Russia was punished for aggression. Lesson №1 (Crimean)

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Russia was punished for aggression. Lesson №1 (Crimean)

Сообщение DARPA » 24 мар 2015, 21:13

When one country attacks another, it is almost always by the perceived negatively in the range from "bad thing" to "terrible crime that requires immediate punishment." Conversely, in the eyes of the population, commit aggression, it always seems like a great feat in the range of "Well they first started, we are defending ourselves" to "restore historical justice" (well, like we do not someone else's hapnuli We only his back ).

But estimates on the scale of "good-bad" and other moralizing garbage - for idiots. I've always said that who is stronger - and that fellow. Attack on a neighbor, having wrung from him a couple of "Crimea", not a crime. Crime - not to commit aggression, but lose the war. Crime - to be weak and thus provoke the aggressor. But to be weak, to commit aggression and play - it's worse than a crime, it is - a mistake.

That's such a "worse than a crime," Russia will be discussed. No, I do not mean "krymnash" although Crimea there some role also played. However, given the weakness of the Russian Federation, and that the current "victory" over the Ukraine may be only a stage big failure. Or it may not be. Time will tell. Not only was it in the history of Russian victorious wars that ended in the end epic Fail?

For example, the Crimean War, which so called only for us (and yet fighting was on the Danube, the Caucasus and Kamchatka, in the Baltic Sea, Pacific and Arctic oceans), and throughout the rest of the world it is called East war. Have you heard about the dastardly attack on evil Raseyushku anglichashek with Frenchy and the heroic defense of Sevastopol? Everyone knows that they attacked and we defended, covered themselves with everlasting glory ... But who is not looking to Wikipedia, say that because of what the war began? It all began with the keys of the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem. The temple was kakbe "obschakovym", but the keys to "hold" the Orthodox community, which was like "to position" and France demanded that the keys were handed over to the Catholic community. Russia protested and demanded that the Turks to maintain the status quo. The Turks, not wishing to quarrel, agreed. And they agreed, as the French and Russian with. Keys were Orthodox.

When the fraud was discovered, France sent in Istanbul 80-gun battleship "Sharlemanzh." Sultan, all weighing, satisfying the requirements of the party who felt the strongest - the keys were handed over to France. In St. Petersburg, this fact has caused bitter bathert and Russia attacked the Ottoman Empire. Yes, yes, because some fucking key! Naturally, it was submitted, as a holy thing to protect Orthodox brothers. Russia demanded no less, and give it a protectorate under a third of the entire population of the Ottoman Empire on the sole ground that this population is Christian Orthodox persuasion. The opinion of the population, of course, no one was interested. Even the king wished that the holy places in Palestine, under the control of the Greek Church.

Next Russia, when her claim was rejected by Turkey, without declaring war, invaded and occupied within the port Moldavia and Wallachia. In this "victory" can be said to have ended. That is not that Russian occupied the Danubian principalities, as it were, "took the time", promising to return back if the Turks will fulfill the requirements of Petersburg. Well, Cho, Turkey was a country weak, it could speak the language of force. Even the war itself was not, Russian troops were ordered to avoid clashes with the Turkish army, but only to demonstrate overwhelming force (well, a hair's breadth, as in the case of "krymnash") and thereby force the Istanbul to accept Russian conditions.

But there it was. Western "friends" through the mouth of the English ambassador Stratford-Radcliffe whispered Sultan Abdul-Majid, that he satisfied the requirements of Russian, but only partially, putting Russia in a very awkward position and the world can not end the matter, and to declare war seems to be no reason. A war in Petersburg, seeing as in the Aegean Sea concentrates Anglo-French fleet, did not want to. Meanwhile, in the Vienna conference was convened Commissioners of England, France, Austria and Prussia, which resulted in the Vienna note, demand from Russia to get out of Moldavia and Wallachia in exchange for a nominal right to protect the Orthodox population in the Ottoman Empire.

Nicholas I, realizing that his policies muscle-flexing Russia has got into a dead end, agreed with the requirements of the "world community." But did not agree ... the Turks. Sultan, received promises of support of Britain and France in the event of war with Russia, took, declared war. No, he was not going to fight. Abdul-Majid hoped that Russian will fight with the British and French. In the end it is in Paris to St. Petersburg Ramsey because the keys of the church, that's even understand.

