It is finished: oil prices fell, and partners were waiting, when the Russian economy is predicted embed oak

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It is finished: oil prices fell, and partners were waiting, when the Russian economy is predicted embed oak

Сообщение DARPA » 15 фев 2015, 16:44

Desires, they are material ... Our sworn partners, coupled with domestic Carbonari, so long asserted, the imminent destruction of Mordor economy when oil prices will fall, that this could not happen ... It is finished: oil prices fell, and partners were waiting, when the Russian economy is predicted embed oak. Froze, afraid to breathe ... Otomrite, assholes, rumors of the demise of the economy, to dissolve the black man, greatly exaggerated, while oak punched just another great friend of ours, the King of the Emirates, which many analysts claimed, and arranged to laugh ... the current Liberal public mourning and sprinkles ashes ... convinced Huntik Saud, until the end and did not believe in a terrible tragedy, and went into Arabia, in order to personally make sure that Abdullah actually went to meet with the creator ... beastly hope for a miracle did not come true: and the king usop, and at the funeral do not pour, because they themselves do not drink, parasites, and other do not approve ... should not only money laminated! other rag-tag, which has money for tickets to Riyadh was not enough, exaggerated jauntily, undertook to reassure each other that fundamentally nothing changes, new king will not be worse than the old, and the policy will continue, and old friends will not forget ... the Chinese, meanwhile, decided to count the number of pretenders to the throne, in the fairy kingdom. Counted three times, each time getting different results, but always turned out not less than five thousand pryntsev: good and different, small and not very ... The late time no one has explained that the uncontrolled sexual relations, not only lead to sexually transmitted diseases, but also the emergence of a whole heap naslednikov- unwanted competitors in the race for the prize in a situation tron.Yumora added bearded pilgrims from LIH to politely knocking on the doors of the kingdom with rifle butts, and are interested in for the safety of shrines ... The Chinese comrades, took into account all of the above, and decided to further cooperate with the explosive obrazovaniem- undesirable, but as human beings behaved, explained the international community its decision to reduce purchases of oil from the Saudis difficult weather conditions on the sea routes ... storms, hurricanes, tsunamis ... all sorts of dangerous, he says, was to carry oil across the sea ... implying the course not the weather conditions and bred marine reptiles class "Ohio" from taking fashion lately, jackals in the areas of appearance of Chinese nalivnikov, but this is said out loud was not .... "Oops" has turned out very impressive, especially considering that the replacement Arab oil Chinese comrades found in the ruins of "torn to shreds the Russian economy" ... at the same time, evergreen baksu- was ordered to bite your elbows, as its participation in the transaction does not provide ... Rabbit Senya, too, decided to diversify, he heard that word, when cleaning ... in the sense that the bank was working ... what Arseny began his career as a banker, we have learned from the ubiquitous Jura from Sumy, who would not be surprised to the fact that the rabbit takes the premiership, highly indignant, as in 1998 a serious organization, means undoubtedly the bank could take over the operation of such a clinical idiot as Yatsenyuk.I quite natural that, because of their mental abilities, the concept of diversification in Cenis is very different from the usual ... Learning from Miller that exactly Tseevropa three years, will be able to use the pipeline except as an air mail for fast sending migrant workers in the civilized bebenya because "Gazprom" it will nafig not needed, then the non-Senya rabbit to very upset ... he was furious, and blue eye, said Kuёvschina would refuse to non-kosher Mordor gas ...
Incidentally, the bullet to shoot, and Senya appealed to the Poles, with a proposal to build a pipeline that will deliver in Poland Kuёvschinu blue (in a good way) nishtyaki ... However, the question: "Where will take gas Poles?" Premus all do not bother, eto- their problems! And that's funny, he was right! Polyaki- they are a people ready to sell anything and anyone, and whenever: no difference, therefore, to learn that neighbors angling gas, immediately agreed to sell this gas ... The situation is anecdotal, psheki rushed to look for gas ukropy- money ... The most piquant that the defendant in default have decided that the European Union will build a pipe at his own expense (with a fright, I wonder?) ... the one who searches shall find, and if not required, it really trouble-exactly, but the Poles in our case, coarsely lucky.

The fact that even one small, but awfully proud, though, and the stress on the entire head off, Lithuania has also decided to reduce the volatility of Mordor, and to this end has acquired a terminal for the storage of liquefied natural gas from Norway ... First Lithuanians wanted shalt build the terminal, but learning the price issue, change your mind, thinking, "Well, fuck it, let him better damn Miller our evrami choke." However, cunning Norgay, who had planned to buy the Lithuanians and the most liquid gas, sensing that the client may fall, decided not to let the situation and suggested naive Lytham output say, why the heck you build the terminal when it easily can be rented, for he floating ... floating in the sense of ...
Scratching turnips, LTL agreed to sign a lease for ten years, then for ANY KIND miserable half ... whatever hateful Mordor is more expensive ... Yes, that's "Independence", was the name of a brand new, brand-new buoyancy floating tanker terminal ... What it is unclean, tenants began to realize, when they saw the miracle of technology is painted in the colors of the Russian flag hated ... However, to find out: "What's the catch?" it did not take much time, it became clear that brazen Norgay, beneficial to attach rent their trough, agree to fill it with gas only twenty percent, and the rest, by default, the client should look at the market itself ...

Sunuvshis market, LTL found that the American owners are not willing to sell his trademark "osobyy- slate" and all sorts of Katary- Australia, for his life beating a horse's price, it's worth once they complete the "Independence" and the only break even now in Lithuania Vilnius would be a crematorium to be busier months in advance, because the population of gas prices is simply not vyderzhit- peredohnet ... And what for, I ask, in such hands, do we need this terminal for which still have to pay rent? Kinutnye lites were ready to become despondent when suddenly were drew pokupateli- Poles ...
Dazed with happiness Lithuanians suddenly realized that, it turns out they do not last fuckers, because behind them occupied! The problem was only where to take the necessary volumes of gas ... As you intrigue? Dalshe- funnier: "Gazprom" announced that he was ready to put any amount of LNG, but only three years later (same nado- what a coincidence!) When the gas liquefaction plant in Ust-Luga will work ... The Poles have time to just pipe in Kuёvschinu throw ... But the most offensive, that sneaky "Gazprom" expressed no surprise at the fact that limited to users vehemently denies the totalitarian pipeline gas, but gladly take expensive liquefied: the customer is always right there Che ...
Poper business from dudes! Chut wait a little left to admire how this will work "communal condominium on trust" when ukopy, predictably declare that they have no money ...
Continue to deliver fabulous luzery- Bulgarian Bratushka ... That's who would not say such a deal with Gazprom prosohatit- eto- Well how outstanding lohom to be! Here a little luck, there's a special talent you want to ... And now, instead of the smooth, Bulgarians again climb to where already times sopatke earned continue construction of the deceased "South Stream" and announces its intention to build a gas hub ... Lithuanians, with its terminal nervously smoking! All anything, but methinks that Bulgaria will be easier to fill the Black Sea than us permission to lay pipe in the territorial waters get. However, over the seafarer is to ukram: they dug, and let them dig in!
To someone like me and the situation on the European gas market is strongly reminiscent of the nineties: the players on the market- dohrena, all of something to buy and sell, throw each other, fight, and complain about the "roof", but dig a little deeper, so neither money nor who does not have, nor goods ... Some bare Ponte ...
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