On Friday, we can again on the frivolous. Such as the married

Модератор: zlata

On Friday, we can again on the frivolous. Such as the married

Сообщение DARPA » 24 фев 2015, 18:09

Here it is believed that it is difficult to get married. Such a complex process directly: find a guy, get his attention, to prove that you're better than another twenty contenders, upihat it to the registrar, and then another lifetime to hold on to these sacred pants stranglehold.

  Garbage. Get married easily. Keep especially also nobody should (horseradish pastures, generally in fact). You do not have to be to write a beauty, a woman of outstanding spiritual qualities, amazing hostess and gentle muse. It is not necessary to know one hundred and three ways to manipulate a man. Nothing special at all it does not have (well, except more or less normal self-esteem and understanding of what you want out of life in general).

  Once upon a time, two years ago or more, I wrote humorous posts about the "7 Steps to marriage" (and not finished, by the way, tired) - they are humorous, but they have some truth, confirmed by practice. We believe that a man - it's such a shy timid forest deer, which must be ohomutat, and he - the same person, and he, too, like heat, relationships and other normal human. Guys want to get married at least ours, and they want a family and children, and the nest and all. Not all, of course, but you will agree - if a person is not necessary, then the sense of jumping around with hopes? All the same, nothing will (though for some reason - the louder the man yells that he is better to eat before your passport registry office, the harder it from him with his matrimonial vain attempts to get rid of then - well, there's nothing to do, many men personality illogical and living emotions, they are not as Fortelle can be observed).

  There are, of course, the problem here is this overvalued "heroic step" - the conclusion with the woman formal marriage. I personally had to repeatedly hear the great male monologues that here he is married, children, thus contains, and even goes to the left, you know, quiet and does not say that much - and in fact might, could! Although it would seem - but nah you do need then, if from you any good, one loss and problems? Why else live with you in the same territory and give birth to children of joint if still no support, no respect, no, prostigopodi, presenting to the home salary? And, what would you do such a thing, not whether you have a family? Would have gone round the world trip? Plunged into the scientific activity or art? Would take up volunteering? No, you would have promiscuity, would deal with garbage and booze, from what I understand - a decent life for a free man. How much you have deprived! (At this point opponetov traditionally begins to wrinkle and buhtet that I understand correctly, because a woman, of course, can not realize the depth of man's suffering, ord).

  On good speaking, the average guy out there, in my head, under layers of stereotypes and their own fragile ego realizes that he, in fact, has nothing to offer this woman-sort. He hopes, of course, to rush on the national women's neurosis "urgent married, while give", and he is always ready to support the existing myth of scarcity guy, but we should let him know that you will not kiss his legs hurt for the mere fact of his presence near here, the immediately begin the magical metamorphosis. Marriage on the aerial? Ha, half of marriages are arranged by the aerial peasants, because the child associates the woman's hands and feet, which means that you can sigh with relief, now is not going anywhere. I know whereof I speak, so I tried twice to "catch on the belly", and, of these comrades and then had the sense to admit in their attempts. Type, "and you chyo all mnesh, mnesh, I thought you had already repaired the child you to stay" (yes, I understand now good guys complaining about women pierce condoms - it's really frustrating, but I still believe that contraception - is the cause of both participants in the process, not just women, as well as do not eliminate the responsibility of what happened a child). Apparently, at these words, I had to rasstayal and fall at the feet of the benefactor, but oh well, let's leave it on their conscience.

  Another problem is lack of understanding of the simple fact (I have this, like, even to mention somewhere) - what's the point of your good qualities, if you they did not show respect to the partner / partner? Here many men complain - de 75-80% of marriages break up in women's initiative. They do not appreciate the heroic lives of women cursed men in the family. Well, if you expect that marriage - it is such an all inclusive with sexual services, then there is nothing to be surprised that you were asked to pay the bill or move out. If you expect that the "family - a woman's business", "children - a woman's business", "economy - it is a woman's business", what displeased that you out of the family, children and the economy kicked? This is a normal process. From the good fathers and husbands do not go away, even if passed love wilted tomatoes - with such people remain neutral in the normal way. Ah, yes, "but what about love?" - Asks the stricken man. And love - well, about the love we had before recall before his wife filed for divorce.

  And, about the marriage still wanted to say (if after all this, someone else bears such an idea). My ideological opponents - the preachers of the principle of "20 Ways to bend to man, that he condescended" to forget (or intentionally withheld) of such features of the human psyche as "that we do not store." Valuable that got hard - and acts the same principle. Any of these here "I forgive you all stand, just to be with you, my dear." No "I'm forever yours, no matter what happens." Man must understand immediately that relationships depend including on his behavior, how much time and effort he spends on them, by his willingness to compromise, if anything. And of course, you have to live my life (I'm a bit of a dump evolyutsivschinu), and, more complete and richer, the better. Observed - is a woman to do interesting and useful, as there arises a man with a clear intention of it from the case to distract. What to do heathens, and do it at all - it's a different story altogether, but that's a fact - you sit yourself, not bothering anyone, and then on to you.
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Зарегистрирован: 26 июн 2014, 11:58


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