A good student - bad student or what mistaken modern educators (foreign language).

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A good student - bad student or what mistaken modern educators (foreign language).

Сообщение DARPA » 01 июл 2015, 03:14

This I been reading different blogs of various teachers, language schools, their own wish to learn various foreign languages ​​that I wanted to write a couple of thoughts. Well, they do not write the same comments everywhere, really. It's like ... something unethical or something. Anyway, if the culinary blog readers started to give their own tips for improving lined prescription. Yet it is a private matter of the writing.

By the way, what is a nightmare verbal adjectives Russian language, which at the end of the word "w" and "w" over the vowel, and "d", which is heard as "x", not to mention that there is also a case which the words the need and the right to decline. And read in Russian here does not help me. I am confused, "w" and "w" at the level of sound, and even as it is written - you have every time google or look in the dictionary.

So, a kind of antibagi or mistakes and errors, in my opinion, with regard to foreign language teaching at individual lessons.

Dividing students into good and bad. Master, of course, want and like to teach the student capable, eager to learn, and, most important, but they do not want to recognize the teachers, the student who already knows how to teach a foreign language, the one who is someone has already taught.

There are certainly wonders, and. it befits the idea, taught school to learn the language. But usually it is not. Usually, if the student is not the profile of education, and how to learn a language, or he does not know, or if they know, do not know how to do it in practice.

The teacher can not teach language, and can only help to push, but the student must learn on their own. Very convenient and very wrong approach. And all because the teacher looks at the student with its bell tower, with its experience of more than one study, and only a pair of foreign languages, the knowledge, the teacher should be able to teach, that is, to help master the material, remember the new rules and words and teach them to use. Not to be confused with teaching private lessons at the Faculty of Foreign Languages. Before you are not a student, but a tired office worker, after a 12 hour day, maybe not even had time to eat, or a young mother, who was busy all day baby, and at night it does not have even the possibility of sleep, or a housewife, had just dug pologoroda .

Of course, if the student goes for itself, it often does not need to push it, but only to correct errors, and to give more to talk about, but it is only 10% of all students. Housewives and mothers also teach foreign languages.

First you need to give the basics of grammar and at least the minimum amount of vocabulary, and only then move on to conversation practice in a foreign language. Well, I was in this plan is easier and probably heavier than my disciples, but what to do with it. )) Well, I do not want to speak in Russian. Well, hard for me. It is easier and faster than Italian. So the second lesson of my students begin to talk in Italian.

In actual fact, to say a lot of words are not necessary. Rather, the opposite happens. This is when the teacher is faced, very often the way, with the inability to speak in their native language. Do not even talk and chatter. And we need to learn this.

Very often, especially those who have long and successfully taught the language itself, grammar more or less the whole is passed, reading has long neadoptirovannuyu literature, and can not speak, can not, can not. Just because you need to say from the beginning, from the very first lessons should develop speaking skills. You can not sit down and learn to speak in the past month. You can learn grammar, vocabulary, you can memorize and remember, but speaking you need to learn and it needs to be trained gradually and continuously.

According to the textbook does not learn the language, because in life do not say how it is taught in textbooks. That is, if you so the teacher says, it means that he is not a teacher, he just does not know the methods of teaching a foreign language, the language he can and knows, perhaps even very good, but teacher education does not have. Or is it the very young teacher who is "afraid" to work by the book, because it is not yet able to do it. For these teachers are usually the biggest problem is just the textbooks by foreign authors are built on the communicative method of teaching.

We agree that in life they say (often) is not quite as in textbooks. In Italy, for instance, because not even the Italian in life often say, and a dialect. But still, there are some books that are as close to the linguistic realities of the country the language is spoken. Besides, as said specific person (even a teacher great command of the language, even a native speaker) - can not be the standard of what everyone says. One particular person can not be named! We are all different, and all speak a little bit in different ways.

The textbook is needed first and foremost a teacher, to know exactly what and how to date student knows (if he is not the only student in his course). Tutorial - is the core and support, teacher's assistant, not a student. Students know this is not required)).

Courses and textbooks developed by foreign authors are not suitable for Russian. Not True! Much worse - textbooks developed Russian teachers, who never left the country, lived in an environment that did not go to the target language country - when the books are full of errors, slips of the pen, not to accuracy, obsolete and uncommon phrases and vocabulary. A good teacher dorasskazhet everything you need dorasskazat, and he instinctively adapts the textbook for Russian thinking student.

The lack of textbooks by foreign authors translated into Russian - that's a plus. And if students do not understand it or this is terrible, the task of the teacher to explain why, and how to overcome it. From the very first lesson, the student must begin to use a dictionary, and the task of the teacher - to teach him to do it (if you can not, of course). Typically, most people think they know how to use a dictionary, but in fact it turns out that it is not, especially if it is the first foreign language.

Translation and speaking - it is the same thing. These are two different types of activity. Read the text in a foreign language, translate into Russian. Then with the Russian translation into foreign. Individually - all right, but together - is not working. The main task of the teacher of a foreign language to the development of speaking skills - to learn to speak and translate Russian phrases in a foreign language. The goal - to have the student answer the question arose in a foreign language without going through the native language. It is very difficult for the teacher and for the student, in the Soviet method - not quite, but very present in the communicative foreign authors. In other words - it minipogruzhenie on Wednesday, which is created by the teacher in the classroom.
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Зарегистрирован: 26 июн 2014, 11:58


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