To eat or not to eat? Or my attitude toward vegans

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To eat or not to eat? Or my attitude toward vegans

Сообщение DARPA » 18 апр 2015, 00:16

At first I wanted to write a comic post, but the concept has changed in the process, do not get me to joke on such topics. Therefore, the post came out hard and even to a certain extent, angry.

Here was a vegetarian, which, by itself, does not bear any harm, but merely a figment of the imagination of the mind well-fed. Well, you do not want to eat meat, do not eat. For what reasons do not want to, no matter the case of each person. But no, this is not enough! Satisfied society not feel the need for food production, comes up with new rules and prohibitions. Where do without them?

Now exclude eggs from the diet, and all milk derivatives thereof. You know that even vegans exclude honey and foods such as gelatin and glycerin?

Let me tell you that personally I think about just such artificial constraints. I do believe any extreme manifestation of bigotry and stupidity of immaturity of the mind. If you are a boy, nachtoyaschy vegan, why do you go to the store and buy fruits and vegetables from other people, but do not live in some wilderness and has been breeding these products? Here you and unity with nature, and environmentally friendly products.

You know why they do not? Yes, because they will not last there for a long time! To grow some cultures need a lot of physical strength. Necessary to dig, shovel, straight down! And where to take effect if you eat a grass? And not appreciate there in the wilderness one of your beliefs and efforts. But this is the meaning of such extremes. Show everyone what you have done. Be a trend, walk and talk, that around one Swarm! Truly convinced of something people not over-emphasize their belief in the hope of getting some praise from society. And all the others, no more than just a fashion victim!

Do not drink milk? Excellent! Did you know that a cow from this or slightly easier? Cows, among other things, livestock, they do not live in the wild. In the wild, other animals you they still have never tried, so you can be calm in this regard. But the poor cow produced from it should get rid of milk twice a day. She is the milk produced not only during feeding calves, but always! Because it chews the grass. And it is a chewer, she always chews it! If it is not milked, there will be stagnation and stagnation of milk in any species of living creatures has not caused anything horoshego.Takim, the abandonment of milk a cow, you are sentenced to the torture that is fundamentally contrary to veganism.

Do not eat eggs? Well, in this case, they faded out. Chickens, poultry, too, release them into the wild and over the life of their chicken ... Besides, if they do not hen, they do not lay eggs to reproduce. A chicken just accumulates enough resources of the body to lay an egg, she puts it, and is itself further in its chicken business. If you have not taken the egg, it will make a smart species, such as rats) They are happy to support your commitment to veganism. And if not a rat, then I disappoint you, but the chickens happy sklyuyut this egg when they find it. Without the slightest twinge of conscience and thoughts of cannibalism)))

Honey ... It's all kapets expensive edition! Honey, what you do not hit? This is just a reworked nectar. So to speak, by-product of bees ... in amounts which they produce it, they do not need it. You just eat the excess. Just imagine what would happen if the population of bees did not control and is not taken away from them once the honey? They would be many times more. It is logical that nature would have made this their adjustments and there would be more birds and other creatures that would control the population of bees. Rejoice? Many birds and animals is good? Yes, you would first mad from this abundance. And just a couple of centuries, man would have remained a place on our long-suffering ball ... Because the nature of the strongest wins. If not you, then you.

Animals, insects, birds, and even all living things reproduce much faster than a human. We only control their populations. I know, right now I would say that those animals that we eat are bred specifically, but still in some kind of terrible conditions. Excellent! Would you like to avoid being diluted? That man was going to kill the wild? Well, then you do not care about nature, and calls for its destruction, my friends!

And most impudent statement on my part. Lord vegans who buy different products in supermarkets and leading the "correct" way of life, you know that you are using the living beings, the name of which people? Do you a lot of potatoes grown? About at least know how to do it and how much work it is worth to man? Why your use of nature is limited and is not supported by balabolstvom business? You eat the fruits of others' labor, nothing is not producing, and you are not confused. Of course, it is always easier to be a hypocrite, who says that does not harm nature only because I do not eat certain foods ... I help those that did not stop, right?

I think that veganism in the form which it exists - is not only useless existence, but also a huge damage to nature and humanity. But an excellent source of income for a small group of people. What surprised? Not worth it. Yes, you and your stupid beliefs hack loot! Why not? Once you do this leads, a sin not to use it))) Bring your own money for "clean" food and cosmetics. Those eggs, top view, only for much more money.

There is a saying, "when the cat's nothing to do, he licks his balls." Actually, it is great to reflect my attitude towards veganism) sorry if offended)))
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