The consequences of a thermonuclear explosion in Moscow, Russia

Модератор: zlata

The consequences of a thermonuclear explosion in Moscow, Russia

Сообщение DARPA » 23 май 2015, 20:54

8.1. At the epicenter of the explosion occurs light flash, brightness observed many times superior sunlight. During 0.03-0.04 seconds. drawn up in a dazzling flash of luminous sphere 1.5-2 km in diameter, with a temperature of 10-20 million. degrees C. It covers the city center within a radius of Boulevard Ring - Kremlin - Glade, and everything included in this space, instantly ceases to exist, passing into the plasma state.

8.2. Within a radius of 3-4 km flashed and incinerates all objects of organic origin, is directly exposed to the direct heat radiation of the explosion (unsheeted people, animals, plants, the wooden parts of buildings, facing the explosion). Melt, vaporize instantly burn asphalt pavements, metal fences, roofs and parts of structures of buildings, concrete and brick walls, in Vol. H. With a stone and ceramic facings, both open to the direct heat radiation of the explosion, and nestled at a depth of several meters . All substances are sheltered organic and inorganic heat-resistant, a radius Garden Ring immediately after the moment of explosion burns for a few seconds with the temperature in the tens of thousands of degrees.

8.3. Within a radius of 20-25 km erupt all converts to the side of the explosion and immediately available thermal radiation wood, plastic, painted surfaces, plants, burn through the metal roof, melted concrete, brick, glass, metal, stone; burn window frames, glass evaporate, melt the wire lights up the asphalt. The zone covers the active fire instantly inside the city within the Ring Road.

Outside the MKAD ring wildfire occurs. Flammable completely built-up arrays and green space. Reservoirs of the Moskva River and the Yauza evaporate, boil the top layer of the Khimki Reservoir. Remember: direct thermal radiation exposure continues from fractions of a second to a few seconds or even up to a few tens of seconds, depending on the power of the explosion and extends in a straight line, t. E. Any obstacle between you and the explosion in the shade of which you find yourself, you can save lives in a situation of sufficient distance from the epicenter.

9.1. The action of the shock air wave begins at the moment of explosion and goes after the thermal radiation, but lagging behind its instant impact as the distance from the epicenter more and for a longer period of time, the second zone of destruction rate of air shock wave reaches 1-5 thousand m / s, i.e. everything in this area, already subjected to thermal influence, the demolition of a massive explosion in the direction from the epicenter to the periphery, becoming a leveled surface of crushed debris burning with high temperatures (ie. n. "deflation landscape"). Crushed the burning wreckage of the substances that were between the radii of the Boulevard and the Garden Ring, the shock wave emitted by the expanding concentric circle in zone three.

9.2. In the third zone, t. E. Within Moscow within the Ring Road, the speed of the shock wave is somewhat reduced, especially at the surface, but remains above the supersonic, t. E. Up to 300-500 m / s on the border of Moscow, which causes instant destruction all ground structures as tall and low rise. Glowing and burning of the surface facing the epicenter, mixing with other demolition materials, give the so-called "Fiery carpet" with a temperature that ensures the burning metal and melting ceramics. During the passage of the shock wave of the individual parts and parts move through the air at speeds of artillery shells, exacerbating the process of destruction of everything that rises above the surface. All stands are pulled out, the water from all water bodies "squeezed."

9.3. Surrounding woods outside Moscow, settlements and airports are also subject to full or preferential destruction, partial or total breakdown and combustion.

9.4. Inside, the entire affected area, a region sharply reduced atmospheric pressure due to both burn oxygen in the air, and the concentric "moving apart" air masses. Consequently, soon after the passage of a shock wave arises "reverse shock wave", directed to the epicenter. It is characterized by a significantly lower rate commensurate with the speed of the usual hurricane, but it brings the whole sunbathing area weight of fresh oxygen, which creates the effect of "bellows", creating t. N. "Firestorm" in the entire area affected. Area within the Ring Road likened razrovnennoy surface hot coals in the firebox.
10. The seismic effects of ground explosion is "the effect of the earthquake," a seal and sliding the surface layers. All underground structures within the underground Circle line and her closest stations are destroyed and fall down completely. All the air-raid shelter within the Garden Ring is completely destroyed. All basements within the boundaries of Moscow destroyed completely. All sewage and ventilation underground facilities are crushed, broken and fall down. All entrances and exits of subway ventilation shafts, spare and service outlets fall down, or crushed, or completely blocked by a layer of red-hot mass on the surface.

11. Exterior painting of the explosion looks usually characteristic of a thermonuclear explosion of high power. White plasma sphere, covering, like the two-kilometer hood, the center of Moscow and height exceeding four times the Ostankino TV tower, after a few seconds starts to dim, smoky purple veil be drawn and separated from the surface, "surfacing" up. Burning city "lies" in all directions, like a circle of dominoes, covered with swirling smoke, and smoke and fire flows from the periphery of the circle rush to Moscow rising field, forming characteristic "Stipe", which extends to the limits of the bottom of the kill zone, narrowing the field to the top that envelops a cloud of "mushroom cap."
Billowing smoke at the foot of the fungus reaches kilometer height, diameter of the "legs" is narrowed to 800-1000 meters under the "hat." "Mushroom" continues to rise, and although the rise seems slow due to its huge size, three to five minutes, it reaches a height of 25-35 km. With the explosion of high power, this pattern can be up to several hours.

12. The very fire, not giving the possibility to start any whatsoever rescue work can continue, taking into account the affected area of ​​the metropolis of Moscow, up to several days.

13. High radiation level will not allow any start whatever rescue operations in the city earlier than 15-20 days, with the exception of special operations of special importance. Carrying out any rescue operations should be considered as appropriate in the zone near the line of 5-10 km MKAD.

14. The funnel at the epicenter of the explosion is a crater with a diameter and a depth of 2 km in the center of up to 200-300 m. Its surface is a glassy mass thickness of up to 10-12 m. The second affected area is a relatively flat surface covered with a glassy layer of caked weight thickness 0.3-0.9 m. The third zone is a lesion bumpy surface, a large part of the coated sintered vitreous mass thickness from several millimeters to several centimeters. Tests with the reliability of such munitions have shown that attempts to conduct any rescue operations in these radii have no real reason. The defeat of the open and sheltered manpower, equipment and buildings up to 100%. Rescue work should focus on resettlement and helping people who find themselves outside the zone of immediate destruction, beyond the 100-mile zones.

That's the same damn. I thought, we've got to Butovo still not reach. But no. The defeat of the manpower, equipment and buildings up to 100%. All basements are destroyed completely. All sewage and ventilation underground facilities are crushed, broken and fall down. All entrances and exits of subway ventilation shafts, spare and service outlets fall down, or crushed, or completely blocked by a layer of red-hot mass on the surface. A zone is a bumpy surface, a large part of the coated sintered vitreous mass thickness from several millimeters to several centimeters. Tests with the reliability of such munitions have shown that attempts to conduct any rescue operations in these radii have no real reason. Carrying out any rescue operations it is not considered appropriate.
Well, at least one joy - all this TV propogandistkaya mrazota, screaming about the radioactive ashes with their apartments on Arbat guaranteed "immediately cease to exist, turning into a plasma state," and for the reliability of the damn place is still rolled up in the twelve-layer glass.
Сообщений: 1520
Зарегистрирован: 26 июн 2014, 11:58


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