More dangerous GMOs

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More dangerous GMOs

Сообщение DARPA » 06 июл 2015, 22:08

Regarding GMO society is divided into two camps - the camp of the supporters and opponents of the camp.

Proponents claim that GMOs - it is simply the development of methods of selection and the new step of scientific progress, which can not be stopped. And in general, a few thousand years eat caviar (essentially pure genetic material) and gills until they have grown at anybody. And Semyon also nibble at this plant, again no one (although if you want you can bet).

Opponents of GMOs usually stand on the philosophical position that thousands of years lived without GMOs and as many more want to live. And there is nothing to change without asking what nature has created, and that so many namenyat that I want to wrap yourself in a sheet, and crawl to the cemetery. In short, it rises and sets - do not touch anything. However, there are very specific GMO opponents, who lead the results of various studies showing the harmful effects of prolonged use of GMOs in food.

So who is right?

First, let's get rid of the superstition that GMOs can affect the genetics of the consumer. In general can not. That is why for thousands of years eating caviar nobody grown gills. In the particular case of mutagenesis possible but causing its chemical compounds may be composed of both GMO and in the various chemical additives to conventional products or in the packaging. But this is a separate issue.

GMOs as a class are not mutagens.

So what's the solution? GMOs are safe?

Not always.

GMOs - a product of genetic engineering. Man intervenes in the genetic code of an organism (plant) to obtain certain qualities - improve productivity, morozoustoychivoat that pests do not ate and so on.

And now attention - question:

Where is the guarantee that the developers, intervening in the genetic code of a fetus with their crooked hands, make it useful?

Developers achieve our customer goals - to improve productivity, morozoustoychivat that pests do not ate and so on. And whether the product obtained in this useful, or consumers will begin to die after a couple of years, the use of an unknown disease - developers are naklast.

Just do not say that the developers of the holy infallible people for whom the health of the consumer is paramount.

Individual professionals can be a really decent person who thinks about a hundred times that it changes in the genetic code and where it leads. But laboratories and manufacturers of GMOs in general - is a commercial organization, podchinayuschiesya laws of the market. They are interested in profit, once the profit and nothing but profit.

And the owners of corporations involved in the release of GMOs are no different from those who produce weapons, destroy forests, drain the waste into the river, go to war and so on.

Developers and manufacturers of GMO solve business problems by increasing the output of food for human cattle. For these people - this is the cattle that they want to feed at the lowest cost, with the greatest benefit for themselves.

So where is the guarantee that GMO products will be more beneficial and healthier than traditional?

Just do not talk about testing and certification.

We know these tests.

Coca-Cola also takes all possible tests and allowed on the market, even her children are allowed to drink. But can we call it a healthy and useful product?

You can give an example of cheerful: there is such a drink - Jaguar. He, too, in many countries, is approved for sale. Also I passed the tests and certification. But if we call a spade a spade - a real poison.

Likewise with GMOs. Test run, certificates obtained, and how useful - the big question. Manufacturers, of course, argue that it is useful. And if this is true - go figure it out. It may be just as useful as Cola, and can be and how Jaguar.

Moreover - many disadvantages of GMO products may be unknown even to the manufacturer. Because genetic engineering - the direction of the very young, many of the effects are not fully understood. What is the effect certain deviations in the characteristics of the product to consumers - by the end nobody knows.

For a more or less reasonable to talk about the safety and benefits of a particular GMO product - you need to test it for several decades. We need to have someone fed this product all my life and at the same time to the statistics on obesity, cancer, stroke and other diseases did not differ from the other group, which the GMO product is not used.

But who today will test each product for 50 years or more?

After few years, and then only in mice - and the market.

GMO - an artificial product. At about the same as all sorts of chemical additives, but additives are eaten directly, but GM first increases and then used. In fact, GMOs - a growing chemical synthetic origin.

And the danger of GMOs - not that it would cause a mutation of the consumer, and that GMOs contain harmful substances, or vice versa contains little useful. Or contains a combination of nutrients that end up with is not helpful.

An example of the combination of harmful - mayonnaise. In individual ingredients useful, and in combination turns harmful product. Although he fully approved for sale and consumption.

The combination of materials is also important.

Our bodies - is not an enema, in which you can pour fats, proteins and carbohydrates in any combination, and there they will be equally well digested in the shit with the release of seething energy through the head.

Our body during long evolution tuned to eating certain foods in certain combinations. Combinations can be many. But they are not any.

