once losing weight, keep normal weight is almost impossible, more difficult than anticipated

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once losing weight, keep normal weight is almost impossible, more difficult than anticipated

Сообщение DARPA » 18 авг 2015, 20:31

People are divided into a network of information-who on a diet for much thinner, arguing - which one is better. Yes, they are all almost identical. All generate calorie deficit, and if not create, and the effect does not have. All the same - what diet - whether Duke whether shmukana - you can lose weight at all. You try to keep the achievements!

Latest news from my professional distribution: once losing weight, keep normal weight is almost impossible, more difficult than anticipated.

Ideally, the feeling of hunger - a signal of lack of energy reserves. When blood glucose and other nutrients falls, produced hormones hunger (ghrelin and 2-AG), which force us to go in search of food. Hunger also serves as a natural weight management - all of that is eaten after the onset of satiety, it goes to fat stores.

Enjoy a meal - no less important evolutionary mechanism, otherwise disinterest in nutrients led to the deaths of our kind. As a rule, the pleasure of eating is reduced with the onset of satiety, and this is a sign that you have eaten enough. But many ignore natural light, continue to eat. Details on the scale of the famine there in my book.

The most common problem.

1. Most people who are overweight eat not from hunger, but for other reasons: boredom, to set the mood to treat yourself or just chew mechanically.

2. Many grown thin do not consider that to maintain the lower weight requires less food back to old habits, and therefore difficult to gain extra weight lost.

But the researchers found that the hormones produced by famine and other reasons, and the body emaciated man there is a change affecting the harmony.

Professor Monteleone (Naples University, Department of Psychiatry) suggests that the mechanism of binge eating is much more difficult than it sounds, and requires serious study.

Participants of the experiment - eight young, absolutely healthy and slim men and women were fed breakfast. Within an hour after a meal, the scale of hunger, they chose the top mark - "satiety." But when they were brought into the room with your favorite treats (which was questioned before), they immediately reported that hungry. And not deceived - hunger hormone levels: ghrelin and 2-AG levels actually increased, despite the fact that the nutrient requirements at this point was not!

But this is not enough: after they ate your favorite treats, ghrelin and 2-AG, and remained at the same high level for two hours. That is, the body asked for supplements. Now, please note the following.

Nutrient requirements is not, the stomach is full, and there is hunger. Hunger demoralizing spoils the mood, reduce the concentration and prevents engaged in important matters. When a favorite treats, the body is deceiving you! Or to seize control of food - changes the biochemical signals in your body. She claims to be eaten at a time when you do not have nutrient requirements. She seemed to want to become a part of you, in the form of fat on the abdomen and thighs. This soulless set of proteins, fats and carbohydrates directs your actions, your appearance, your life.

The second time the same people were asked after breakfast unappetizing, tasteless meals. And the level of ghrelin decreased. (Journal of Clinical endocrinology and Metabolism, June, 2012)


Why in spite of the best intentions and efforts, once grown thin gaining weight? Many believe that they are simply dismissed, preferring beauty and health food.

But Professor Michael Rosenbaum of Columbia University (NY) found significant differences in the body of people who lose weight on a low calorie diet, and those who have always remained at a normal weight.

1. emaciated muscles burn fewer calories doing the same work, ie, work more economically. As a result, it requires 300 kkalory a day less than a man with the same weight who never lost weight.

Again, not fair! It is not fair! For what? People of the same weight with the difference that one was losing weight, and the other is not, and will come down to one or a slice of chocolate cake with raisins and coffee with cream on kkalory 300, and the other will start to gain weight.

2. Furthermore, once emaciated hunger hormone levels in the blood is higher than in those who never lost weight. That is, he really wants to have more than the one who has always been at a normal weight.

3. Finally, the pleasure center in the brain is much emaciated sensitive to taste. Once thinner - all delicious! And in addition, a think tank braking weakened.

And if we add to this relative cheapness and availability of food, delicious flavors and enticing shop windows, the conditions for the return of the lost kilos - just perfect.

'' This is a brief Pohudet- therapeutic measure. But to preserve the achievements - this is a task of a lifetime '' - added Professor Rosenbaum.

With these findings, experts from different countries agreed at the European Conference on Obesity in Lyon (May 2012). Thus, the phenomenon of the return of extra kilograms obsnyaetsya fact - they concluded - that

- Thinner should have less than others with the same weight,

- His appetite is higher

- And he gets pleasure from eating more.

A fit and healthy to be desirable. It's a hell of some during his lifetime? The penalty for former gluttony? Or is a new challenge?
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Зарегистрирован: 26 июн 2014, 11:58


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