In Russia in March 2015 began a coup, in whose hands the power today?

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In Russia in March 2015 began a coup, in whose hands the power today?

Сообщение DARPA » 21 мар 2015, 23:52

This is described in detail further coup 13/03/2015 in an interview to the Georgian TV channel "Rustavi 2" head of the Russian Islamic center Heydar Jemal - "Putin siloviki blocked ...

What we 03.2015 16. strangely Putin presented for identification did not allay suspicions, and has further strengthened them.
Firstly, it is strange why the meeting took place in St. Petersburg, not Moscow. Journalists at the meeting close to Putin and did not let his wonderful state of health, we learned only from the President of Kyrgyzstan.

Secondly, it is strange that the situation itself is absolutely the same as the office environment and study at last year's meeting with President Putin in Kyrgyzstan beshkek.
This was told 03.16.2015 in his author's program "bad news" a well-known opposition leader Vyacheslav Maltsev.
In addition, many media outlets claimed that the meeting had two Putin and proof publish two photos of the meeting with Putin in which he ties around.

- Third, Putin looked unusual and state Putin was unusual, perhaps due to the psychological treatment of his security forces for 10 days.

B- fourth, he almost did not say anything, and again disappeared from sight until his next appearance on mitinge- concert "we are together" to celebrate the anniversary of the finding of the Crimea with Russia in Moscow 03.18.2015.

In other words, after the presentation we Putin (if it is not a regular double), we can only say that he is still alive, but as far as he is free in his actions, whether it is now a puppet in the hands of security forces, we can not say.

Putin's brief appearance on the screen, not even in his office, not where he would be under the protection of the FSO, which is headed by his personal friend and loyal to him - General Zolotov, makes me think that Putin could be taken hostage.
Especially on the Internet goes hard information that General Zolotov killed.
If so, then the killing is two-fold: first - to deprive Putin protection and support during a palace coup, the second - to chop off the ends of the investigation into the murder of Nemtsov, who obviously lead to Zolotov (as the head of the service is under the control of the FSO and the territory of which occurred Nemtsov murder), and then Putin and Kadyrov.

This is information about involvement in the murder of Putin and Kadyrov Nemtsov is harmful not only to Putin and Kadyrov, but the conspirators seized power, as would destabilize the political situation and may prevent secret, smooth, peaceful transition of power.

It is a strange appearance on the screen Putin has not abolished any argument many bloggers that Russia's military coup:

First strange trip FSB director Bortnikova in the United States, despite the fact that it is in the sanctions list, ostensibly to harmonize the fight against terrorism.
In fact, I think that at this meeting was agreed upon process conditions and the removal of Putin from power.

In - the second, held Patrushev 03.11.2015 without Putin Pyatigorsk Safety Board, which is likely to Kadyrov confirmed loyalty to law enforcement officers seized power in Russia.
After that, in order to bring Kadyrov from the blow in a murder investigation Nemtsov, this investigation was sent the other way and did not establish who ordered the killing.

This raises the question of what happened during the 10 days before the date when we were able to show 16/03/2015 Putin and what were the conspirators need these 10 days.
From the point of view of the conspirators to the most painless to change the power of Putin preferred to leave alive and make it as a puppet to do all the chain of successive actions for smooth, quiet, bloodless transfer of power into the hands of the conspirators.
In order to convince Putin to do it all yourself and make sure that it is possible to perform all and no one in that they can prevent it and needed these 10 days.
- The conspirators first neutralized loyal and devoted to Putin people such as General gold.
- Then the conspirators persuaded to stand on their side other centers of power, such as Kadyrov, the Interior Ministry, the RF IC.
- Then the conspirators watched as people react to the loss of their president.
- After the conspirators realized that 88% of all citizens, according to statistics supporting Putin does not care about their president, and other centers of power or neutralized, or switched to their side, they decided that Putin can keep alive and to convince him of his hopelessness situation and the need to cooperate with security forces captured him ..

