But when are they navoyuyutsya?

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But when are they navoyuyutsya?

Сообщение DARPA » 24 фев 2015, 18:07

The first time it hit me in the summer, when I saw an interview with the brave ukrozoldaten, commits a brilliant maneuver codenamed "drape" (permission to be confused with the English "Drop" (drop) through the territory of Russia. To the question "How do you get to such a life? "nezalezhny military tearfully said it sad that he is already 2 months is not" do not pay a pittance, "so bosses shit, and it's all in a white ...

In August 2014 and now here in February 2015 is equally rich in ukrootkroveniya on the same topic. Ukroplennye, heal sores in hospitals in Donetsk and Luhansk, their mothers-wives, attacking military commissars and ukroadministratsii say exactly the same words and grieve only one thing: "Guns, horseradish, shells - substandard and grenades stsuko, not that system."

"But how can you fight here !? - literally torn from the arms of Donetsk nurses prisoner ukrovoyaka - every third shell defective!" And this pain is felt in his voice, and such sincere sadness read in his eyes! After all, if the shells were all good-quality, you may be able to spread to and Ebony this same hospital where he is now, "Colorado" tie up his precious personal belongings ...

"Yes, you know what's going on! - Take for breast General who worry about their husbands ukrozhёny - he was there to shoot nothing !!! ..." Now, if
Grosh gave so much to the belly of the
Yes shells were Nemer
What used shells were such, that one gulp - 100500 "Colorado" ...

That's when, and took complete and absolute ukroschaste. And trembling ukrozhen, and caring ukromaterey, and bravely kill civilians Donbass ukromuzhey.

None of the interviewee, you hear no one never was horrified looking at the results of its "anti-terrorist operation." None expressed a single regret and no condolences for the victims of his hands infants and the elderly. Not a single tear for all this time was shed ukrozhinkami about their contemporaries who are buried with the children ... Here they have it right. It's okay. All true ... One problem - "pennies and The Weapon" do not correspond ukrozhelaniyam ukropatriotov ...

Do not worry, help overseas, "The Weapon" of mass destruction will adjust, Donetsk doctors in hospitals nedorazrushennyh podlechat IMF pennies suffering from their absence ukrozhёnam ukrovoenov distribute, and it was then again forces will be on this most doctors and hospitals thereby ka-a -a-ak to hurt ... First in Donetsk, and then, if you're lucky - and Rostov-Sevastopol-Voronezh. Because grieving ukropatiotichnaya ukromat not the fact that their husbands schirye kill children Donbas, and the fact that they can not get to the children of Russia ...

And this is after them as many times dunked muzzle in their own shit ... But when did they navoyuyutsya?
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