Private Army vs modern states

Модератор: zlata

Private Army vs modern states

Сообщение DARPA » 03 апр 2015, 14:06

In the late 20th and early 21st century, the story has made an interesting turn, returning to a state of civilization, when supranational structures, which in the Middle Ages called orders, returned in the guise of transnational corporations with budgets greater than the GDP of some countries and political influence in excess of political influence traditional ethnic institutions.

Like the medieval Order of modern traskorpy has all the attributes of the state, except for the national territory clearly delineated, the lack of which is removed once the set of problems and headaches - the need to care for living on it population to no cost to the protection of territorial integrity.

Today we are seeing with my own eyes all the "charms" of the transition period, when the nation-state, as if they do not pyzhilis can no longer impose its will on the Transcorp and Transcorp has not aim to dismantle the national government agencies, as categorically not ready to bear the social burden incredibly inflated during the active struggle of the socialist and capitalist camps for the world championship.

None of the camp or the other, the championship did not happen. Territory previously warring ideological concepts, disputes mastered nimble ryabeta in expensive suits, which under the name of protecting national interests, territorial integrity, self-determination and human rights actively, privatize public income countries - participants in the global market, and socialize their personal expenses, not shrinking ties with any of even the most odious political force.

With a cry of "we will not give reptiles-Russian outrage over our beloved Europe, abused her own" American financial oligarchy - the owners of the Federal Reserve, the dispute sawing basic support evroekonomiki, dropping the euro through the floor and kicking Europeans from their familiar surroundings for markets in the East.

"Everything for the front, everything for victory!" - Happily meet his American financial "colleagues" their Russian partners, accelerated pace mastering the national reserves and passing lightly so podvorovyvaya population and pohlopyvavaya him on the shoulder, calling "do not judge strictly" for such pranks on their tiny amid global national threat.

However, neither the one nor the other, do not bear the slightest responsibility for the consequences of their actions, and even more under their control through government officials have the ability to assign any sort of extreme groups and all sorts of political forces, and they control the same media, do not worry, right illuminate and correct public opinion so that in no case does not call into question the main thing - the right to Transcorp for privatization of national wealth to the mandated territory.

But to none of the plebeians did not have any nefarious thoughts about justice, which has always been the midwife of nationalization to the fore, slowly but surely go private military companies, the last argument of kings, unruly, national governments and do not fall under the international treaty on the military theme.

Oh, how convenient these PMCs! - Touched by national policy - can wage war without declaring it ... At the same time forgetting that displace government and generally uncomfortable to dismantle the system of national authorities with the help of PMCs more convenient ... in the fun times we live, gentlemen, comrades. a non-trivial. If it goes on, the kingdom "Goldman Sachs" and the principality of "Gazprom" can become a reality in our lifetime. Or is it will not be so brutal? How do you think?

P.S. In the meantime ...

Troopers in the form of no insignia landed today in the Yemeni port of Aden. It is reported that dozens of fighters, nationality, which is not yet established, landed in the sea harbor.
Сообщений: 1520
Зарегистрирован: 26 июн 2014, 11:58


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