Makarevich: life is not a lie

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Makarevich: life is not a lie

Сообщение DARPA » 21 мар 2015, 21:35

Here we discover the Wiki: "In 1967, Andrei Makarevich joined the Komsomol, which was formally until the 1980s."

Fu-yyy, what a bore! It is necessary to spice facts! The first date indicates that Andryushenka joined the Komsomol in exactly 14 years, like clockwork. Similarly, in step with all the young and idealistic. There would, of course, and say, "Well, come! .. Then all been almost automatically!"

But no, not all entered. But it is interesting is not it. But read on Wiki: "In 1971, he entered the Moscow Architectural Institute, where in 1974 he was expelled (officially -" for the late departure from work on a vegetable base ", actually - on the order of one of the closed party authorities, because not of approved training in rock music). "

Well, is not it lovely ?! Just young prostitutsioner step spiritual formation! Uh ... Stop. What did I say? Oh, no! PROTESTutsioner course. The trouble with these words, to which it is easy to confuse them!

In short, was expelled. For potatoes. And actually - for engaging in potestutsiey (now pronounce correctly). Pressed wretch! Such a talented guy! From childhood, so to speak! Without trial, and pity.

Hmm ... Wait. And how here again Vicki:

1976 - first place at the festival "Tallinn Song of Youth-76".
1978 - first place at the festival "Chernogolovka-78" (Moscow region).
1980 - first place at the festival "Spring Rhythms-80" (Tbilisi).
1980 - Special Prize of the USSR Union of Journalists A. Makarevich lyrics for "Snow" and "Crystal City".
1980 - winner of the "Hit Parade" Sound Track "," newspaper "Moskovsky Komsomolets" in the category "Best Group". In the same year the song "Turn" recognized song of the year.

Well, not a fig a "compressed" !!! I have someone so "popressuyut", eh? I, of course, directly and see how under Brezhnev youth festival jury awards handed out every "undesirable", "unreliable" and "doubtful". Here the naked eye can see that guy intentionally "move".

Do not believe me? And you remember the phrase: "... joined the Komsomol, which was formally until the 1980s." Ah, our wiki so delicate :) You still do not understand, do you? In the Komsomol was held from 18 to 28 years. That is, there was everyone, but in 99% of cases after 28 removed from the register in the Komsomol. A Andryushenka celebrated '28 just in ... 1981.

That is, the phrase "was formally until 1980" should be translated "sat there until the age has been removed."

You've noticed, but that no one had thought to deduct from the glorious ranks of a Komsomol? Bortsuny this? Protestuna? Well, have a little cracked you stereotype of the "fighter" and "martyr", "victim mode"?

Speaking of suffering. Already in 1982, our Paul McCartney doborolsya regime to the point that hit the silver screen, and television. Came the infamous movie "Soul", where they performed a half-dozen (!) Of his songs, the band's name from the first seconds hanged in the capital as the credits, well, he is also there in almost all the scenes lit up.

In short, the whole country has officially sounded:

"For those who are at sea"
"I wanted to surprise you"
The Way
"Running in circles"

The guy just 28 years old, I recall. Sickly fruit brings, apparently, "the struggle with the regime!" Profitable business ...

Speaking of profitability. Filming was interrupted tour schedule group, and this is the profitability suffered. But not all. Podgorodetsky word:

"At one of the rehearsals Kutikov stood up and said:" Andrew, I thought here, thought that we were from the cancellation of the tour are losing a lot of money. And you, unlike us, very good money get - as the author of music for the film. So whether it was not fair to separate these copyrights money at all? ". I am supported in this Kutikova, Efremov nodded, then Makarevich said, "No problem, of course, we will divide the money." On what we have left. Having come to the next rehearsal, Makarevich said verbatim: "I am here poraskinul hindsight and decided what the hell, I'll share with you? These songs are mine, and I'll get them for money. " Then I stood up and said that I was leaving. A Kutikov silent, swallowed it all and left. "

Peter Podgorodetsky, "" Machine "the Jews", 2007

Oh ... Poor young, hot guys, great soul, quarrel over pennies. Penny, among other things, the dispute deserved. This should respect the liberal liberal values ​​- that is the loot. And Paul McCartney them very respected. Even more so - there was that respect!

