10 holiday rules

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10 holiday rules

Сообщение DARPA » 09 сен 2015, 18:44

"Travel, especially in a new country - it is always a powerful wave of freshness and novelty REFRESH consciousness and a new look at things, meet new people and the environment." Expert search of their vocation Elsa Utyasheva on how to properly rest.
I had a dream. Do not even dream of, but the idea: to live by the sea and work remotely. Whenever I announce this phrase, or even to think on this subject - once seemed a sun terrace with sea views, laptop, I heard the sound of the waves, the bright sun blinded her eyes and began to run shivers. Whether the degree of reality refreshing sea breeze, or the pleasure that delivers the picture.

It is necessary to admit that the ideas I generate punctually and inspired dreams can not only itself, but the surrounding often fall under their contagious effects. So I check my dreams strength - really want it or just like to think that this would be desirable. A dream come true test is only one way - to try. So I took it and went to Barcelona for a month (yes, despite the course, in Europe too, can live frugally). The result will not only embodied in the reality of inspiring images, but also a portion of a new experience, a lot of discoveries, and a very important and useful new habit. But first things first.

Looking back, try to analyze what should be the perfect trip for me to have time to relax, watch the country, and at the same time with the use of? I share their discoveries.

1. One is to go on a journey of dreams.

I think everyone has a journey that all the time is delayed, because it requires too many resources, or in certain circumstances, or incredible coincidences never coinciding conditions. Therefore, each year planned some other trips and travel dream is carefully stored and postponed for later. I was so with Spain, or rather, Barcelona. How do you need to have time to see distant lands, to explore other continents, even repeatedly, and Spain - it is in fact close, always have time. Especially since everyone there like that after the others seem less interesting.

In general, this time it was decided to realize a dream, or rather two. And it was incredible! Immediately all became clear - why it was drawn here is why it was so important and necessary it is to me why the second year without any practical purposes teach language, why ... are endless. I think everyone can find their own answers to the important questions - one has only to listen to their desires and dreams of a trip.

2. One is to travel alone and / or in the new company.

Not everyone is willing to stay during a trip by himself - who is afraid can not cope with possible difficulties, someone decided to leave their mate or family. Traveling alone - it's one of my favorite ways to travel, and always the most interesting and eventful, and openness to experience. Perhaps it does not suit you, and do not like, but until you try - do not know.

This time the journey without the usual company was just a coincidence, because my family could not leave either for a month or were not interested in a trip to Barcelona. But it opened up opportunities for new experiences - my idea imbued with as much as two people from the far circle of acquaintances who magically matched the dates of holidays. The result - two completely new look at the rest, the difference in the interest and the opportunity to see Barcelona by two new angles. And two new human family.

3. One should instead 07/10/14 30 days to leave.

According to psychologists and employers, the perfect vacation should not last too long, otherwise it will be difficult to return to work. It turns out to relax and "disconnect" from work processes, only three days. And in order to easily adapt to work after the holiday, a vacation does not recommend more than two weeks. Before my trip lasted just 3 to 14 days. During this time, I managed to catch a lot in active recreation. But after such a busy rhythm after returning only desire was - to go to another vacation to relax.

On the other hand, according to the doctors for a good rest the body needs 3-4 weeks to have time to adapt to acclimatize and relax. I remember the stories my parents that earlier were given 1 vacation once a year and a month. I wanted to see whether I will approach this time. Now I am sure that for me the duration of the perfect vacation - exactly one month. Each week is lived completely on the new, and this time is just right to first look at the Barcelona and then to get to know, and then want to exchange it on the surrounding space, and finally back, bored and longed to tighten it real serious romance . Both my companion for the rest regretfully found that two weeks of rest it was not enough and they are happy to have extended their holidays for two more.

4. One is to abandon the rounds in favor of independent travel.

Any my journey does not begin on the day of departure, but much earlier - the day of the preparation for it. I like to plan and organize everything yourself, search for flights, choose housing, figure out the subtleties and nuances with friends, have visited this place.

Besides the joy of planning and organization, independent travel is always a boundless freedom. You can select a location or more, the flight date, housing, and be able to change everything at any moment. It is possible to be open to how the journey is revealed in the process itself, which offers opportunities and choose from them what you like.

5. One is to make friends with the local "natives."

Most pleasure traveling I always delivers familiarity and chat with the locals, the ability to "peek" for their way of life, and, if lucky, to see the country through their eyes. Ideal - to go to the local friends to immerse themselves in the environment, the culture and feel the atmosphere.
In Barcelona, ​​friends, where you can live, I did not have, so it was decided to purchase a new, rented accommodation from the local. Looking description and photographs of several tens of apartments, communicated with the owners of almost all, and put each other mutual casting choice was made. Guided by intuition and common sense, it was chosen apartment in the 10-minute walk from the Sagrada Familia, with a lovely terrace, a spacious living room and charming hosts.

Later it was learned that the owners were not only native Spaniards, but also an avid traveler, as well as owners of small businesses, which are controlled remotely. Thus, I had the chance not only to make friends with them and learn a lot from them, but also to observe the life of my dreams, that for a month every day unfolded before my eyes.

6. One should take a trip without reading guides and plans.

I do not like to over-prepare to travel information. Excess data and subjective assessments of other people's perception of overload and destroy the spontaneity of travel. For me, the day of departure rather "vaguely remembered" the name 3-4 well-known attractions. But after arriving, you can afford a place to show off, discovering new places and interesting angles. To see the city not only from the tourist point of view, be sure to ask a few local routes, favorite places and institutions.

