Why is the country's leaders would not respond?

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Why is the country's leaders would not respond?

Сообщение DARPA » 22 апр 2015, 01:25

Why is the country's leaders would not respond?

The answer of the day: Let us explain what was going on.

Doubling the GDP? - Did not take place - Who said?

National projects (Affordable Housing. Agriculture. Education. Demography.) - A complete failure - whether Medvedev said?

Health care reform - increasing morbidity and mortality - who is responsible?

Education reform - reducing the quality, the flight of "brains" abroad - who is responsible?

The failure of the so-called modernization - innovatization, new technologies, industry restructuring - a complete failure - whether Medvedev said?

Thieving "Skolkovo" - who is responsible?

Spaceport "East" - who is responsible?

Again blazing forests, people die, thousands of villages burned - Who is responsible for the liberal reforms of the state forest management and forest management?

Who is responsible for the collapse of foreign policy - bringing Russia to the world's pariah, sanctions, losses of hundreds of billion dollars?

Who is responsible for the blood in the Donbass, to which someone brought and not to protect people from genocide ukronatsistskogo?

Who is responsible for the devaluation of the ruble, rising inflation, rising unemployment, declining living standards of the majority of the population?

Who is responsible for the collapse of the Russian Academy of Sciences, scientists fleeing for their average age of 65 years or more?

Who is responsible for reducing the country's budget and its further obessilivanie?

Who is responsible for gas superkontrakty unprofitable for decades with China?

Who is responsible for what is presented to Norway oil and gas marine areas?

Who is responsible for what gave the island to China?

Who will answer why inundated small and medium businesses?

As you can see, the list is almost identical to the list of state administrative activities. It's actually called the political bankruptcy of the political regime and its leaders. Ie the question who should be responsible - get a definite answer: Answer should the political regime. It refers to a political ideology (that liberalism) and political leader with his team appointees, starting with Medvedev.

The next question is how to respond? Well, first of all, at least to see and understand the collapse of the country in which they are immersed her. At least receive truthful information. But the information they get prepared and extremely complementary. They think that all is well and in the hereafter they will be rewarded. These unfortunate people in error.

Secondly, they do not know even meet with the usual normal people who can tell the truth. Workers, peasants, intellectuals, which allow for contact with the President, are a few filters, interviews, subscriptions, checks - that God forbid something that is not what is not said. Questions on the "straight line" so selected and harvested that from them to real life - both from the village huts to the Kremlin chambers. This unfortunate people, they simply manipulated. The tail is wagging the dog. After all, no one, never had never told the President Livanov, Medvedev, what they are doing! That their creations people really die!
Therefore, they believe that all is well, and so instead of incurring liability orders each other reward.
But there are two important reasons. The Constitution and the people.
The current liberal constitution says that the state would not respond. They pointed out that the state only has "run by" issues of the country. Is not responsible for the result, but knows. This is the state government officials, leaders, state agencies. Veda, but no answer. Tell - told, destroyed and defiled, people die more steel, and do not reply. And do not respond. This liberal model. Minimalist state. State - "night watchman". In her official, in principle, is not responsible for the results.

And the main agent that must be asked with Russian leaders for their artistry - the people - in a strange state. The worse to live - the higher the rating the president.

Once Russian poet N.A.Nekrasov wrote about us, today: "People servile rank mere dogs sometimes. The heavier punishment, so they mile gentlemen. "

It's a shame? Very! Really? - Yes. Is there a way out? Yes. And he will surely come.

Director General of the scientific political thought and ideology, D.Sc.., D.fiz.-mat.n., Professor Stepan Sulakshin:
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