Here Russia finally sat down in a puddle: it declared war - you either fight or surrender. Turks give up without a fight as something quite Lokhovsky and attack the Turks dumb because Western "friends" just what are waiting to come to the aid of "victim vile barbaric aggression of Russia." Wait for help from anyone - the country found itself in complete isolation. In March 1854, six months after the declaration of war by the Turks in Russia, Russian troops still started fighting against the Turks, crossed the Danube and the siege of the fortress of Silistra. However, in late June, the siege was lifted and Russian troops "backed away" from Wallachia and Moldavia. And it was not in the success of the Turkish army, and the risk that the Anglo-Franco-Turkish coalition will join another and Austria.

Anglo-French expeditionary force in July landed in Varna and was going to step on Odessa. But the outbreak of a cholera epidemic in the housing frustrated these plans. In the Caucasus, the action of the Turkish army were unsuccessful. Britain and France formally entered the war is not waiting until Russia will weaken against the Turks. Sultan, who was not going to fight with Russian alone, it is strongly disliked, but the choice of Abdul-Majid was not. White people have always tried to fight the hands of the natives.

Finally, in November 1854, Britain and France began to "peacekeeping" on all concepts. The occasion was the burning of the Turkish fleet at Sinop Vice Admiral Nakhimov. In the Black Sea became a joint Anglo-Franco-Turkish fleet. At the request of the Russian authorities allies responded that they were going to defend the freedom of the type of trade barriers by the Russian Navy. In January 1854, France filed a Russian ultimatum to withdraw its troops from the Danubian principalities, and so almost abandoned by Russian troops. Petersburg refused. In March, France and Britain declared war on Russia.

Russia is in full ass. Not only that, she appeared in the eyes of the "international community" aggressor and was on his own stupidity embroiled in a war with half the world (Britain, France and Turkey - is by the standards of even more than half of the world), so also the world's only remaining half and waited for the moment to participate in sharing of the Russian bear skins. Austria and Prussia, who was with the Russian Holy Alliance, not only did not come to her aid, but even refused to recognize its neutrality. Moreover, they come together in an agreement to jointly request the Russian abandonment Danubian principalities, and in case of refusal to join the anti-Russian coalition. Sweden, which the British promised to return to Finland, too, were ready when the opportunity to engage in a fight.

Not only that Russia was at war with half the world in a state of cold war with the rest of the half, it's everything else was a war between the two countries have committed the industrial revolution and the backward feudal empire. In the military, technological backwardness always manifested most acutely. Why the Russian fleet was sunk without a fight? Because sailing ships were absolutely powerless against ships. Russian shotguns beat sighting only 300 steps while threaded fittings European "peacekeepers" allowed to conduct aimed fire on the 1200 steps. The Russian army was strong his field artillery, but under the new conditions, this advantage was negated. Light guns beat 900 steps, but armed with fittings enemy infantry could shoot the Russian gunners, being beyond the reach of grapeshot.

The defeat of Russia was in this situation is absolutely inevitable. What got off relatively easy - a great miracle. Russian mythmakers explain this heroism of the Russian army and the general patriotism. In fact, everything was much more prosaic. Qualitatively superior Russian technique, the coalition has demonstrated a monstrous anachronism in the organizational part, especially the British. At that time, the British Army had a system of buying officer positions. On professionalism commanders say such an approach can only be quoted. I do not remember who called the war contest, who will make more mistakes, but this assessment seems to me very label. Allies until the end of the war have not been able to organize the overall command, acting fragmented and interfering with each other. In general, much more damage to the coalition forces have caused the kernel and not Russian bayonets, and epidemics and adverse natural phenomena (winter - she and the Crimea winter). The Allies were a victim of their own shapkozakidatelskih sentiment.

Incidentally, the idiom "a cocked hat," it became famous after the Crimean campaign. In 1846 he published the novel Turgenev "Three Portraits" where serf gentleman says, "Yes, we only Command, order, we, sort of bully, a cocked hat ...". Apparently, the classic quote General Kirjakov decided that before the Battle of Alma assured the Chief of Menshikov: "Do not worry, Your Excellency. Cocked hat, the enemy! ".

Menshikov was so confident of victory that even invited residents of Sevastopol on almskie hills watch his brilliant victory. And strengthening the building he had not commanded troops. Why the earth to dig? Dashing attack right now cast off the foe in the sea! The Battle of Alma ended bloody massacre of the Russian army, the deadweight loss is four times higher than the loss of Russian allies. Threw their hats, as they say.

