about Israel has pros and cons

Модератор: zlata

about Israel has pros and cons

Сообщение DARPA » 24 мар 2015, 01:39

A little observation.

1. I am extremely scratch sloppiness and carelessness Israelis. And carelessness towards the world beyond the threshold of his apartment.

I like it caught my eye immediately upon arrival here in September last year. Center of Netanya, utterly travel - at the same time very dirty. And garbage cans and boxes to fig and more are every twenty meters.

And anyway - looks like this is not something to then had never cleaned. But if the janitor comes only once in a couple of weeks, and at all other times where tired of packing or butt worn in the hands - and there has been dropped.

And the dogs no one cleans. A lot of dogs. And all the sidewalks are paved with tiles, with little or no lawn. Well, not to spoil the lawn too ale, but there are at least start in all this joy is less likely than on the sidewalk.

That's the way to go narrow, meter and a half, and only trotuarchiku and warn each other: be careful! g *** but!
Sometimes even in the middle of the sidewalk, not under stenochkoy.

Although they say the people living here for a long time - all, of course, very much depends on the area where you live. Yesterday Tanya told me about his neighborhood in Haifa (we were there drinking coffee when you came to see her) that retirees living there eat brains for every thrown by an urn or a piece of paper if not clean the dog.

As for the appearance and manners of dress Israelis - that, too, on average, all very sad. And even then it is not a leopard, not in kilogram tchotchke and not in combination of winter boots and a mini-shorts, dearly loved by many zhenschinami.A is negligence and laxity in dress, manner wipe her hands while eating or come in the tension in Gate T-shirt for a wedding. Today, manicure, so local woman says that if the Israelis or even decently dressed stylishly, it is likely or former Russian-Ukrainian or European.

2. No, I do not restrain myself and I repeat: drive cars here as dolbodyatly!

If Ukraine "slalom" sometimes occur, it is quite rare. "Slalom" I call the driver who drives the car, constantly throwing her out of lanes, circling other machines, like the restrictive flags on the track. Here I exhale every five minutes "blyayayaya !!!" watching someone at a speed of 100-120 km per hour slipped sharply "snake" across multiple bands and multiple machines. So much so that between the bumpers sometimes no more than a meter left! At a speed of 100-120, ahhh !!!

L. All dreams aloud as he will be here to drive a motorcycle, only the right to receive official in Oslo. And, of course, makes my brain reasoning, how do we go together, because I start yelling that I too fast when the speedometer only approaching 40.

I explain to him that I do not want to ride a motorcycle in Israel because "they are here almost all ёbnutye drivers" and that is not likely to perceive motorcyclists as equal participants in the movement. Here in Asia, yes, perceive. In Ukraine and Israel - no.

Late last night, when we were traveling from Haifa to Herzliya, witnessed how three regular bus scratched on intercity routes, spit on what actually assigned to them a special right lane, where there are no cars. No, these dolbodyatly took all the bands and began dashing overtake each other, cutting, as if salochki played. Buses here are big and tall, so you can imagine that in the long-distance track the entire width of three lanes in front of your eyes fluttered sport three loaded truckers at a speed of more than 100 constantly overtaking and undercutting each other. And certainly not paying attention to any "change" around him.

We choked, and then I yelled:

- Here It Is! Remember this scene! That's why I will not sit here on a motorcycle!

It's just zvizdets some. As here in this mountain of corpses not - do not understand.

3. good. I really like that the Israelis know how to have fun. I still did not get here for some local mass event like a wedding, anniversary, or the like. But, in the opinion, in order to have a good fun, dance and come off, there is no need of alcohol. And so it will be good.

I like that when the family goes on a picnic, she rolls with a 90-year-old and his grandfather in a wheelchair.

I like that on the streets of "hanging out" a lot of retirees. That we just sit at home and do not communicate with each other, walking the streets here.

I like even more people in wheelchairs. Incidentally, I was surprised at first, thinking that there is "old" population. I was told that no, just in Ukraine, we do not see these old men, they sit at home. And here - walking, sitting in a cafe, talking, go on trips and even famously dissected on electric wheelchairs.

4. Locals petty, quarrelsome, noisy and always try each other on ... cheat.
But when disaster strikes, local united and begin to help each other so that it is difficult to imagine.

Just remember the old anecdote about Hell, where around a vat of Jews devils guards stood in three rows. Because if even one Jew used to climb out of the boiler - it just all others for a pull can.

(If anyone remembers the end of the same joke: "... and boiler with no Russian guards there if one can get - the rest of his back tightened").

I was told a lot of stories like help arrived in the 90s to the poor former "Soviet" Jews. How sacrificed refrigerators products and cabinets - things that neighbors knocked on the door with offers of help, advice about life in Israel, was invited to their holidays.

As at the time of the bombing of Arab children were evacuated to the North, as instantly solved all the usual endless bureaucratic issues on the device in schools and kindergartens, as routinely invited to their entire families to live in "dangerous" regions of 4-6.

And this - not the will and initiative of the state. This is a national feature to help "her." Something to be really proud of.
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Зарегистрирован: 26 июн 2014, 11:58


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