Everything that is not forbidden is allowed?

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Everything that is not forbidden is allowed?

Сообщение DARPA » 24 фев 2015, 18:12

You know, for me, was the biggest shock when I started to work in real estate? The degree to which our citizens live mud. And it does not depend on the income level. I've seen poor grandmothers apartment where everything was laundered squeaky and gloss - and cracked with age linoleum, and occasionally murky mirror, and worn oilcloth on the kitchen table, and old lace curtains were digested to a snowy whiteness. And ever seen a house very non-poor people with an amazing mess in which it was impossible to find any items.

How Come? How can you live? Is it so difficult to put things in place and although byi occasionally wash windows and floors? Answer I have not found it. And most surprisingly, in some cases, the owners did not even hesitate. No "I'm sorry, did not have time to clean up." Looks like they sincerely believed this way of life normal.

But there is probably wrong for someone to blame. My house - my fortress, and everyone lives as best he can. Another way of life does not impose, and it is fine. But here's what I absolutely can not agree with is the removal of such habits outside. Do you think such people will communicate to the butt bins? A bottle of beer? A wrapper on the candy? Right now. If we are in their own home does not irritate the dirt, then why would the streets they will behave differently?

Fortunately, the streets clean somehow support wipers. But it's disgusting nature becomes unbearable. Even before I moved out of town, I loved to go to Copper Lake - there is not far from St. Petersburg. Beauty unusual there. The century-old pine forest, water deep copper color - below the peat, which gives it a color. And then suddenly the lake became popular in the summer began to go there just the same crowd who want to relax. And one day, when I came back after a long break, I suddenly found that all the way along the coast jam packed with cars, there is no place in the forest to set foot on the people and at the same time ... under each pine, each hollow lie piles of debris. And the people is this garbage on their Blankets as if nothing had happened. Attached to nature, yeah.

The most amazing thing is that those same citizens in any conversation about foreign countries wistfully talking about how there purely disgusting and what we have. What to do? Shame and raise awareness? Will not help. I believe that there is no free will can not leave citizens.

As with beastliness fighting in other countries?

In Germany: for discarded cigarette butt, wrapping paper, bottle - 20 euros, cud - 35, outdated furniture - from 150 to 600 euros.
In Spain: for discarded cigarette butt - 90 euros.
France: no smoking on the beach, for any debris (cigarette butt, paper, bottles, chewing gum) - a fine of 189 euros. Dump in the woods - 1500 euros.
In Italy: in the feces of domestic animals - from 50 to 300 euros, cigarette butts - from 25 to 154 euros.
In Sweden, 90 euros for garbage thrown by an urn.
Singapore: For thrown garbage (even a small wrapper) - $ 500, chew gum at all prohibited.
In Ireland, if the offending cleanliness of public places caught in flagrante delicto, the district court shall be entitled to recover from him up to 3000 euro (in the best case, the sum of 150 euros). In case of relapse, he was forced to pay up to 600 euros for each day until he breaks the law. According to the Law on the Protection of Nature, a maximum fine of 130 000 euros and 10 000 euros per day for relapse.

Below under the cut - an article about how to solve the problem of garbage in Switzerland. Even in the 80 years of the twentieth century, the environmental situation in Switzerland was catastrophic - all rivers and lakes are polluted by nitrates and phosphates, the earth - heavy metals, and growing consumer society produces a huge amount of debris. Very soon people began to choke on their own garbage, industrial and agricultural pollution. On such a small area was not large areas to be able to reset the waste and forget about them.

It was then that the question arose to develop a new environmental policy, which began with the pedantry embody. It took two decades, but the results exceeded all expectations. Switzerland now - one of the cleanest countries in the world, with the development of public transport and clean mountain air. From any of the lake and, of course, from the tap can safely drink water.

What if you are fine for what you throw away your old computer in the trash? Or for something that is not stuck a sticker on your trash bag? All this can happen in Switzerland. Switzerland is considered the greenest country for many years, and this would have happened, if there are so seriously approached the issue of waste disposal.

Minimizing inconveniences is not the purpose of this society. There are no bad smelling containers installed on the edges of streets where throw rubbish. Residents bring it in for recycling centers, pre, classifying. Success requires economic incentives, therefore, there are penalties for non-compliance.

You must first select the garbage for recycling. Switzerland leads to the question of processing, whether glass, aluminum, PET bottles, paper, vegetable or garden waste, electrical and electronic goods, everything is sorted and dealt separately for recycling. System of sorting waste brought to the extreme and perfected over the years.

For processing individually, shall:

- Paper. 70% of the paper used in the country, is processed. Paper is processed separately from cardboard, cardboard recycling is more expensive.
- Cardboard. About 30% of the printed products produced in the country, returned to collection points for recycling.
- Batteries. The batteries in the trash? Not only in Switzerland, 60% of all batteries sold in the country shall be back.
- Glass. 95% recycled glass.
- PET bottles. 71% recycled PET bottles.
- Old electrical appliances;
- Cans. And, before giving the dealer must independently compressed using a special magnetic media. 70% recycled cans.
- Aluminum cans. Apart from the tin, 90% recycled cans.
- Fluorescent lamps;
- Animal carcasses. For this, too, need to pay to bury prohibited.
- Vegetable oil;
- Engine oil separate from the plant. Change the oil in your own car yourself is also prohibited, this should be done on the station for an additional fee.
- Compostable waste: food waste, plant waste and litter box filler, ash, sawdust, leaves from the lawn, branches and so on.
-neutral household materials such as stones, porcelain;
-prosrochennye medication.

Some items in the list can be taken outside the nearest supermarket or use a special ballot box, if necessary.


You can certainly do it again. Then have to pay tax for garbage. Sticker, confirming the payment of taxes, glued to each garbage bag. Each kilogram of garbage worth 2-4 franc (US $ 2,30-4,40), add the cost of expensive special garbage bag.

Here it is, the most expensive garbage bag in the world:


A garbage police, who really bears the title, believe it or not, will open every garbage bag without proper labels and look for any evidence out there, check or document that will lead to the owner. The penalty for such a presumptuous act will be 10,000 francs (about 11,006 US dollars). Now you understand why every Swiss hurry to pass the trash for recycling.
Level of wealth does not change the responsibility - everyone is equal before the law. Not uncommon to see a man coming out of the "Porsche" and carrying container at the right tank.

Since 2000, Switzerland introduced a law by which all non recyclable waste should be incinerated in special plants. This eliminates the need for landfill. The dealer buys garbage special packages, ie pays for the amount of waste that is produced. This garbage is burned at the local incinerator, where they receive power and heat for district heating. In Switzerland, such plants are built in each region. Plants burn an average of about 160 thousand. Tons of garbage a day, providing heat to 18 thousand. Man. For the purposes of environmental safety of these plants have been upgraded with special filters.

What is the cause of such a grand success? After all, not only in fines. I think the mentality. In the historical habit of identifying oneself, a resident of the city, with the state. State that every person is seven and a half million people who each day truly solve problems of national importance. (Source - facepla.net).

In general, I personally bloodlust. Those who do not want to be clean, you must not try to persuade and compel. Ruthlessly and without any discounts on poverty. The only way to leave our children the land on which they want to live.
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Зарегистрирован: 26 июн 2014, 11:58


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