I will not analyze the course of battles and successes of Russian chant at Kars or indeed a grand defeat of the British at Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. All of these are important Russian victory only for propaganda and myth-making. And the war is only relevant results. Here the result was negative for all positions. Well, the British repulsed an attack on Petropavlovsk, and then what? And then had gone away from Russian Kamchatka, failure to strengthen and sleeping town to the ground. Well, took Kars, shedding rivers and their enemy's blood, and then what? And then he was sent to the Turks under the terms of the peace treaty. Well, Nakhimov destroyed the Turkish squadron at Sinope ... So then the war intervened European powers and the Russian themselves flooded its entire fleet, and by the end of the war in general lost the right to be in the Black Sea warships. Well, took the Danubian principalities without a fight, so what? Not only do - we must also keep them. And then not only kept, but also lost its territory, having lost control over the mouth of the Danube.

Remember guys, that the purpose of the war - it does not show heroism to descendants admired, erected monuments, wrote books and shot kinoshki. The aim of any war - buy very specific tangible benefits. What are the goals pursued by the parties? Turkey has no goals were not, the Ottoman Empire had long since become the subject of world politics in the object, six white people.

Napoleon III was a problem of legitimacy. Kakbe he had rights to the throne, and therefore for the approval of his power he needed a small victorious voynushka. In addition, Tsar Nicholas gave him a personal insult, calling in a letter on the occasion of his accession to the throne is not "dear brother", as adopted by the monarch, and "dear friend", thus underlining that Napoleon was no match for him, and the temporary worker imposter. In general, his calculation was correct, East war, won by France, strengthened the position of the emperor (and indeed, it was nice to get revenge for the Russian his uncle, Napoleon I, who fucked Kutuzov 40 years ago).

Britain as the most important task of the Eastern War's goal of destruction and dismemberment of Russia: Finland - Sweden, the Baltic States - Prussia, the Caucasus and Crimea - Turkey, Poland - freedom and border on the Dnepr. Well, and so on. However, for all this chatter imperial interests were quite prosaic - the introduction of Russian favorable regime for imports of British goods, the rejection of high import duties. And London has achieved its objectives.

But who can tell me what interests pursued by Russia? Let us not bear stupid blizzard of the protection of the holy Orthodox brothers, groaning under the Turkish yoke. Orthodox brothers and moaning is not much, and the protection of Russia did not ask. The aim was practical, but not romantic - grab a piece of the weakening of Turkey fatter, ahead of Austria, which also had a view of the Balkans. Such foreign policy is called one capacious word - aggressive. But, as I said above, the aggressive policy of the country may hold strong and the weak need to be concerned about others - like yourself do not become a victim of aggression. But Nicholas I made the mistake of deciding to do a robbery of another's property, and eventually lost his part.

Russian diplomat, writer, philosopher, in the Crimean War, Konstantin Leontiev, wrote in his article "The fruits of national movements in the Orthodox East" quite frankly "demagoguery Greek and Serbian liberal bureaucratic inzurrektsii might not be to your taste our strict government, and it was not in a hurry emancipate Christians politically not find it convenient to create one new independent states or strengthen them and increase the existing territorial increments.

War is the 53rd year kindled not because of the political freedom of our own countrymen, but because of the requirements of the Russian dominance within Turkey. Our protection is much more than their freedom - that's what I meant! Czar considered himself entitled to subdue the sultan, as the monarch monarchy, - and then, in its sole discretion (at the discretion of Russia as a great Orthodox Powers) do for fellow believers what pleases us, and not what they wish for themselves themselves. That's the difference - rather, it seems important "(source).

Should we be proud of their victories and failures to be ashamed of, crimes and failures? No, emotional and mythological attitude to history - the lot of stupid rednecks whose sentiments are formed propaganda in the right way rulers. Smart people must remember the lessons of history, because it only provides the key to understanding the current situation. Once it has a chance to avoid the mistakes and defeats in the future. It is easy to be proud of victories (real or imagined), but it is useful to remember the defeats. I want to remind the idiots who are euphoric about the fact that "krymnash" and we got away with it, "dunaynash" in 1853 also came down with it. And even followed that war at first looked quite "victorious". But ended three years later, this foreign policy adventurism disaster. Objectively, the Russian Federation - a weak country situated in isolation, and we must prepare for the worst. Who's there vyaknul that Ukraine is even weaker, and we cocked hat? A blood wash you, idiots, no desire?
Сообщений: 1520
Зарегистрирован: 26 июн 2014, 11:58


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