German Foreign Minister gave his diplomats written recommendations to repel abstracts Kremlin propaganda

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German Foreign Minister gave his diplomats written recommendations to repel abstracts Kremlin propaganda

Сообщение DARPA » 24 фев 2015, 20:48

Germany's Foreign Ministry issued a special document to diplomats and politicians called "Russian approval - our answers."

An eight-page document German diplomats try to give answers to the most rashozhie propaganda theses of Moscow in connection with the Ukrainian crisis annexation of Crimea, NATO's eastward expansion. For example, in the Russian statement "Russian Crimea was always" made a brief history of the peninsula from ancient times to the present day - the Cimmerians, Greeks, Goths, Huns, Khazars, Tatars and Turks were masters of the Crimea at different times until the end of 18 century Russian did not come, and transfer it to Ukraine in 1954 was confirmed by international legal treaties of 1991 and 1994 Budapest Memorandum. 2014 referendum on accession to Russia, according to the authors of the document, violated the Constitution of Ukraine and could not be carried out without power support of Russian troops.

In this regard, the document calls politically wealthy Moscow statement that "The West adheres to double standards in the case of Kosovo's independence and the Crimean referendum." Statement of Kosovo's independence was preceded by a 10-year history of the efforts of many parties and persistent negotiations, rather than instant military operation outside.

Anti-Russian sanctions German diplomats suggest viewed not as an attempt to "put Russia economically to its knees" - the purpose of sanctions is to induce Moscow to the negotiating process to find a political solution to the Ukrainian crisis in accordance with international law.

Contested document and the idea that "after the collapse of the USSR the West systematically seeks to weaken Russia and to limit its role in world politics." In fact, in the interests of the EU and NATO to Russia as a strong partner contributes to European security. For this purpose, with Moscow was deployed in many areas of cooperation: created and successfully worked NATO-Russia Council, the Russian parliamentary delegation met in the Council of Europe, the leading European countries encourage Russia to become a full member of the G8, Used actively its accession to the WTO.

False documents say the authors of the statement that "in Kiev in power are fascists." However, they do not deny - in protest at the Independence participated radical groups, including right-wing, but they did not participate in the formation of a transitional government.

The thesis of the alleged "discrimination against ethnic Russian in Ukraine and their calls for help to Russia", believed in the German Foreign Ministry, is completely refuted by the OSCE observers, who found no evidence of infringement of the rights of Russian-speaking population. A controversial bill on the state language can not be used as evidence, since by never came.

Proposed by the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs arguments are, in fact, the first attempt at a systemic response to the Russian propaganda.

Concern about the aggressive rhetoric of Russian mass media arises in Europe increasingly - along with estimates that the local media tolerant inferior in efficiency pro-Kremlin mouthpiece channel Russia Today. At the level of the European Parliament even raised the issue of creating a single European TV channel, as a symmetrical response. However, it is due to bureaucratic problems, this topic was not continued.

A growing number of supporters and tougher tone in negotiations with the Kremlin, including further expansion of sanctions. The well-known expert on Eastern policy and publicist Andreas Umland in an article for the German newspaper Die Zeit believes that the debate about arms shipments Ukraine pushed into the background is an effective means of influencing the position of Russia, as the introduction of an oil embargo.

Based on the analysis of the Berlin Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, Umland says that now is the right time to block the Moscow oil spigot. "Without income from energy exports to the West - says German expert - Russian government will have to ensure social stability, and not to finance Transnistria, Abkhazia, South Ossetia, Donetsk and Lugansk."
Сообщений: 1520
Зарегистрирован: 26 июн 2014, 11:58


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