process on both sides.
Ie, for Russia it will be a struggle of attrition. If Russia accepts the rules that were still imposed by a collective Putin, then defeat her in the long run is inevitable due to the difference of potentials of the opposing strontium. (By which I mean not Russia and Ukraine).
The question instead of an epilogue: I am wondering what would have ended the Second World War, if Hitler had destroyed the English army under Dyunkerkom, and would not release it to the island in advance for further cooperation with Britianiey?
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Зарегистрирован: 26 июн 2014, 11:58


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