Grow your own food - it's like printing money itself

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Grow your own food - it's like printing money itself

Сообщение DARPA » 24 фев 2015, 18:04

Take a look at the picture below and try to guess what kind of place in the photo. It is unlikely that anyone will succeed, if had not seen this photo. Below I will explain what it is and how to contact header.

For the second year, I tirelessly trying to convey to all: there will be a large and long crisis, we must learn to survive, no inventory is not enough, we must have the land and feed themselves from it, for no pay for products is not enough. Initially, few people believed in it, now, however, believe in a crisis - and it's hard not to believe when he was in front of your eyes, but most still believe that this is a short time, a year or two calm down. Well, somewhere in the third or fourth year of the crisis, they will guess that it is more serious than they previously thought. And the rush to look for a piece of land somewhere near. Yeah, two months ago, they also rushed to buy dollars at 78 rubles, now bite your elbows. On the ground around megacities will happen the same thing - will buy at exorbitant prices and curse myself for not having done it before.

This photo is specifically for uporotyh optimists: see what is happening today in other countries, but tomorrow it could happen here. This turn of the products in Caracas (Venezuela). Literally kilometer. Despite the fact that the authorities have banned the night in line, but in general they be allowed to every citizen only 2 times a week - on other days it just does not sell.

Well, this is, and so it seems harmless. But nearby, in the Ukraine, people earnestly enlighten how to survive in conditions of total starvation. For example Tatiana Montyan - Ukrainian lawyer, lawyer, journalist, social activist, blogger - teaches the latest money buy honey, jam, just sugar. Fed from it will not, but you can live for several months. Anyone can see her video "Ukraine with nothing."

But Ukraine is very close, and the crisis and disasters that occur there, we still have to go through - I hope only that the war we will not. We are behind them just for 2-3 years in terms of economic ruin, so that is still to come.

The inevitable fall of the global crisis will spur our economy, the decline in living standards, rising unemployment. People will save on everything, including food, but still want to eat every day. And here is a further development of the situation in two possible scenarios.

The first - the one you see in the photo. If you come to power popullisty Socialists, they will keep the low prices of products, and as a result they will just sweep the shelves. As it was under Brezhnev. And now - in an exaggerated way - in Venezuela.

Second - what is happening now in Ukraine. If the Liberals will remain in power for which the invisible hand of the market and private property rights - above all else. Shelves will literally burst with goods, but people just do not have the money to them.

Something similar happened in Khrushchev's time, when wages were still relatively low. The shops were all, and no queues. People looking at this abundance, but mostly bought bread, milk and margarine. The poorest - kombinzhir (was this - a mixture of animal fats for frying). Butter worth 3.20-3.50 and not everyone could afford. That it did not vanish, it was added to the sour cream - all cream then was 30% fat. Bored salesgirl had nothing to do lined up on shelves and showcases the great pyramids of canned food: canned meat, condensed milk, cream, saury and other delicacies.

Then Brezhnev to his people stronger loved became to raise salaries at a rate exceeding the growth of production of consumer goods. The shelves were empty, sour cream "dropped" by 15% (people strongly resented), the pyramids were built of useless seaweed. Hunger certainly was not, but to fill the fridge had to spend many hours in queues. Particularly passionate battle raged for sausage.

And people beckoned from behind a hill abundance of this most sausages, as the donkey a carrot. And people are seduced, and sank his teeth into the sausage, and closed his eyes to the looting of the country, on the bandit grabbing, accompanied by the sweet talk of capitalist happiness. And now this same sausage he again selected, capitalist happiness was short-lived. But then everything else in the school explained: crises - an inevitability of capitalism.

Well, we have a few small inevitable past, used to. But now comes the ninth wave, he will sweep away everything. Hope for help from the state - is silly. The socialist state had an obligation to help the people, and to do so, albeit at the expense of the people not paid in full hard worker, but support the needy. Especially rich was not, as particularly poor. Egalitarianism.

And now we have a capitalist state, and we already know from past crises whom it helps bankers and oligarchs. Billions of dollars are spent to support banks and monopolies, and the people - a penny. Therefore, the rescue of drowning - the handiwork of drowning. Today, if you do not take care of personal food (and not only) security - for you, no one will not do this.

Stocks run out, the money will be burned up in the fire of inflation. And only the land each year will give the harvest to the owner. Grow crops - still that print money for the same amount, how much it costs. Sew a dress - it is also to print money on the cost of the dress in the store. Assign socks or a sweater - the same thing. Print money at home to reduce their dependence on external adversity. This is - the only way to survive in the coming years, and perhaps decades. The more you print the money - the less you will need to state. Your can print each. To get the state - must at least have a job, but it will not all. Social benefits (pensions, benefits) will be negligible.
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Зарегистрирован: 26 июн 2014, 11:58


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