Business Insider has renounced the ideals of recognizing Russia as one of the best countries for migration

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Business Insider has renounced the ideals of recognizing Russia as one of the best countries for migration

Сообщение DARPA » 23 мар 2015, 21:01

Sometimes even quite civilized media and news portals may surprise. According to Business Insider, Russia is among the top countries for the move and subsequent residence, substantially ahead of the United States and almost all of Europe ...

Recently, one of the leading news portals of the world - the American Business Insider poyavilsyaudivitelny material. With reference to the project Expatexplorer, journalists Insider placed ranking of the best countries in the world to move with his comments.

According to analysts, in the rating takes into account many criteria: the ability to get a good job, quality of life, safety, the ability to educate their children, and much, much more.

So, if some position rankings - it is expected, others - surprising if no say - shocking!

Absolute winner was declared to be expected Switzerland. Journalist "insiders" in comic form says about skiing and fine food, and then goes on to describe has real advantages: high wages, climate, etc.

But with the second place more interesting. It takes Singapore. The author notes the quality of life and economic prospects. And also - a great opportunity to educate children through the established system of upbringing and education. But I would personally the country in which is still widely practiced the death penalty and caning, in second place certainly would not put ... People "from the West" with a broad liberal views feel in Singapore is not always comfortable. For smoking marijuana elementary there, you can go for forced labor. Moreover, no discount for citizenship ...

But third place, for me personally, shock. This - China! The author acknowledges that China has a lot of disadvantages, but they are, in his opinion, are compensated ins. First of all - great economic prospects and a chance to find a high-paying "comfortable" work. The advantages of the author is also "a favorable social environment," the opportunity to engage in tourism and sports. Yet, the communist regime with mass executions in third place, as for me - it is a complete bust.

Fourth place (after China!) In Germany. The advantages of the German author rightly considers a powerful economy, security, political stability, low crime and the opportunity to raise their children in good conditions. All this is true. It is not clear why Germany was still behind China and Singapore ...

But on the fifth ... Bahrain! The author rightly says about economic prospects and tourism opportunities, but is silent about the frankly medieval mores!

In sixth place (again, after China and Bahrain!) - New Zealand, which in addition to the benefits of a low crime rate and excellent facilities for the education of children is yet loyal and migration laws.

In seventh place (due to weather, climate and travel opportunities) - Thailand. With comfortable accommodation in Thailand, I will not argue, but about places in the ranking, there are some doubts. Oh well.

Eighth place - Taiwan.

Ninth - India ... Another shock! The author speaks about the exciting prospects for business and career, as well as - on a good education system. But is silent about the religious obscurantism, the caste system, the criminal liability for gay men and other things that are absolutely wild for the modern civilized man.

Tenth place - Hong Kong. Which the author highlights from China, and to my great surprise, put it in the ranking of China is much lower ...

Eleventh place - Canada ... A country that in many rankings ranked first for quality of life and liberal legislation, here ceded to China, Singapore and Bahrain ... What can I say ... As for me, analysts, rating composers, too pay much attention to certain "economic prospects" ...

Twelfth place - Australia. Approximately the same situation as with Canada. As for me, the country deserves a higher position in the ranking. But its author clearly did not focus on democracy, tolerance and law-abiding citizens, and career and business ...

Thirteenth - Qatar. The author speaks of a booming economy. How minus calls until well-developed infrastructure. Human rights and the like - not a word. And according to these categories, I personally would be more questions.

Fourteenth - Oman. The situation is very similar to Bahrain and Qatar.

Fifteenth - UAE. Why they were below their neighbors from Bahrain, Qatar and Oman - I personally do not quite understand. The author speaks about the culture, too much different from the West. And on the other - a beautiful job opportunities. As for me, just the UAE at the household level is still closer to the West than the same Qatar. And so would be in the ranking is higher than it. Although still weird when the country where gays are caught in airports, so you do not execute, ahead of the US and most of Europe ...

Sixteenth - Vietnam. Here forgive. The author speaks about the economic outlook, friendly society, low-cost and high-quality food ... But this is Vietnam!

Seventeenth. That's what I said above. Russia! Author writes about a benevolent social environment (!), The possibility of making friends, good food, great fun, high-quality education and robust economy ... Insider suggests that net in Russia can be considered unless the quality of housing services. And the rest is negative, as they say - is alleged myths and "demonization" by the US government and media. Once again, we see that the drafters of the rating just do not care about human rights and democracy!

Eighteenth, nineteenth and twentieth places are occupied, respectively, Japan, Malaysia and Belgium.

Practically the whole of Europe and other countries of Western culture in the Top 20 is not included. For example, France is on the 23th place (after South Africa and Mexico). Netherlands 27 (after Turkey). US - on the 30th !!! After Saudi Arabia and Kuwait! Great Britain - and at 33 m!

Think about it. Russia has almost twice ahead in this ranking US and Britain! And because the rating analysts compiled respected publications from the fully developed democracies.

What does this mean? In their society, some Westerners fall into a dangerous illusion that their democratic system - is not the result of the struggle for rights and freedoms, as a matter of course. So that it can not even take into consideration, taking the criteria of quality of life, "the economic outlook," "benevolence of the social environment" or "quality of the food." Bear in mind they are in their ranking of human rights, fundamental freedoms, tolerance - the picture would be very different. And so - creates a dangerous precedent. After a drop wears away the stone. Another year, another, a third, the tenth such articles and analyzes, and people really believe that democratic values ​​- is it the tenth, and perfectly possible to live without them. And this can not be tolerated!
Сообщений: 1520
Зарегистрирован: 26 июн 2014, 11:58


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