Junta sue Catherine II for the annexation of the Crimea and Kuban

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Junta sue Catherine II for the annexation of the Crimea and Kuban

Сообщение DARPA » 09 апр 2015, 02:38

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Junta remember the historic date of 8 April 1783, and have rebelled: "Catherine II manifesto announced the annexation of the Crimea. As in 2014, the argument crime - the height of cynicism, "- wrote on Twitter Foreign Ministry spokesman Yevhen Perebiynis and there placed below a piece of paper.
It is obvious that the local Ministry of Foreign Affairs does not know how and what happened 132 years ago and are just a few lines from an extensive Decree. Below I will correct this omission. I will only note that over the Crimea in The Hague must complain the Ottoman Empire or its successors.
Now Attorney General's Office is preparing materials on Russian annexation of the Crimea to transfer them to the International Criminal Court in The Hague (Netherlands). It was declared responsible for international legal cooperation, Deputy Prosecutor General Vitaliy Kasko, according to "Ukrainian News". According Kasko, Prosecutor General's Office is not sufficient legal grounds to transfer these materials to the court, and they are still in the process of preparation. But by July should consult:
"That is, we now collect information from different departments and form them in chronological order with the additions of evidence which suggest that such facts are the responsibility of the International Criminal Court," - he said.

http://bm.img.com.ua/nxs273/berlin/stor ... b9b788.jpg
Poor Catherine. She could not think that in some godforsaken Hague her case will be considered on the State, which then was not on the map. Moreover, to which the Crimea and Kuban had nothing to do either then or now.

"On the accession of the Russian Empire of the Crimea, Taman and Kuban concluded between the Empire and the Ottoman Porte All-Russia December 28, 1783.


All-Russian Imperial Court and the Sublime Porte, wanting and trying to enjoy all cases likely to extend and confirm the friendship and good understanding between them exist, and respecting that the new state of affairs in the Crimea, Taman and Kuban could produce strife, and, may be, and the gap between the two empires, the Court took two vysheimyanovannye intention Friendly shall declare concerning this case and sufficient onago razvazhenii firmly wishing to no longer remain between them any reason to proceedings that they may continue to use the one and the other hand the benefits of the blessed and tverdago world dobrago neighborhood and established trade, found it necessary to establish this thing on the unshakable foundation.

The result is that both the Empire, shall declare to the hold and wanting to decide this Act, with naitorzhestvenneyshim obligation to observe it exactly chosen and supplied complete mochmi and imyanno: Her Imperial Majesty VSEPRESVETLEYSHAYA And Reigning Empress of All-Russia for its part: high and blagourozhdennago Jacob Bulgakov YOUR Chrezvychaynago Messenger and Polnomochennago Minister at the Sublime Ottoman Porte, Statskago adviser and holder of the Order of the Holy Prince Vladimir and Ravnoapostolnago Holy Stanislaus; and His Majesty the Sultan of Turkey on their side: vysokopochtitelnyh deystvitelnago his admiral-general, Hassan Pasha Vizier; byvshago Istanbul Cadiz, now imeyuschago dignity anatolskago kadileskera Mufi Zadeh Ahmet Efendi and his Chancellor of Great deystvitelnago Haji Mustafa Efendi; are authorized, exchanging data among themselves in their proper and decent shape polnyya urine, signed and stamped approved the following article.

Article One

Treatise of the world 1774, Border Convention of 1776, izjasnitelnyh Convention 1779 First Treatise trade and 1783rd years and have absolutely inviolable be observed on the one and on the other hand, in all their articles and Articles izklyuchaya article is the third in 1774 Treatise On year and articles second, third and fourth izjasnitelnyh Convention in 1779, the year that articles henceforth will have no power, no obligations for both Empires. But as in the aforementioned third article numbers onago Treatise of the year 1774 is an expression of that fortress Ochakov with Her old county still remains for the Sublime Porte, the expression of his power, these things have to be observed and how it is.

Article Two

All-Russian Imperial Court does not make the action never claims, Tatar khans koi repaired Court on the ground of the fortress-beetle-Calais, and therefore recognizes the judges throughout the property belonging to the Ottoman Porte.

Article Three

Taking over the border in the Kuban Kuban River, thereof, is denied the imperial court at the same time from all the Tatar settlements living on this side of the river Told, that is, between the river Kuban and the Black Sea.

