When Soviet Russia ended democracy

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When Soviet Russia ended democracy

Сообщение DARPA » 23 май 2015, 21:01

There was a more appropriate way for the formation of the Soviet regime than peasant community of Russia. Here, from time immemorial, there were age-old tradition of the national government, ideally, it would seem to fit into the canons of revolutionary. The peasants were like no other class steeped in the spirit of collectivism, for centuries habituated to live community, peace and respect the vote of the majority opinion. That is democracy and democratic centralism was absolutely working tool of the peasants, as familiar as the plow and scythe.

And peasants - it was Russian, because the proportion of farmers was 85% of the population.

"The World man!" - That is pleasant in all respects - this epithet is preserved in a long peasant life when life ruled the world - selected world (community) elders, captains, foremen, salaried worker, Superintendent of Schools, hospitals, tax collectors, and field lennye guard clerks. Fools, fools and boors chose not to take it, just so that later, when dealing with onymi, do not worry. But chose well aware - today they are related to the villagers, then tomorrow and it will include an official elected parish gathering.

The peasant self-government shall have such powers, which today do not have and megopolisy. Its functions, other than the maintenance of order in infrastructure (roads, bridges, the serving households) included
Fiscal function
Supervision of law and order
Arbitration and administrative proceedings
Legal proceedings for minor criminal cases
En prison system

(That is, the system of elected sheriffs way so proud Americans) existed in Russia, when the phrase "United States" was not even in the draft, and women participated in the government when feminism to "enlightened West" have not even smelled (http: / /e-notabene.ru/lr/article_514.html)

But also it yet not all. The peasant community had its own system of social security and pension benefits, described in more detail here: http://seva-riga.livejournal.com/478625.html

At the same time all I have never claimed that the life of the peasants had been trouble-free. Problems of transition from one lifestyle to another were tragic. But the fact that the Bolsheviks - Leninists and not try to solve these problems. Their task was not relieved of peasant life and interception and the nationalization of the manufactured product, which then could be used for the sacred goal - the organization of the world revolution.

That is why the farming community, as well as the idea of ​​the actual rather than declarative, democracy was totally unacceptable to the "commissars in dusty helmets". That is why rural communities have been destroyed, and with them any tips of the rural poor, is a weak feeble copy of these communities. And this weakness was not a natural and well-organized.

Known the exact date and place of the real end of democracy in Soviet Russia. This VIII Congress of the RCP (9), held in 1919 proclaimed the necessity of taking power in the Soviets, where the majority of the time belonged not always and everywhere the Bolsheviks and their comrades sworn - the Social Revolutionaries and anarchists. But apart from the struggle with other parties, it is becoming more profound task - to prevent the power got "a cook." Oh, that's that, and state trough should remain the exclusive preserve of professional revolutionaries. From that moment, the Soviets turned into a screen for the real ruling party nomenklatura, and the real power of democracy was substituted with neo-feudals party cards.

For peasants it all ended very sadly. The destruction of communities and mass expropriation sopprovozhdayuschiesya primereniya with massive repression against the people's army of the people (only one "hero" is what Tukhachevsky) plunged the agricultural sector in such poverty and hopelessness, from which he managed to get only the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, after revealing shot and jail the revolutionary ball and Shvonder.
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