Torn shoes Ukrainian junta

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Torn shoes Ukrainian junta

Сообщение DARPA » 28 июн 2015, 18:46

What I like in recent months antifashist site in recent months, so it is unique articles from time to time there razmezaemymi even without the comments and attempts to analyze the writing. By the link above you can see the entire opus. I ostanovlyu briefly on two allegations of the author.

First. As I understand it, it is written in the mode of a great admiration. "And yes, the Russian elite do not care about such categories as" Russian people "or there" russkokulturnoe population. " ... 57d8cf.jpg
The arguments of the author did not bother. What For? Presumably, it Worth in the Kremlin with the sock opening, Medvedev kofy his hot cream humbly submits, and Putin is divided innermost thoughts and "advice prosyut." Yeah. I believe.

Then the revelation: "The reorientation of Russia, minimizing industrial, scientific, cultural and other ties means death of the Ukrainian state. That is something in this area there will no doubt. And it's something that can even be presented to the UN. Well, Somalia is also represented. And, too, on the map there. So what? "

And nothing, "analiteg." If you do not live behind the wall of the family of St. Petersburg retired academics and drunken wino, gathering at night upheaval company and drunk igniting the apartment, you also do not care, poor? And if he still has a flame thrower and a grenade?
Second. "What is a" nationalist Ukrainian project "? Project what? Recycling industry residues, de-industrialization, population extinction and exit left on all four sides?
So for Russia, this project poses no threat. That's why I say that it will be for us (Ukraine) disaster. A Russian survive it quietly and not notice. Just one day suddenly find that no such special Russian interests in Ukraine and the left, and even gas transit will lose value after a couple of years. And then what is happening in Ukraine, they are concerned about the same extent as elsewhere in Mongolia.
Strong Russian Mongolia cares? ".

To begin with - yes, the government is very concerned about Mongolia Russian state. It is unfortunate writer spit into force "some mental retardation." Just a note, in all enterprises of Mongolia, built before 1992, Russia holds 49% of share capital, and in the Ulan Bator Railway proportion of 50 to 50. According to the IMF, Mongolia ranked second in the world reserves of copper and uranium, the 11th - Reserves coal. And yet - Russia and Mongolia to develop deposits of silver-polymetallic ores containing very solid stocks - 97 million ounces of silver. And not only.

So - yes - care. Not to mention the fact that the natural resources of Ukraine no less rich. We do not need 60% of the world reserves of black earth? Or do not need uranium, which Russia buys? Perhaps Black Sea shelf and extra ports?

This is due to the author primitive thinking mind only gas transit on Kotormo tell him every week - so at least he remembered the words of wise. Meanwhile, if Russia did not spit at the ceiling 15 years after the collapse of the USSR, and actually led Ukraine reasonable win-win policy, would not have to build a bypass flow and spending money, are just starting to come back.

"... Find that no such special Russian interests in Ukraine and no more"? Of course. If you foolishly gave the apartment neighbor with all its contents, and then woke up, what you have there, "valuable broom", a bag of ducats to the king mattress and a full pantry preservation, really, in 15-20 years will be nothing left - no interest.

Interest and will remain - now junta expels all moskalskie interests and reduces turnover. Yes, it creates a Somalia-2. Only that Somalia will aggressively anti-Russian. With 5-millionths of modern armies in 5-7 years. And the army of money the United States will not because it is expensive for the great goal of strangling Russia. And serve as cannon fodder run - that somehow the Somali-2 family to feed. And raise one "true Aryans" are deprived of all Muscovites - the name, the land of the future. Even fat all stolen, we drank vodka and cucumber every ponadkusyvali. So the "Aryans" are convinced, hungry, angry, with three convolutions true Somalis. The ideal cannon fodder.

And now they will just interests in Russia.

So that the attempt of the author via this website to convey to others the idea that Russia should help minimize the Donbas and leave the territory of the future Somalia-2 is clear. And disgusting.

Because that's what the author of "spit on categories such as" Russian people "or there" russkokulturnoe population. "And that's what he tries in vain to impose on readers. As for all these primitives, calling Junta give their destiny, they evoke associations with shoes as the picture in the header - shabby, fit only to be picked up trash on a drunken bum. That such Junta and picks. That's because the very homeless - homeless, temporarily settled here and ready to fall down at any moment. Leaving torn boots trash.
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Зарегистрирован: 26 июн 2014, 11:58


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