About automaticity in English, which like to talk

Модератор: zlata

About automaticity in English, which like to talk

Сообщение DARPA » 10 сен 2015, 19:45

I learned 11 languages, automaticity was achieved in 4, so I have something to say on this topic. About automatism in a foreign language commonly spoken practicing the so-called communicative approach.

Good morning! I am Vladimir 1way_to_english of the city of Sumy. I teach English, German, Italian, doing translations. Today I am on duty at Oleg and we are talking about learning foreign languages.

Automatism is 2 types:
1) When we speak of ready-made phrases, only slightly modifying them. The average man in the memory they can hold up to 400 pieces. thus only a simple conversation can be conducted. And so we will often answer "is not the topic." It will sound primitive.

Such automatism turns on the course where the emphasis from the first lesson is on how to "just talk, do not dig the boring grammar." It's a long way to go. Lead us to a dead end from which then it is impossible to develop.

2) When we strung words to realize PREVIOUSLY grammatical patterns. Grammar, it is as a designer - is composed of standardized elements that are going to form larger units.

A voice from the audience: "if you want awareness, then where automatism, which means that we do not need to worry?" At primary and secondary level of proficiency in the specific rule in mind, we pick words based on the study of grammatical structure.

When we are aware of the grammatical pattern correctly to make two dozen proposals, the template goes into the subconscious, that is, the grammatical construction is brought to automatism. And you do not need to worry.

But these couple dozen proposals must be built properly in the place where the scheme involved studied grammar. If we have 4 sentences constructed correctly, and in the 5th made a mistake, the subconscious mind does reset, RESET accumulated material and starts all over again.

And when we say - the chance of mistakes is much higher than when we write. Hence the conclusion - first master the grammatical pattern is written, THEN - orally.

In the picture - Review of the training course and correcting errors.

To remember the phrase, and based on it a rule, it is necessary to do 4 things: to see, to hear, to write, to apply in the case.

Enable word in real life we ​​learn in 4 stages:
1) write slowly but correctly with spying in the training materials.
2) write quickly and correctly without peeping into the rules.
3) Speak slowly and correctly with spying in the training materials.
4) speak quickly and correctly without peeping into the rules.

English - 50 is the following - my wording. Each topic is divided grammatical another 1-6 regulations. That is, the English language - a 100-200 rules, but for the average level of their need about 40. That's it and you need to work this way.

A voice from the audience: "I have tried to teach grammar and nothing happened." Not this way. This is your teacher or textbook author tried to teach grammar, and he did not succeed. Learn to choose the source: Teach English for Beginners - How to choose - 12 rules.

Now let's look at the matter from the other side. Here John yuzhnokoreets and American, that is, having two persons. Last summer, he was sitting next to me in the bus when I was driving from Sumy in Kiev.

I first spoke to him, and almost 4 hours we had discussions with him. And he said to me: "For months in Sumy you're the first person I just understand. I do not need to guess. All at once it is clear without peresprashivaniya. " I replied: "John, I pay more attention to the structure of his speech, the way I construct sentences, that is, the grammar. While other English learners tend to ignore it. "

I'm getting to that 90% of people learning English, do not think about the problem of automaticity. First, solve the problem of collecting the right words immediately clear proposals, plus recruitment and activation of vocabulary. When you have confidence the average level, and that's when work on the acceleration of its statements.
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Зарегистрирован: 26 июн 2014, 11:58


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