Putin against Obama

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Putin against Obama

Сообщение DARPA » 06 апр 2015, 03:27

From time to time and caricatures fotozhabu Putin compared with Obama. Not in favor of the latter, of course. Putin is usually portrayed as a macho, Superman, and Obama as a goner, black monkey.

This is done to show that Putin is steep and win, and Obama and goof utretsya.

But one of them is actually more cool?

No, I'm not in terms of physical strength. Someone who will knock the eye, if placed in the hexagon Belatora - talk stupid. Let us leave this debate for school children.

I am in terms of political power, will and character.

If you listen to Putin's supporters, it is incredibly steep. And the people it supports. And he is an outstanding politician. And smart, and respected, and everyone-everyone. And many times recognized as the most influential politician in the world. And man, was according to the magazine Time. In general, Obama was not standing next.

Okay, let's imagine for a moment that it is.

Putin cool. Incredibly cool. Superkrutoy.
Obama wimp. Loser. Goner.

But The! Here there is a very fundamental one "but."

Just as Putin and Obama never will be one on one in the hexagon Belatora and will not knock each other teeth, they will be one-on-one and in politics.

Both Putin and Obama - Head of State. They are not single men, even in the conventional political arena.

Obama - it's part of the system. Part of the American system of government. And this is a very powerful system. And Obama is not even the most important element of it. Congress and the Senate collectively have far more power than the president. And can remove the president, the precedent has been, so it's not just empty words. And then there are the CIA and the Pentagon, which act on their plans and they say that some of the programs are closed, even for the president. And then there are the Fed, which is generally in itself, from everyone.

Thus, the entire system of American power the president is quite big wheel, but not leading. And easy to replace. That is why US presidents change and policy as there was, and is, with minor variations of the course.

And what we have in Russia?

Putin - roughly speaking, the king and Boh. All power is tied to it. Medvedev with the government playing some extras. Depart number. The State Duma - it's all the extras, choral accompaniment presidential service. Even laws often come from the president and the government, and in the Duma only podmahivat, print and voice that, for reference, is a violation of the Constitution, which enshrines the principle of separation of powers. The Senate has been generally known, than. A year ago marked a resolution on the use of the Armed Forces in Ukraine, which is nothing but the scandal has caused and then was canceled exactly when the Donbas went vacationers. Theater of the absurd, in a word. And most importantly - the whole country was filled principle "if not Putin, who". The impression that Putin one rowing. One is something up there anyway, and the rest just on vocals and dancer. And, they say, in power is "fifth column", that is the enemy.

So what is the result?

What's the point by saying that Putin cool as Superman if he is one rowing in the galleys, and the rest devour, shit, drink, sleep, and some something sluggishly picking in muddy water your paddle when it is not clear, help or hinder.

And against us - the galley is three times larger and ten times more weight. And her rowing team nev.bennaya and Obama simply walks across the bridge, and sometimes gives the team that did not even need anyone in the long run, because everyone knows where to paddle. And rowing.

Clear analogy?

We have one person (Putin) against the system (USA).

A comparison of the political power of the nature and characteristics of Putin and Obama in this situation is meaningless. For the simple reason that it is necessary to compare the Kremlin and Washington.

But the Kremlin - is Putin and hell-knows-what is beneath it (if it were not so, no one would be afraid to replace Putin), and Washington - a well-established system (so Obama can change tomorrow and no one is particularly not touch ).

And now, attention - question:

What is the meaning of Putin's work over the last 15 years, if it is not set up a system so that you can safely go to retire without fear that everything will collapse immediately to hell, and the pieces in half?

Or does not crash?

Or later he will create a system?

Or not at all?

Again will appoint a successor to whom Russia will lay all the hopes and to have it in one person guaranteed the safety of the whole country?

My friends, it's not even a monarchy. This is a complete Herota. Monarchy - this is not one monarch, it is once again the system. Monarchy - a nobility and strict rules of succession with a bunch of heirs who are trained from childhood to serve as regal, and most importantly - all clearly understand who will be the next ruler, poslesleduyuschim and after-after-next. And not one person holds the monarchy, and the whole yard. And related to him yards.

And the fact that Russia has today - a lonely hell in the middle of the clearing.

And no matter how great and powerful was not our hell, against the American system, it is nothing.

Not one person can win the whole system as it does not create its own system.

It's only a movie Rambo wins the whole army and then remains alive. In life it does not happen. Even defenders of Brest and Panfilov Heroes, no matter how much they do not put the Germans, still did not win, but only kept the enemy advance. A German victory in the Great Patriotic it is the system, the Soviet system. And the defenders of Brest, Panfilov Heroes and all other privates, officers and generals were system. And the Soviet system was more powerful than the German. Therefore won. And Stalin created this system.

What kind of system we have now?

Very very no.

And why Putin has not created a powerful system?

There was no time? Could not?

I see only one answer to this question - Putin does not create a full system power to be indispensable. Putin has never built a system of power, but rather to destroy it by closing all the controls themselves. Specifically to obtain the status of irreplaceable. Because this status guarantees the safety of him and his entourage - those who supported him the nomination for president.

Remember, when and who made Putin president?

It was Yeltsin in 1999.

What was needed Yeltsin Putin at the end of 1999?

Yeltsin needed security guarantees to live quietly in retirement. And Chubais, and bankers - all who in 1999 put forward Putin needed a guarantee that no one will stir up old cases, review the results of privatization and so on. In general, a guarantee that they will not touch.

And they pushed Putin with the condition that he would sit for a long time, regularly and ensure the safety of those who put it forward.

And he's doing it.

And while he was engaged in it, around it has developed a new environment, which is also disadvantageous to Putin changed. Therefore they jointly cleared by clearing competitors have closed all controls Putin and created an image of an indispensable king.

As a result, we have ...

We have not Putin's anti-Obama, not the Kremlin against Washington, and Putin against Washington. Man against the system.

Mortal man, whose term comes to an end against the powerful updated system, which has been operating for over a hundred years and is unlikely to die too quickly.

And Putin, of course, cool. Very cool. Superkrutoy. That's just Washington alone win it at about the same probability, which will be one-on-one against Obama in the hexagon Belator.
Сообщений: 1520
Зарегистрирован: 26 июн 2014, 11:58


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