A couple of days before departure, I asked the advice of my friend, who lived in Barcelona for a while. After a while, get a mini-guide "zlachnym" places the size of 3 pages A4, with detailed comments where, what time of day, for what purpose and in what frame of mind you need to be. Besides my landlords drew great scheme of routes, marking flags secret places, where is necessary to try the hot chocolate in the cafe looking at an inconspicuous sign, or look at the production of the handmade candy in a little shop, turning the narrow street on the way.

7. It is necessary to conceive of some experiment, which began in the journey.

Often vacation becomes for me the beginning of something new, not only opening up new prospects and opportunities, but also will add something new in my life. For example, during a holiday in Thailand 2hnedelnogo I began to devote 30 minutes a day to practice, and that way daily (with rare exceptions) sport came into my life a few years ago. During a trip to Cuba for the first time in my life I was beginning a natural way to wake up at dawn, and even became a regularly Spanish, making up for missed lessons during the holidays.

In Barcelona this experiment was the practice of writing morning pages, which I've read and heard, but there was no reason to try. Due to this unusual and interesting experiment, separate notebook keeps the particles of impressions, emotions and travel experiences, recorded by hand.

8. One should turn off the "catch all" and just trust the flow

Sometimes, talking about some area of ​​my new Spanish friends do not make recommendations, and simply said «just flow», mysteriously smiling. In this mode, the flow going and my acquaintance with Barcelona: wake up early in the morning absolutely fresh and sleep, cook fragrant coffee, a leisurely breakfast, to complete work tasks quickly and efficiently select an area for a walk .. go where the heart dictates, turn the corner suddenly discover the park, the cathedral or an unusual shop, open sights, appearing out of nowhere .. lie down on the grass and listen to the street musicians or watch the huge bubble ... In the subway to meet with members of the new Latin American group, touring in Europe, to be invited to the concert ... Buy a couple of slices of salmon in the supermarket and get two more in the present, not the action, but just ..

The same rule of trust and stream acted on travel outside the city. He had only mention of the desire to go to the House-Museum Dali, or look at the Black Madonna, these travel organized themselves through new friends or acquaintances, who was planning to go in the direction the other day and could ride. The result is a soulful, fun and economical.

For me still surprising that, living in a slow rhythm, and parallel work, I could not just walk almost the whole of Barcelona, ​​but also explore its surroundings: Mataro, Sidzhets, Besalu, Cadaques, Fudger, Olot, Montserrat and lots locations along the way.

9. One should afford to be themselves.

I like it when some travel arrangements "effect of companion" apply to all travel. When being in a new environment, you do not find yourself "Overseas bizarre tourists", and fits well into the overall atmosphere of the way you are. When you can be yourself, and there is no need to impress.

In Barcelona, ​​it is particularly easy, especially for what I fell in love with it. First, the city is very international, and it is almost always a lot of tourists from different countries, so the inhabitants of this city is difficult to surprise. Secondly, I have the impression that the Catalans themselves easily to be themselves, and perhaps to others so they too tolerant. It seems that they do not think about the fact that they produce a certain impression. Being a very friendly, welcoming, and seeking help in everything, at the same time say what they think, and when the emotions going through the roof - not shy in expressions. Regardless of the financial well-being, is not too concerned about their appearance, and does not assess the other on clothes. It is difficult to distinguish between a very wealthy Catalan from any other. His appearance will also be sloppy and easy. These people value very different things - comfort, simplicity, natural beauty, love for life, the opportunity to be themselves. Very grateful for this warm hospitality and the opportunity to feel like home.

10. Once a journey is to abandon old habits and form new ones.

As I was traveling to Barcelona not only to relax but also to work, I was plagued by the question of how to do everything? How to balance work and relaxation, with plenty of time enjoying the first and second? For several months I have been working on a deeper purpose - how to achieve goals, keeping the balance. But despite this, my life was much more energetic shift activities than restorative rest, inactivity and contemplation.

I was able to experience this balance there, in Barcelona. Bright colors, blinding sun, a little slower pace of life in the city, conquered his rhythm and allowed to re-learn how to contemplate, feel, taste, trusting the flow, breathe and live. With pleasure to live every moment of life here and now.

As a result, during the trip I was able to not only do all the important tasks in my project, but do not spend time on unimportant. It was possible to pay the much less time than before, thus using it effectively: to carry out quests to find a favorite work by vocation, studying coaching, writing new articles, to conduct a coaching session with a client.

Back in the metropolis, I carefully try to maintain a sense of balance, happiness, and adapt to a new leisurely lifestyle. Still, the place is not only affect us, but we're at it. And it works!


Once we have discussed with my friend, who was planning to move from Norway to Canada for a year and wondered what new he could there begin to engage in, the following sentence: "It is important to remember that being in the other place, I will stay the same person, that I was before. " He was convinced that if he still did not start going to the gym or to shoot videos for his blog, it will not start this, despite the climate has changed and the new view.

I caught myself thinking that I absolutely do not agree with him. Travel, especially in a new country - it is always a powerful wave of freshness and novelty REFRESH consciousness and a new look at things, meet new people and the environment. I love to travel and always draw inspiration from trips. Even if the rest has been no global breakthrough, in my opinion, every journey inevitably leads to internal changes, even if it is not immediately noticeable.

Travel to Barcelona was the most saturated in the breakthroughs and most transformational for me. I was told that I began to look different, sound different, more harmonious and happy. Here's how it life balance, manifested outwardly for others! Some turned out to be "my" place, a place of "force". And if before I came back with the idea of ​​travel "the world is so big, you need to see new places," the first time I want to go back and stay in this magical place yet.

And I wondered, when one dream trip come true, what would be the next target? And I caught myself thinking - perhaps a trip to a longer period, or a trip with no return ticket.
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