Take, banderovets, a report on the work done!

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Take, banderovets, a report on the work done!

Сообщение DARPA » 19 фев 2015, 04:57

Went to the tenth month from the day when I published my review "Well hello, banderovets!" And I want to start with the good news

Hear banderovets! I have good news for you! You do so needed now is good news, right? So they have me. In his article, I wrote that for those who live in the West, you - Russian. I was wrong, banderovets! Too bad I thought about Europeans. They do not think you're Russian, rejoice!
Well, actually, it's all good news. And the rest, banderovets, be honest, do you - ass! Not ... wrong ... Right is like this - ASS! And I do not now about the fact that you managed just one (1) year prosrat entire industry, agriculture, markets and economy in general.
I know that you have a year ago was deep shit on all of these jobs, productivity, profits and other "katsapskie troubles." Because even then you do not even work planned, and all the joy of the content yourself, a loved one, even on Independence mentally instructed his new sponsor - Europe and America. And your fervent cry "Tseeuropa!" You in person once you understand how "Tse freebie!"
So, banderovets Europe you hear and understand. It was very difficult banderovets. For almost a year we are not indifferent to you the citizens of Europe, worked around the clock, telling naive burghers and Esquire about your tseevropeyskoy suchnosti. How much was your translation Bandera statements made, how many explanatory notes written, how many words have been said during private meetings and public workshops - I remember by heart the story of Volyn and can teach ...
But as a result, banderovets, we, your passionate popularizers of the EU, something happened! Last week, the British public broadcaster BBC broadcast the story called "The Hidden History of the massacre on the Square" («The untold story of the Maidan massacre») The program included an interview with one of the snipers, firing a year ago on the bad memory area Ukrainian capital, which is rapidly losing image center "peaceful demonstrations of the democratic forces and casts doubt on the previous romantic and" veil "over this same" dignity revolution ", in fact it turned conventional armed seizure of power. (Http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-31435719)
A little earlier, in January, another well-known British journalist and presenter Ross Kemp, winner of many prestigious awards in the industry, made a film about the Ukrainian events eloquently titled "Ukraine is above all." Well that is very suggestive analogy with the notorious "Deutschland uber alles!" Where the author shows the tape "Ordinary Fascism" in "Square" - and rabid anti-Semitism, and outright hatred for Western-style democracy. (Http://russian.rt.com/article/71559)
So, banderovets, such publications have recently become the European press is not "a voice crying in the wilderness." February 8 authoritative German newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung published a shocking data about the true losses of Ukraine in the ongoing conflict for almost a year. Citing sources in the German intelligence, journalists cited a figure of 50,000 dead and wounded. It is noteworthy that just before the main Banderovets Ukraine Poroshenko at an international conference in Munich, honestly looking into the eyes of the audience, shamelessly continued to lie about "1,200 killed and wounded thousands 4,5", that is understating the true size of the victims is about 10 times. (http://www.faz.net/aktuell/politik/ausl ... 16132.html)
Echoed by colleagues and popular weekly Spiegel, which, again, referring to the recent report of the BND (German "cloak and dagger") reports that "the Ukrainian army will soon fall apart - and the supply of weapons there will not change anything." For change implications for Europe itself, turning the "Battlefield - Ukraine" in a nightmarish reality and dangerous for Europeans. (Http://www.spiegel.de/thema/ukraine_konflikt/)
It is noteworthy that a similar position has already begins to take and press the Eastern European countries, which in its status, as opposed to the "old (and rich) Europe", "hold office" US satellites. In the Polish "Obserwator Polityczny" («Political columnist") last year published an article in which the authors, not expressing much sympathy to the Donbass and Russia, however, very critical reminded of fellow citizens, "Bandera past," Kiev "democratic regime ".
"Taking a purely theoretical argument Ukrainian full-fledged, while agreeing that the rebels from Lugansk and Donetsk - are terrorists, we must ask what then were guided by Ukrainian terminology, the rebels of the UPA?" - Asks "Obserwator Polityczny".
Czech policy in this respect is even more radical. Not only the current president Milos Zeman, known for his radical views on Ukrainian nationalism - but also former head of state, who was also as prime minister, "father" of the Czech reforms, Vaclav Klaus.
In an interview with the Austrian edition of Die Presse, he uttered so much - that if he were a citizen of Ukraine, he would have probably attracted to "treason". (http://diepresse.com/home/politik/ausse ... ur-Ukraine)
"It is clear that the Crimea was never a part of Ukraine. He has always belonged to Russia. And I do not see any tragedy. But the main cause of the incident, according to my point of view, was the internal crisis in Ukraine itself. Without Maidan there would be no annexation of the Crimea "
But his words almost verbatim repetition of which has already become "open secret" thesis on Ukraine as a "failed state."
"Compared with other countries in Central and Eastern Europe Ukraine - is a failure. That this is the reason for the current conflict. Ukraine - is broken, an artificially created country, not ancestral territories with an ethnically homogeneous population "
Due to unceasing study work with your original behavior, banderovets practice of ignoring many Ukrainian provocation has already become quite noticeable. A striking example of this - bad "promotion" President Petruchio action "I - Volnovaha" trodden on with mine Ukrainian same bus.
Line on skepticism about the "cowardly terrorists", shooting in their own homes with women and children with the support of "Russian Army", perfectly illustrated by the publication of Sean Walker and Oksana Gritsenko respectable British The Guardian. (Http://www.inopressa.ru/ article / 22jan2015 / guardian / rus_ukr1.html)
No, Western Europeans thus do not become more like "Muscovites". They looked and continue to look at Russia exclusively as a food that stsuko wildly annoying because as kicking, even bound hand and foot with his own, thoroughly westernized elite.
But they have a different look at you, banderovets. As a result, instead of a visa-free regime with the EU you get such a big visa evrokukish by which you are unavailable even legal cleaning evrotualetov I promised you 10 months ago.
And instead of cheap eurocredits you for those 10 months were given the opportunity to exclusively cheap to die, because you live, banderovets not even need your own Bandera State. And certainly you do not really need Europe.
Over the past six months to me had visitors from almost all over the continent, and everyone wanted something to sell to your reptiles neighbors. But no one can hear banderovets, none was who would like to deal with you. Because everyone can see photos of killed you, banderovets, children. And rightly think, "Oh it tries ..." because I remember the process of denazification in the late 40's, when a hot hand got not only the Nazis but also those who had with them their own little gesheft.
So you have merged, banderovets ... And you and your Fuhrer. You just send in the pedestrian erotic walk, and they still rob their own sponsors, with a cry: "Oh, you bastard Kaka turns out!"
But I would not want to end on a sad, because even if you ate, you still have two choices. And one of them you know exactly ... Yeah, yeah, right - a suitcase-Station-Russia. And then, if available certificate from the recruiting office, where it says that you send to the cheaper "klyatyh Muscovites" than make you voena Gedeh.
By the way, banderovets before you go into enemy territory, you do it .. poprivetlivee face and keep a smile, including when the past you will bear a portrait of Putin or go gloomy guys in camouflage with chevrons DNR. And then I immediately tell how your countrymen at times ogrebayut on evrolitsu with the connivance moskalskih law enforcement.
Well, banderovets, sit down on the track? Russian custom ...
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Зарегистрирован: 26 июн 2014, 11:58


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