People who are late all the time

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People who are late all the time

Сообщение DARPA » 23 мар 2015, 21:00

I know of. And each has a certain kind of person. Or maybe you do, and there is such a person. People who all The burden of late. One gets the impression that these people are late always and everywhere, regardless of the situation. They are not able to come in time, as if they did not try to do it. Someone is using memorized excuse, or come up with a new story on the go, to justify their chronic tardiness, and some do not experience any discomfort, late for a meeting, believing that this is normal, and that their punctuality will be perceived as due. Disrespectful and selfish attitude towards those who came on time and who have kept you waiting.

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The consequences of chronic tardiness will eventually be pryavlyatsya more and more, even more than it may seem really. Your or your punctuality punctuality - in any case creates your reputation. Reputation, which is not the most good. People no longer trust you and start thinking about whether they can trust you, in connection with which it leads to a deterioration in relations.
Is late people take the most valuable resource - time. The waiting time could be used much more efficiently and more expedient than to wait one who is late, and nervous at the same time. When waiting for the person who is late without good reason, your time is less valuable than his. And now, you are rewarded by his presence. Opazdat believes that the inconvenience caused to you absolutely nothing compared to the pleasure that you received, waiting for him.
Being punctual is always very difficult, because there are circumstances that we can not control: congestion, weather, force majeure etc. But the difference is that when people are late punctual, they have real reasons for these delays, and no excuses. People who are always late, over and over again showing its irritating punctuality, can be divided into two categories.
1. People do not know how to count the time it takes to get from point A to point B, not forgetting that they can wait for trouble in the form of traffic jams, traffic lights, meeting friends, etc. Planning and reflection - is the main task for those who are always late. And it's not only relates directly to the route, it can be: get up early to think in advance what to wear, food to order according to the time frame. It is not necessary to order roast duck, when you have 15 minutes for lunch.
Learn to say NO, learn to prioritize activities, learn to do all the time, or to schedule things so that one does not interfere with another.
2. People who do not think about the fact that they are late - it uncomfortable for those who are patiently waiting for them. Many people prefer to think that their delay makes them special as everyone else do not start anything without them. But at the same time, they try to come on time, but they do not work. And it's hard to say whether they understand that their delay is annoying and annoys a lot more than the thought of their features. As often they do not see this as a problem.

What to do if you constantly have to expect such people? I believe that you just need to leave. Set a framework of expectations, such as 10-15 minutes and all. Then you can safely leave, making it clear at this man, that your time is valuable and you are not willing to waste it. But, it is not necessary to do so always. If the cause of people with respect and you called back and said that late, then there are two options: either to wait or to warn him that you do not have time and you leave. But it works for one, two, then just get bored.

This I mean, I always wonder what in the mind of those people who, even living near the venue manage to be late for 5-10 minutes. It seems to be thought that such a 5-10 minutes, but there are times when even five minutes play an important role, as the delay you here, entail your being late somewhere else.

I have such a different problem, I can not come on time because I always come much sooner than it should be and I have to wait for the time of the meeting, and then another, and wait for the person who is late. This is very annoying. I am very sensitive about your time and always used to control it, to the question: "When we meet?" answer exactly that: "18-00" and I'm just going to know that I will be in the 18-00 free and ready for the meeting.
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