What makes a man a woman rastolstevshie?

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What makes a man a woman rastolstevshie?

Сообщение DARPA » 24 мар 2015, 21:22

Many women truly believe in what they had accumulated over the years kilograms visible only to them. Well, more and girlfriends. Men no looseness or cellulite are blind.

Women, in general, believe that men - some special vision that allows them to put lumps of fat on a woman's body in "appetizing forms."

What, in your opinion, will see rastolstevshie woman in the mirror, will face if it naked? Just do not have it underestimated: there is nothing seductive she will not see their own appearance and to assess the adequacy, ie low. Question - is that while she thinks.

And she thought that what he saw in the mirror disgrace obviously it alone and I - Lena Miro. Guys also believes the newly formed pig, nothing criminal in her figure not notice. Rastolstevshie woman convinced that it is enough to pull the fatty breasts to the chin, pulled her bra model "pushap" - and the man will be satisfied.

Simply put, women hold over men unpretentious morons, because not particularly twitch about their pounds. Yes, they can, of course, sigh with her friends that it would be necessary to lose weight. May even start to lose weight, but at the first food temptation fall by the wayside.

Why is this happening?

Imagine a girl from a wealthy family. Girl - not a fool, not an idle working on decent work, which was able to get through good education. To this girl drives a good car. Now, living in an apartment donated by parents and getting a decent salary, a girl from the family financially independent. Parents do not list her monthly money. Monthly salary is transferred to the girl, which she lives.

Then one day a girl is walking past the windows, which sees the shoes for 120 thousand rubles. In principle, the price bites. On the one hand. On the other - chic shoes, sank into the soul, and if you shoot twenty on food and fuel my mother, then to hell with them - from 120 thousand.

Now imagine operatsionistki from the bank, which brings up a child alone. She sees in store shoes for 15 thousand rubles, which she liked, but she already has her shoes. Even two pairs. And then there is the need to buy a credit and child tracksuit.

What do you think, in which of the two girls - more chances to resist the temptation of shoes?

If over Baba does not drip, and she herself is not holding back. Not worth acute financial issue, there are people who can take the money without any problems - woman allows herself purchases that do not correspond to the level of its income. Not worth burning question of weight loss, there is a husband who respects - a woman allows herself to eat casually and do not follow the figure.

While the man goes through the mind phrases can not spit into the soul, hint woman that she should have to lose weight, she shamelessly eats, believing that light feeling of love - above her loose ass and man - blind to cellulite .

It's disgusting.

If a man once entered into a relationship with a slender woman, he has the right to stay in them. We are talking about a serious illness when a woman swells from hormonal drugs, now is not. Pregnancy and childbirth - is not a disease.

I am not in any way encourage you to download the press two weeks after birth. Moreover, I - totally against it. But I am opposed to justify his fat ass postrodovym hormonal failure to collect the child at the same school.

Big mistake men - try to be sensitive when it comes to the appearance of the women with whom they share a bed. Nakhamu distant Lena Miro online can every second, but say their own babe that she raskabanela, solved one of thousands.

Keep silent. Overnice. Ssykuny.

Baba, eating cookies and smoked fish, do not think about that slip into bed loved one bloated ass - indelicate. Remain silent man, when a woman gets fat - is a direct way to ensure that other women want to start. And not just want, but also to have.

The man who asks a woman to tidy himself up, honest. He does not want to left. All he is seeking - is much to be his woman, what she just said, "Lose your mother, dear!"

Any woman would not like it if a man with whom she lives, suddenly stopped to wash. She enters into a relationship with a man from whom smelled. Why should he now compels her to inhale the aromas dubious stale body?

No man does not like it when the woman he chose, cease to be slim. He enters into a relationship with a woman who had a good figure. Why is this woman forces him to sleep with a pig?

So what makes a man, a woman who put on weight? Have you ever been in such situations? In what capacity? What is it over?
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