Pitfalls of emigration

Модератор: zlata

Pitfalls of emigration

Сообщение DARPA » 02 мар 2015, 01:31

If you like to spend a vacation in any country - it does not mean that you'll love to live there. Practicing psychologist and Gestalt therapist KSENIYA Alyaev tells of the difficulties faced by those who leave for permanent residence abroad.
Here lived his people lived, and here, for example, decided to move to another country. The reasons for this may be many, have each their own, so now we will pass this place and want to dwell on the "pitfalls", that is, those places that you will not see until the case goes to directly move.
I will describe their thoughts and experience in this subject, as well invite to share their experiences - with some unpleasant surprises met you when moved to another country.

1. I am convinced that a person decides to move to another country for what would improve their lives. For example, tends to experience greater comfort and safety. Each of these experiences appear completely different circumstances - someone important climate, somebody earnings, someone people around and / or density of the population, who wants to be in demand as an expert and professionally implemented much easier in another country, for example .
Usually on the basis of such understanding of their needs is selected countries (in addition to me, please, correct or if I'm missing something).

So, the main motive of the move - better quality of life, but very often the case that at first about any comfort out of the question.
Even if a person repeatedly came to this country, then to be a tourist and chat live here - totally different experience.
Even if a person has been prepared in terms of language, will inevitably have to face difficulties. With that, with the usual such difficulties, but in the new environment to solve them can be much more complicated due to the fact that the resources to solve them may be much less.
For example, in a new country with the usual to the village of things can be taken to address a whole new way. Even here the usual trip to the transport could become Quest simply because of the unusual transport system (from different mechanisms fare, ending the specifics of routes associated with time and so on.). All such pieces can not be prepared in advance, they will necessarily happen. And the reaction of other people to such confusion can be quite different, which creates a good field for the projections and all that before myself to myself managed to hide, climb violent paints in the most unexpected places.
So I think it is important to know - that getting into ridiculous situations where it is not clear what to do - it's such an inevitable part of the novice immigrant. Great reason a lot about myself new to learn).
Well, of course, from the serious difficulties and sudden turns no one is safe, especially now - law countries may suddenly change, including immigrants (immigrants seem at first. But it's my view, perhaps))
Therefore, the more acceptance and preparedness for such Inevitably, the more energy left to solve problems rather than experience because of them.

2. Crisis communication is inevitable, in my opinion. Another issue is that this crisis some manage to pass unnoticed and without loss.
Everything is new - people, places, language, accepted norms of communication. Old friends are connected, but can not share until the end of the experiment in which you are. And even if you have successfully integrated into the new environment and your circle of contacts with local wide, still share your experience will be able to those who have experience of immigration.
Therefore, communication with people who have experience of immigration to another country can be a wonderful resource.

3. From a large number of just a whole new can happen burnout. It's as if all the time have a favorite food, or impresses with its fine paintings - when there is no respite, everything becomes flat, unimpressive as before.
I think at this stage there is a big risk to be filled up in the depression and start to see everything in shades of gray. Therefore, it would be good (I think) right here in the disciplinary procedure have classes that consistently rewarding and fun (at this point I mean absolutely no alcohol)

4. The concept of normal.
This is something that will inevitably change. What has been the norm in the home country, it may be inadequate in the new. And the more alive inner spontaneity, openness, willingness to constant changes, the easier and easier it will be a process of adaptation to the new environment.
Moreover, the idea of ​​his own intrapersonal rate may also vary.
For example, you may find that what you thought it impossible, you may find a very affordable and quite capable. And vice versa - those places where you feel confident and stable, can be very vulnerable.
But in any case, that is. To. Such representations appear and / or changed on the basis of new experience, it is very expands consciousness and gives a more adequate and complete picture representations of themselves.

5. Profession as a resource.
Than necessary and valuable person feels in the new society, so, naturally, easier and more pleasant to be in all new to enter.
Perhaps the most important point - their business in a foreign land. Because it feeds the soul and body. And the more stable is the place, the more likely that the difficulty does not knock out the rug from under their feet.
But still, it is not required. I know people who are not having anything, even ideas, moved to a new country without a penny in his pocket, and some of them managed to build everything from scratch, eat well and feel great. Rather, this paragraph affects the level of stress. And all suffer stress in different ways. For someone stress - pendal magic, but for someone reason to drink or collect suitcases.

6. Expectations.
Than they are above and beyond the clouds, the harder will fall, most likely. It seems to me that the smaller the expectations and attitudes, the more opportunities and strength to maneuver and dive into the here and now, where you can always do something useful - or decide to end the difficulties that exist now, or do something, that can serve as an investment in the future.

7. And the most important point, formulated not by me, but unknown to me an immigrant from the network, before whom I take my hat:
Immigration does not solve personal problems - your inner ******* goes along with you.

These are the spontaneous settlements, which inspired me right here right now. Dear immigrant, please append this list. I am sure that every immigrant has a list of pitfalls.
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