This act both sides NL Imperial Majesty ALL-Most Lucent and Reigning Empress of all the Russias, and with His Majesty Sultan Turetskago has to be approved and ratified by the solemn ratification, signed and written by ordinary way, koi exchanges will be in Constantinople for four months or will possibly earlier, from the date of signing of this Act, the mutual kotorago authorized, to make two eksemplyara ravnago content, signed them with their hands, have approved their seals and exchanged between them.

Done at Constantinople, in the twenty-day Eighth month of December one thousand seven hundred and eighty years tretyago

Yakov Bulgakov.

Nominal decree, this Senate on the establishment of Taurian area on February 2, 1784

"The reasons for us to join the Empire OUR Crimea peninsula, Taman island and Kuban hand, are known from the Manifesto of our own, in the 8 th day in April 1783 izdannago.

With the help of God such intention OUR carried into effect, OUR borders in the province put in safety, taken away all excuse for perpetual strife and misunderstanding with our neighboring Ottoman Empire, and finally, by torzhestvennago Act, the Minister of OUR, the Commissioners of His Majesty Sultanskago Decree 28 day of December, 1783, between the two Empires encouraging peace and friendship in strict accordance Treatise 1774, and followed him izjasnitelnyh Convention of 1779 and the contract torgovago 1783's, except for the first two all the articles, koi for this outstanding Tatar people in citizenship OUR forces and may not have any space.

Over those prosperous termination of external affairs, we recognize the long reign OUR OUR note, that these podvlastnyya skiptru OUR land were arranged in the form of government, in general, for all the states in our prednapisannom, and to the inhabitants of them, with the free exercise of his faith every natural and peaceful possession legally owned by him of the estate, to take advantage of all those benefits, what are the other subjects OUR secretly in a pavilion laws OUR quietly and safely enjoy.

As a consequence of this peninsula of Crimea with the land lying between Perekopa and borders Ekaterinoslavskago governorship, and the island of Taman establishing Area, under the name of Tauris, as long as the multiplication of the population and the various relevant institutions served sitting comfortably Her province, consigns the judges in the management of OUR generals Yekaterinoslav and the Tauride-General Governor of Prince Potemkin, kotorago feat and our very on all these lands assumption executed, giving him an area divided into districts, appoint the city, having prepared for the opening for the year nyneshnyago and detail, relating to, bring us OUR Senate;

As to the Kuban hand, onaya has the convenient start drafting the Caucasian provinces, which is not tarry WE Senate give our command.

Catherine II ".

COR RI. T. XXII. №15920

Briefly. Do not accept the loss at Kucuk Kaynardzhzhiyskomu peace treaty Porte sought to return to the full Crimean Khanate and land SevernogoPrichernomorya. Another uprising of the Crimean Tatars, provoke Turkey osenyu1781 year, led by his brother Shahin Giray - Batir Giray and Crimean Mufti, was suppressed, but after a series of killings began a new rebellion that forced Shahin Giray flee to the Russian garrison in Kerch.

With the support of Turkey in Feodosiya new Crimean khan was proclaimed Mahmut Giray. Body of the Russian army lieutenant-general de Balmain, formed in Nikopol took Karasubazar, defeated the army of the new Khan, headed by his brother Alim Giray. Mahmut Giray captured.

Potemkin Suvorov appointed commander in the Crimea and Kuban. Shahin Giray, the restoration of the Crimean Khan returned to Bakhchisarai, again began penalty, causing another rebellion.

Catherine the Great command of his told him to voluntarily give up the Khanate of Crimea and Russia to pass on that Shahin Giray had to agree.

In February 1783 Shahin Giray abdicated and a manifesto of Catherine II on April 8, 1783 Crimea became part of the Russian Empire.

By order of GA Potemkin troops Suvorov and Mikhail Potemkin took the Taman Peninsula and Kuban, and the troops of De Balmain Kizikermena went to the Crimea. From the sea, Russian troops covered the ships commander of the squadron Azov Vice Admiral Klokacheva.

By order of Catherine II immediately after the annexation of the Crimea, the peninsula was sent to the frigate "Cautious" under the command of Captain II rank Ivan Mikhailovich Berseneva to select the harbor in the south-west coast. After examining in April 1783 near the village of Ahtiar Bay, located near the ruins of Chersonese Tauride. IM Berseneva recommend it as a base for the future of the Black Sea Fleet ships.

Catherine II issued a decree on 10 February 1784 ordered to found a "military port with the Admiralty shipyard, strength and make it a military town." At the beginning of 1784 the port was laid fortress, named Catherine II Sevastopol - "a magnificent city."
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Зарегистрирован: 26 июн 2014, 11:58


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