Black Label for Arkady Dvorkovich

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Black Label for Arkady Dvorkovich

Сообщение DARPA » 19 фев 2015, 19:38

Perhaps now the most miserable man in the Russian government - Arkady Dvorkovich. He received a second black mark on the president within one month. And what is most unpleasant, once again under the camera. Flogging may well be for the Deputy Prime Minister's resignation harbinger.

Clever man understands everything perfectly. And there had to be repeated twice. So very stupid Arkady Dvorkovich may already concerned about their own employment. Photo: RIA Novosti.

Everyone remembers what a beating recently gave the Cabinet of Ministers Vladimir Putin, when solved the problem with a canceled train. The situation is, of course, the country - who needs a social explosion during the crisis? I have the feeling that the president found the one who needs it, and decided to get rid of the culprit.

Only this can explain yesterday spacing. "Disappointing, conducted an analysis of the whole situation, that's all. You must understand this, to feel it, "- quietly snapped Vladimir Putin.

But I heard the whole country.

For me as Arkady Dvorkovich not feel not how high tariffs in Mordovia or Transbaikalia, and in general, how to work during the crisis. When, on the one hand, the budget is filled with bad Potbelly, and spent well. And on the other - must somehow get out and avoid public discontent.

It is fair to say that this malaise today hurt almost all of our Liberal government. Magic market certainly helps, almost Darwinian, survival strongest. But the laws of evolution do not work when it comes to people. They do not want to die quietly, giving way under the sun stronger individuals - they are going to protest and express their outrage. In some places, sit on the rails. Sometimes stand in pickets.

That is, the liberal economy may well act in the jungle, but fails in the forests of central Russia and in the Siberian taiga.

Therefore, the second question which was asked the president - on import substitution, "In modern conditions it is so important to purchase rolling stock abroad, without providing a full order for its own business?" It was a contract for the purchase of 140 cars in Spain, which was concluded Railways back in 2011.

All kind of Vladimir Putin spoke for the fact that he himself knows the answer to this question. A view of the Deputy Prime Minister - for what does not.

Vladimir Putin's concern is understandable. In early February, the largest in Russia and the CIS Tver Carriage Works stopped work for a month because of the difficult economic situation. That is, the railway problems lately due to the fault of the government increased social tensions throughout the country, and in Tver because people just left without a salary.

But the one who understands what it is, guess who actually had in mind Vladimir Putin, when so emotionally zhuril Arkady Dvorkovich. Of course, his boss.

The fact that a deal with the Spaniards personally supervised and attended the ceremonial signing of the contract or anyone other than the current prime minister and then president Dmitry Medvedev. And it turns out that the second black mark in the past month was not Arkady Dvorkovich, and terrible to say, the chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers. Just president until his mercy.

Nevertheless, it is obvious that Medvedev's reforms and changes gradually in the past. Reset with the US canceled (although Dmitry Medvedev, I would blame did not, but it just so happened). Mention the "Skolkovo" with modernization was in bad taste. Winter time is also completely transferred to the summer. Now and Spanish railcar removed from the trough. At this rate, we have, you see, and the police back to the police renamed. Although it would have been too much.

Yet to introduce an element of objectivity in this abusive post, I recall that in 2011, when a deal with the Spanish, the dollar was worth 30 with little rubles, and oil - with a little hundred dollars. And in these difficult economic conditions to think about import substitution or downloading of domestic enterprises orders, of course, was problematic.

But now - it's time.
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Зарегистрирован: 26 июн 2014, 11:58


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