After all these events, we saw 16/03/2015 morally demoralized by despair and betrayal all inner circle, agree to all the conditions of the conspirators of President Putin.

I think in the near future we will see consistent action Putin's transfer of power, or in any case, if the role of Putin performs double, we will see a sharp change in the political kursSovsem another matter if the conspirators decided to change only a political facade. If Putin removed only for the sake of the west in exchange for the cancellation of Western sanctions against the conspirators and thawing of their assets, and in the Russian policy did not change and all the corrupt remain in their places.

In support of the version that the coup was done only in order to be able to save the frozen assets of officials in the west of Putin's oligarchic clans we got 19. 03.2015 at the Congress of the RSPP.
Putin announced the preparation of the soil in Russia in order to steal in his time in Russia and in the West today, frozen assets that in exchange for the overthrow of Putin should soon be unfrozen, could be safely returned to Russia.
It is about taking the criminal law on amnesty return of capital acquired by criminal means.
This law puts an end to the entire world of law and even biblical precepts.
Zapoved- not steal no longer relevant.

In case of return of capital can not initiate criminal proceedings against persons who returned capital not only for foreign currency, not only for tax crimes, but also for any other.

It turns out that if a Russian citizen is not paid in addition to its insignificant earnings taxes or if babushka- blokadnitsa the supermarket took a pack of oil from hunger, they will sit.

And if a member of Putin's bureaucratic corruption oligarchic clan stole from the state captured by raiders, or else got any crime (not excluding robberies, murders and drugs), and then withdrew without paying taxes and in violation of currency legislation of the loot in the offshore, and now return them back from offshore in Russia, no one can ask him for his crimes.

It turns replacing Putin will not work in power will remain the same CHPOKK (bureaucratic Putin's oligarchic clans), replace only the sign and perhaps for the sake of the west, with the thawing of criminal assets ChPOKKa to change the foreign policy of Russia.

Putin is now forced to clean up before leaving the ends.
Conspirators, to not take themselves this monstrous amnesty law criminally acquired capital, forcing him to take Putin.

In any case unacceptable that people, as always, no it does not participate in key decisions for the future of Russia, and as always, there was nothing depends.
I think it's time to wake up the people from the darkness of partisan media, to break away from zomboyaschika, finally sober eyes to look at the situation in Russia and finally take their fate and the fate of Russia in their hands.

The worst thing is that in the process of removal of Putin and podkoveonoy struggle for power, people do not know who is in the hands of today's nuclear button.
Today the whole world is held hostage by the conspirators.
What if in the course of this struggle, who either do not stand nerves?

Today it is believed that a coup is not yet complete and hidden struggle for power are already three different forces.
This is again said the head of the Russian Islamic center Heydar Jamal on TV "neyromir."

In any case, all the forces fighting for power, Putin needs, either as a puppet, which is controlled by, or, if Putin is no longer alive, as its counterpart.
This solidarity all the warring parties, otherwise there will be dozens of new contenders for power.

And if people know that Putin is not alive, or that he is a puppet in the hands of others, it may sweep away from the Kremlin all these fighters for power and finally take power into their own hands.

It may happen as in the joke:
Red took the hut forester.
White took the forester's hut ,.
Red hut again took the forester.
White took over the hut forester.
Forester came and broke up all to hell.

In the near future, even if the Kremlin will not officially change of government and we will be assured that the country still manages Putin, on the events in Ukraine, we understand who prevailed in the horseshoe thereof Kremlin power struggle and who really runs the country today.
Anyway, today we see that not only in Russia are preparing conditions for members ChPOKKa (bureaucratic corruption of Putin's oligarchic clan were able to return to Russia funds acquired by criminal means yaimeyu mean amnesty law of capital, but also in the west there was talk about that it is possible to lift the sanctions.
This all confirms the version that the forces have seized power in Russia there is an agreement with the West to lift sanctions, and that these forces will have to perform in return we will see in the near vremya.
Сообщений: 1520
Зарегистрирован: 26 июн 2014, 11:58


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