In 1994, Bill Gates made probably the main mistake of his life

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In 1994, Bill Gates made probably the main mistake of his life

Сообщение DARPA » 09 апр 2015, 02:44

In 1994, Bill Gates made probably the main mistake of his life.
He decided that the Internet has no future. And even wrote a book about it.
Bill Gates, the cover 2 editions
Logic Gates was simple and straightforward.
Internet to be a hit, it should attract the masses.
The masses do not want and do not like to read. They want and love to watch / listen.
Therefore, the word Internet - the inheritance of a totalitarian sect nerds / geeks / academics, people Books and Letters. He will never be close to a mass audience.
In order to win the masses need to create a multimedia platform for dedicated audio and video, and not under the text messaging.

Gates has invested billions of dollars in the construction of such a platform named after himself. It was called MSN - MicroSoft Network. Its mission was to replace the open and unattended text proprietary internet platform for the mass audience / listener. MSN has been tightly integrated into the operating system Windows 95. Each user of this axis could subscribe to MSN in a single click, without going through the global Internet - corresponding button has been pre-installed on the desktop in all installations, even in countries where there was no MSN dial-in number. Was also pre-installed browser Microsoft Internet Explorer 1.0, which does not support half-known at the time the tag HTML (such as for example and FRAME TABLE), but it allows you to play audio and video. Mass user put like these features and set himself Netscape.

Gates realized his mistake almost immediately. Already in 1996 there was a second edition of "The Road Ahead", where the author asked his uncle to forgive asshole. Internet Explorer rewritten from scratch, adding support for all known W3C standards, and selling almost 80% share of the browser market. But it Pozdnjak rush. A chance to monopolize the Internet was hopelessly lost. MicroSoft, of course, is not ruined, but the monopoly created in the 1980s, very specifically fucked. Today, he plays not only in terms of capitalization Yablu, but even Google. Although once (18 years ago) was a sop Gates saved Apple, led by Jobs from bankruptcy.

Why am I telling this story here twenty years ago? Moreover, today it is time to self-fulfilling prophecy of the triumph of the Gates of audio / video over text format. Internet today okuchit all "golden billion", with two and a half times, and it will continue to grow only at the expense of the illiterate and ignorant of the world's population - young children, seniors and asocial Afro-Asian redneck. All they are interested in sound and image, and the text of the letters is difficult to reach for their perception.

Will we in the XXI century witnessed a decisive victory audio and video over text data carriers? In a sense, have already become. Suffice it to compare the revenue iTunes Store with incomes store iBooks from the same family, make sure: movies and music on the order of more profitable digital books. Nevertheless, I am inclined to think that the victory won text format 20 years ago, was not an accident. And revenge will not.

Someone looking to the Internet for information on how to choose its text format 20 years ago, and today it is easier to run any document eyes than listen to his audio version, or reading of view on YouTube. It's not even the problem of full-text search for the sound and the picture she somehow solved, sooner or later, whether it is through the efforts of Brin and Page, with Ian with Cherkashin. But the problem is solved and the most expensive in the world exhaustible resource: time our only life. If a document is read through the eyes for a minute and listen / look ten, no reasonable person will prefer listening / watching a quick read. No matter how large contingent of Papuans who knows the letters does not allow religion to read them disease is not contagious.
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