Seven rules of successful morning person

Модератор: zlata

Seven rules of successful morning person

Сообщение DARPA » 11 сен 2015, 19:06

Rule 1. Yoga.
Opening his eyes are not in a hurry to jump out of bed in order to avoid serious trouble. What happens if a bottle of warm champagne swing back and forth? That's right, when you want to cast from it, it is you zalёt foam from head to toe.

The morning began with yoga.
Take a pose "Savasana" close your eyes, feel like you are dissolved in a stream of consciousness.
Say the word "Om", feel the vibration of the universe.
Rule 2. Charge.
Finally waking up to do exercises. To do this you need to take the iPhone and the MacBook and then connecting them to the power supply. Keep charging took place without stress, but with full dedication. Then the whole day will be on the positive and drive.
Rule 3. Water treatments.
When a half billion people on the planet somehow experiencing a problem with the lack of drinking water, it would be unwise in the morning to take a shower or wash in the bath. Where do you have time to get dirty?
But the vile creature to hide under a sofa and features reminiscent of dusty cat, clearly in need of a contrast shower.
Ask him a good dressing down, he was not dragged to the dust all over the furniture. If the cat was a man, you probably would have said thank you.
Rule 4. Stimulating the digestive tract.
Some sites are writing about a healthy lifestyle, which has bred dogs like nerezanyh recommend drinking a morning cup of warm water with lemon. What's the point? Where is the logic?
On the morning of good will a glass of white wine or a glass of Calvados.
It is useful to drink in the morning of the infusion
wild red ants Changbai plateau. In order to prepare this delicious and healthy beverage must be dry ants pour vodka, insist week, and then take in the morning in an amount of from 50 to 100 grams on an empty stomach.
If you then drink another cup of espresso without sugar, all the processes in the gastrointestinal tract does not go, and rage, giving you a powerful energy of qi.
Rule 5: A healthy breakfast.
You have not eaten all night, and in front of you will be a difficult day filled with negative human emanations.
In order to feel comfortable you need a hearty breakfast grounding heavy energy and focus energy in Manipur.
For breakfast, choose (proteins) English breakfast (toast black grain bread, eggs, beans, bacon and sausage), fresh orange juice (vitamins) and cappuccino (carbohydrates).
Or a steak with blood, a side dish of broccoli, carrot and fresh latte.
For dessert, go pancakes with blueberry jam.
Spit in the back of the scoundrels, who are advised to eat for breakfast cabbage or carrots. You are not a hare or a goat. You are a predator. And you go out on the hunt.
Rule 6. Sex.
Some there in the West, it is advised to have sex at night. This dirty insinuations perverts rotting. Even in the evening people are exhausted and squeezed like a lemon. The only thing missing any hipster or kreakla at the end of the working day - a couple of hours to sit at computer games. A real man should be in the evening to watch TV while lying on the couch, tightly supper and a good snack. Gather strength for the next day.
At night, people have to sleep. Therefore, the morning is the best time for sex. Your libido is splashing over the edge, but a tool to maximize operational. Do not miss this moment.
Rule 7. Money.
Morning is the best time to make money. During the day you will put a spoke in the wheel, push out of the subway car, prohibit the parking lot and stop harming, snitch, envy. Will try to deny your place in the sun produced by hard work. And there is always someone who smite you in the back.
Therefore, the morning call to a friend or ex-wife and tell me what you stole a purse, let him throw your money at stake.
You can advertise on Facebook and announce that you puerperal fever and needed money for her treatment. Give people a number of the Yandex-wallet, if not greedy.
Not bad in the morning to sell on Ebay a set of coins that collects your spouse (spouse) or a set of winter tires to your brother-in that second year you have lying around in the garage.
The energy of money that you extracted from the space, will give you not only positive, but also adjusts the strings of the universe on your success.
And remember, in the schedule of a successful person can not be trifles.
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