When we use the products in a good combination - we feel good about themselves, we get sick less often and sleep better. When we bring down a everything in the trash - we do not sleep, and sit in the toilet and want to die quickly.

And each individual product - is also a combination of different materials, useful and not completely.

And genetic engineering intervenes in the combination of substances in the product. Just do not directly add to the chemistry of semi-finished, and by programming the genetic code to the body originally grew reformulated substances.

Genetic engineering changes the composition of substances in foods, and prolonged use of these products leads to a change in the composition of substances in the human body.

And not the fact that the changes are positive.

One of the tasks of creating GMOs - that culture is not ate pests. Now think, why stop pests devour culture. This is because it becomes unsuitable for them is harmful. Culture becomes unusable even for pests, and the person then eats it and thought it would be healthy. Worms die on the chemical composition, which grows from genetically modified seeds, and the person hopes to be healthy.

Another important point - a chemically pure products for humans are as harmful as the most real poisons. Chemically pure water leaches minerals from the body. Poor composition of food consumed leads to many disorders. Salt-free diet causes severe disease. Vodka, for reference - one of the most harmful of alcoholic beverages in the world, precisely because it is a chemically pure product - a mixture of alcohol and water. Moonshine is much less harmful than vodka, if finite, not abuse. A cognac in limited quantities even useful.

Genetic engineering cleans some of the products and adds other components.

Clean out the components that from the point of view of developers reduces the quality (yield, frost), adds new, to improve quality, at the same time works to ensure that the product is not suitable for pests.

The result is a culture that, unlike traditional cultures for thousands of years of proven, has not fully understood properties.

Some characteristics - such as yield, resistance to weather and pests - are identified quickly. Customer requirements GMO vyponyayutsya immediately. And you meet all the requirements of our body - who knows?

For thousands of years of evolution, our body has adapted to the consumption of those crops that grow in the wild. That was not in the nature of our body to absorb not learned. What was - on the contrary, I learned to digest optimally. Unfit for consumption poisonous plants and animals in the long history proved to be identified and well understood.

And now we started to load our body new products obtained by chemical means or by genetic engineering, in new combinations for our body and with the new chemical compounds.

Will all this useful?

Some individual GMO foods can be quite useful. It can not be excluded. But will it be helpful to all in a row that the genetic engineers nakolbasyat code their crooked hands?

Separately, about curves hands of genetic engineers.

Genetic engineers - basically the same programmers. And you can credibly claim that programmers who does not make mistakes, do not happen at all. Programmers who rarely make mistakes and do debug your code - and that is extremely small, about one in a thousand. The vast majority of today's developers - a lot of wrong or horribly wrong a lot. Every second graduate programmer in the good instead of the diploma was to receive a lifetime ban on any changes in any code.

Since genetic engineers I worked, but something tells me that the situation is similar.

So where is the guarantee that the GMO product, which is in front of you on the shelf, develop competent professionals, not Krivorukov idiots?

About the test I wrote, but I repeat.

Passage of product testing and certification only demonstrates that you do not die immediately. Proof - Coca-Cola, Jaguar, mayonnaise and many other products on the shelves of tolerance that does not mean that they should be used.

The tolerance of the product on the counter just means that its use will not be considered by law enforcement agencies as a suicide, but the seller is not arrested as a serial killer. And nothing more.

By and large, any product on the counter can be harmful to a greater or lesser degree. Especially if misuse.

The difference between conventional products and GMOs that traditional products, we more or less know how to eat to live happily ever after, and not to die in the toilet. Especially when you read the composition of the products and ensure that there are not mixed into all sorts of rubbish, you can maintain a relatively healthy lifestyle.

A GMO, even reading the part, argued that beneficial or harmful this product is, it is impossible. Because you do not know all the features of the modification, which produced the product Krivorukov engineers.

And count on the fact that the product is not developed Krivorukov and pryamorukih engineers and their owners - honest philanthropists, not cynical capitalists - a rather naive. These, perhaps, are in nature, but the probability of their meeting - almost 1%.

That these are dangerous GMOs.

GMO foods are dangerous their uncertainty.

You do not know who and how they are made, the changes made and what these changes may bring in 10, 20, 50 years of use.

You do not know what all problems the customer modifications set out to developers. You do not know how long, and honestly, he tested the product.

GMO - it's a lottery.

And when you consider that all GMO products to a greater or lesser extent, are new to our body, so our bodies are not tuned in the course of evolution in the use of these products - it turns out that in this lottery winning numbers are too few.
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Зарегистрирован: 26 июн 2014, 11:58


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