The strength and femininity

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The strength and femininity

Сообщение DARPA » 17 апр 2015, 23:51

The analogy between the muscles and the muscles of the body of the person I spent a lot of time. For example, here.

Just as for the formation of the body beautiful silhouette required muscle (and a lot of muscle, even the women) and no muscle impossible to have a slim and healthy body (it is either too fat or too small to be of nutrients in the body), so it is impossible to have a strong personal identity without muscles. Muscles personality - is the internal resources (skills, abilities, experience, knowledge, reputation, career, profession, talents, etc.). Individual muscles require constant supply and load as well as the muscles of the body. But many women underestimate the muscles of the body and, therefore, (I have not made a reservation) underestimate the muscles of the person.

That's what today's post at the top, about cardio. That's right in terms of physiology. Women are afraid of muscles, although only provide normal fat burning muscle. Fat burning cardio does not provide, and most importantly, too long cardio can burn muscle. The body to adapt to the high cardiovascular stress, begins to get rid of extra muscle to move easier. Just the body begins to store fat because high cardio-load, forcing him to prepare for the cardio-marathon in advance. Between cardio-loads the body conserves energy as it may, further slowing down the metabolism. That is, with the aim to have a slender body, and the fear of "swing", women get rid of muscle and gain weight or have to constantly feel hungry and undernourish your brain to not get fat. Abandoning a strong body, women get no graceful body is thought to be as sluggish.

Why I wrote that the underestimation of women muscle identity is closely linked to their fear of the muscles of the body? Because both have a single cause. Women think that will look unfeminine if will look strong, if they gain some muscle mass and density. And women think that will be unfeminine, masculine if they will have the internal resources. That is not enough that the resources (and muscle) to swing very difficult and you need to invest a lot of work, but women have little incentive to do so, because unlike men, they are afraid of force. And the fear of physical force (muzhikovato!) And personal power are afraid (butch!).

In fact, there is nothing more attractive than the force as the force = energy. In the last post I told that magnetism (ie the actual appeal) gives only the excess energy and nothing else. And when some egocentric think that someone may be interested in their weakness, their needs, someone will love them because they are so defenseless that their immaturity as well as a charming childlike child or pufystogo kitten, they are mistaken.

It is a misconception that really weak (and not just compliant and tender) woman like someone. This is the same fallacy as the fact that you can not have muscles, but at the same time have a beautiful body, with elastic round, smooth skin without cellulite. No muscle, and not the body of beauty because only muscles provide the body shape, and most importantly the situation in which the skin, hair, blood, organs, get enough nutrients and vitamins and fat burned and uniformly deposited rollers. There will be no muscle or too little, or the body will lack substance, but will be a lot of fat, or not to be missed substances, so the skin becomes sick, dull hair, organs begin to decay, and no beauty body will not work. I repeat it in every way, because I can see that some devious way, this simple scheme eludes understanding women. Men are all the same, they are not necessarily realize this scheme, they have contradictions in the head between attractiveness and power and so no, at least from the point of view of the body, at least from the perspective of the individual, but for women there is a contradiction between femininity and strength. But this contradiction - misleading.

Of the two female figures, both men and women have always called themselves more beautiful the one that has the muscle. That is, when women and men say "muscle", they think of muscle hypertrophy and She-Hulk, but in fact female muscles give the body a beautiful silhouette of a flexible, powerful and not mass. In view of the different constitutions, some women with developed muscles may look or notebook, some poizyaschnee, but if women are not dedicated to active massonaborom, no Hulk will not be among them, everyone will be very slim. Yes, it can be very thin gazelles among these women, too, would not, but for most women is unhealthy condition of the body, and after 20 years, accompanied by numerous problems, including cosmetic, ie looks bad. That is all as a personal infantilism: if the girl is not yet 20 years old, she and without muscle attractive and without personal resources - ok, because the child, but if more than 30, very unattractive without both.

Of the two female figures, both men and women have always called themselves more attractive the person that has the internal resources. Nobody likes infantile woman is purely fictional image - infantile, but a beautiful woman, it's just as implausible as a woman without muscles, but with a beautiful shape, bulging buttocks and good radiant skin. That is, people think that within the beautiful women do not have muscles, but in fact they are, otherwise there would be no beauty. And there is bodily muscles and personality, just those and other hidden smooth (not lumpy, not edematous, not excessive) fat. They are not hypertrophied, not demonstrative, not massive, but they are also very strong.

What mistake women who engage in cardio instead of power, wanting to have a beautiful figure, and the error of women who are trying to become good wives, rather than to become strong personalities? In the first case, women think "cardio removes excess fat, so I will be more elegant and muscles make me a man", in the second case, women think "good husband makes me happy and make me own power guy." In both cases, the woman is mistaken, and the mechanism of error is the same. Cardio - no way to remove fat, fat burning tool - muscle and strength, cardio is to train the cardiovascular system. Husband - not the way to be happy, the way to be happy - self, and her husband - a partner for the development of the resources of love, family, sex. Cardio is very useful, husbands and love too, but it's no substitute for your own muscles. If on the cardiovascular system are waiting for fat loss and beauty, and her husband are waiting to ensure happiness - this results in a big disappointment. Husband just can not handle it.

It is futile to blame him then, "Well, as you said that you like weak women." "Uh, - says the husband. - I was referring to some other weakness. " "Another weakness" - a graceful and flexible muscles, rather than sticking out bones and skin hanging. In general, do not need in the pursuit of attractive ignore what gives strength. Contradictions between the two is not, on the contrary, one can not be without the other.
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