Reduced purchases of fighter T-50

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Reduced purchases of fighter T-50

Сообщение DARPA » 24 мар 2015, 21:23

According to Ivan Safronov in his article "The fifth-minus," published in the newspaper "Kommersant", March 23, 2015 Deputy Minister of Defense of Russia's Arms Yuri Borisov said that the military can buy a smaller number of fifth generation fighter T-50 (promising aviation complex tactical Aviation - PAK FA) than planned in the state armament program until 2020. According to "Kommersant", the military zakontraktuyut only 12 fighters after their commissioning Decide how many aircraft of this type will be able to afford, although previously firmly expects to acquire 52 aircraft.

The second prototype fighter T-50-2 (tail number "052"). Zhukovsky, 03/06/2015 (c) AlexS /

On the reduction of procurement Mr. Borisov said during a visit to Komsomolsk-on-Amur Aircraft Plant. He stated that "the company is ready to start serial production of fifth generation fighter since 2016". However, continued the Deputy Minister, Ministry of Defence reserves the right to revise the number of machines purchased. "In the new economic conditions of the original plans can be adjusted - said on.- We'd better have a reserve in the form of PAK FA and the ability to then move forward to the end to squeeze everything possible out of 4+ generation fighters (Su-30 and Su-35. - "b"). " President of the United Aircraft Corporation Yuri Slusar said "Y" that the position of the Ministry of Defence agreed with the KLA.

In the summer of 2014 at the airfield Gromov Flight Research Institute in the suburban Ramenskoye lit passes flight tests of fifth-generation fighter T-50, developed by JSC "Company" Sukhoi "." According to the company, the fire was quickly extinguished and after repair machine will continue to fly. Cause of the accident could be a surge, which resulted in overheated to a dangerous temperature, the right engine. Anyway, two years ago a similar problem prevented the T-50 up in the air

According to a source "b" in the military, LG 2020 include the purchase of 52 T-50. "We even prescribed delivery schedule, - says the source" b ".- In the period 2016-2018's, the Russian Air Force would receive eight fighters each year, and in 2019-2020 years - already 14 aircraft of this type." These plans were actually feasible, he said, if it had not arisen in the country economic difficulties: "There is an understanding that to begin with we will sign a contract for the T-50 squadron (12 edinits.-" b "). After that, we will decide how much they still need and how much we can afford. " In the KLA this information did not comment.

Work on the project PAK FA were launched in 2002, two years after the aircraft was presented to the President of Russia Vladimir Putin in the layout. In 2010, Mr Putin said that the first phase of the aircraft spent about 30 billion rubles., For the completion of the work, he said, required the same amount. During all this time it was created six flight prototype PAK FA. Mr. Borisov said yesterday that before the end of 2015, the military is still awaiting receipt of four fighters for testing. In addition, he said, the company will put the military in 2015. The multi-purpose Su-35 (14 units) and Su-30M2 (five aircraft).
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Зарегистрирован: 26 июн 2014, 11:58


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