With the average salary in the country 80-120 rubles a month, our "fighters against the regime" received ...

"Andrei Makarevich loves to talk about how he had a hard time in a totalitarian scoop. As he was not allowed to speak, as he languished in poverty and hunger. But Peter Podgorodetsky from the first pages austere reports that as a young musician to earn up to 500 rubles per month, better than the professor. Or, say, on a par with the hockey team of the USSR. And Andrei Makarevich of hunger down, and Peter lived a good idea. Only three songs - "Oh, what the Moon", "Rotate" and "Horse" - performed in pubs and broadcast on Soviet radio, Peter monthly received more 1,200 - 1,500 rubles. Author mass of other songs, Andrei Makarevich, of course, earn ten times more, hundreds of thousands of rubles a year. But at the same time, as mentioned above, Andrew felt terrible deprivation "

Goblin Tufts cites the same book Podgorodetsky

Somehow it does not fit all, is not it? "The wrestler with the regime," he is - "clandestine Soviet millionaire," he - Komsomol activist and a favorite of the Soviet regime, sprinkled przami and mercy. How it can be combined? ..

"By and large, no special combat" Time Machine "with the Soviet regime was not, and was just a clever imitation of this struggle, which is entirely controlled and directed two of the Central Committee (Communist Party and Young Communist League) and the KGB. Imitation of this was carried out with one goal: to control youth (rock and roll) environment and influence it. This was achieved by various means, including by means of informers, that this is the environment was strongly unavozhena ... It is with the consent of the Central Committee of the Communist Party and the KGB Makarevich and Co. were appointed chief artist of power in the rock environment (as Arkady Raikin in satire, in Vladimir Vysotsky bard song, and so on. d.). ... In response Makarevich many untruths ... Just did Andrei V. and his comrades were not "destroyer" of Soviet power and its "attendants" and have always worked on the system. What continues to successfully deal with to this day - only system today is another "

Ra'zac, Fedor Ibatovich
"Another Andrei Makarevich. Dark Side of the biography of the famous rock musician "- 2011.

You know what? .. It took 35 years - and nothing has changed. I'm talking about "liberal", "dissent" "opposition" "intelligentsia" (do such people is that every word in quotes to take necessary) that "fighting mode" has expired last drop of blood, but the dough has to swear by the authorities at times more than silly patriots, free support system.

Tradition profitable business "oppozitsionerstva» Save up to our days. I would call you names, but only you yourself know them all. And you know that more? Their source of income in the same way for 35-plus years has not changed. Political protestutsiya - one of the most ancient, respected and lucrative professions in our country.


No adjustment. This is not "Jura-musician", not Kinchev not Bashlachev that "Dorval" almost only became possible. Our Andrew delicate lyrical, political satirty in his repertoire has not increased, but diminished. Guy like sensed that "mutual benefit fund" bursting at the seams, and was not eager to finish this cash. Because ... all right, because it is very loved by millions.

In short, advancing restructuring, but our Macartney did not want to "cave in under the changing world." Brezhnev, Andropov it is quite untenable.

Ran out of money

But this is, I'm sorry, illiberal! Where have you seen - opposition without money? !! What kind of democracy? In general, had to be activated. I had to run to Yeltsin, minstrel in the armored car, so to speak, for jobs. Then (I say the same - not accustomed guy !!!) All these changes have brought down Makar scent, and he ran to Nemtsov (and because his party did not like Podgorodetsky, then drank it out of the group - for unprofitable). In general, the cruel fate was inexorable bortsuny mode when the money in the country podzakonchilis. He and TV on the old memory tyrkat tried, but then and there grandmother spinning mainly in the field of political bickering and Makarevich (aka a "opposition") did not want to get involved.

Note finally that running was not entirely in vain - from Yeltsin, he managed to get the title of "People's Artist of Russia" literally at the very moment poslediny and ...

And then - happiness! Finally! It is finished! Sbychu dream!

Again staiblnost

Putin came to our dark, stable and upright, before which again became possible once bent, and from then on out of habit "do not bend", the more that the world was again grace neizmenchivym. Nemtsov and other brethren were quickly sent to the forest and hiking sex tour.

Makarevich became a confidant of Putin's election in 2004, which today do not like to remember. Makarevich entered the Presidential Council for Culture and the Arts.

Being at a concert of his namesake Paul McCartney in Moscow Makarevich sat next to President Putin. Later, recalling the story, said he does not see anything wrong in communication with the President, treats him with sympathy, in addition, Andrew did not himself sought the box Putin, and was invited there. Such a position for a certain part of the public was the occasion to accuse Makarevich in "compromise with the government." Responding to the allegations, Andrew, in particular, said:

"For many years I was not happy with the communist regime. He prevented me to live, and prevented me to do what I thought it necessary to deal with. I think that some of our merit, maybe a little that he broke, too. And what should I do the next day? I had the next day to begin to deal with the new regime, huh? "


In 2010, after a memorable trolling Putin Yuri musician (or vice versa) Andreyvadimych led the crowd of courtiers rockers pinned to the reception to the king, and did not fail to pin thin bespectacled fighter with pop.

"With a fright I had to call for a meeting with President Shevchuk? Jura among my friends has never been "

"I am the way I have, - said the musician. - I do not want to show off for the cameras and pretend to be a fighter ... Enough already struggle "

- A protest rally went on at least one day?
- No. And it is hardly going. I do not believe that the rally and revolutions to solve some issues.

In the same interview, he quite clearly made it clear what relationship he had to power and Shevchuk:

"Yura came in the opponent's holiday. First write to Putin came to him, and rebuke, and then there was another reason for the meeting. I would not do that "

Report Marianne Maksimovskaya "Kremlin rock"
October 2010, REN TV

Model Behavior

And then followed by a new cruel blow: it turns out, his idol Medvedev and Putin agreed to arrange the opposite castling. Makarevich is slightly strained. Firstly, it will be necessary once again "not cave in under the changeable world", and he is not the years younger. Second, it "rukopozhatnaya" kompashka buzzed, and Paul McCartney thought, and will not come back if the 91st year that should not have a million?

So just in case began to hang themselves white ribbons, write letters, go to rallies (yes, that "useless" and "do not decide anything") - so to speak, materialized in the real world.

And with the advent of Putin's liberalism is not. If you do not understand: Paul McCartney again ended in the millions. And again he plunged into the mode of '90s: he began to look for anyone to drop in a pose "neprogibaemosti under the changing world" because zaboyalsya as if Russia is not the Soviet Union crumbled Aki, and with it - and his millions.


You see what kind of case, I do not want you to paint all the latest tricks of Makar - you already know them. But something about this man many do not realize until now. And we ought to have to draw this conclusion. And it is very simple.

When the power is stable, our Paul McCartney is under it comfortably and firmly, quietly zashib their millions, while wearing the mask of "independence" and "neprogibchivosti." This is the first phase being the political protestutki - "I do not support, but I'm in the spiritual underground", which is well paid government.

When the power starts to oscillate, Makar, fearing for their millions, begins to run for the new leaders. In this case, no political instincts had not at all. He ran for Yeltsin, when he narrowly escaped impeachment and violence won the 1996 elections. He ran for Nemtsov, when they thought that he would be whether the successor (first) whether the powerful leader of the liberal coalition (and then). But it turned out that was running in vain, and then stupidly joined a winner-Putin, who was so kind that he had forgotten all his indecent running around.

This is the second phase of the political protestutki - called: "Do not think that all these years I was with the power! Look - I'm all here with you! "

Today's racing Makar something for Prokhorov, over Navalny, the Ukraine, in Israel, in Belarus - this is just a manifestation of his good old lack of a minimum of political instinct. He should run protestutka and protest.

As soon as the power is stabilized, and if it will be back (and I believe, knowing the history of his life that he can once again the right way "not to bend under the changing world"), our Makar return in the first phase and will be quiet knock off his millions.

Such is the uncomplicated life position in humans. And you thought there to meet laceration, daring, and the search for meaning?

It's just the Soviet Komsomol activists. And - of gnilenkih who can build nothing, and only know how to stick.

You are young and do not know what a "Komsomol activists"? Then just look at Makar - a typical example.

Nothing more about it, I can not say.
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Зарегистрирован: 26 июн 2014, 11:58


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