Rousseau tourists in dill

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Rousseau tourists in dill

Сообщение DARPA » 11 сен 2015, 19:13

Recently, the thinner has several so-called Rousseau tourists coming to fennel, and then tells us in his blozhikah that, despite the "Russian aggression" in Dill's simple zashib and prices cheap, and all is quiet, and none at all of fascism no. Of the so-called Rousseau tourists most sausages, and is based on the shit and water, and climbs without soap in all the holes in the promo, and praises the dill, and condemns Russia a native of the Russian Federation, who is now living in Northern Cyprus (link not give, because I do not like idiots PR - who should he find himself). It seems to be moved out "of Raska" in evropku to the warm sea - sit there, shut up and be happy as long as migrants do not come in large numbers, so there is - it is necessary to throw mud at the former home ... well, okay. Besides ushlёpka with Northern Cyprus there is a certain Pierre puerro or dog knows ... what's his name, several times already this year visited Dill; well-known husband kakluhi Nata just forgive Vova, which, however, is not a tourist but almost citizen dill; Well, some other individuals.

In this regard, there is a need to hold a small session of exposure, that is to say exorcism, and to develop a training manual to combat this so-called Rousseau tourists with the appearance immoral. Proceed.

As everyone knows, everyone praises Now Dill, has liberast, kreakl and enemy of the people, and therefore appeal to the conscience of so-called Rousseau tourists say, here you are, having arrived in the dill, actually financed the murder of children Donbass useless - the conscience of the enemies all still there, and they are killing children Donbass only rejoice. And if so, do not need to appeal to the conscience, and to find the weaknesses of enemies, and aiming to beat them.

What liberastov weaknesses? First of all, ambition - every one of them considers himself the smartest, the most outstanding, the most worthy, the most advanced, most successful, and all the rest - bydlovatnikami, anchovies and losers. From vanity liberastov implies the second of their property - fear for yourself, a loved one: oh-wei, and not Gd forbid me so beautiful, something bad will happen! Here's to these painful points and need to beat.

That is necessary not thunder, nor inquired angrily, "Why did you went to Dill?" And giggle and say, "Ugh, I do not know what normal, it happens in evropkah people, not pervert the type of masochist, and not paid up blogger , to whom ordered a series of articles in the style of "My Fair fennel" may in this zanyuhanny, glubokoprovintsialnoy Dill find? Well that's what? Antiquities? They exist only in the fevered brain of dill, came up with a 140-tysyacheletnyuyuyu history - in the real world of attractions, antiquities and other wonders of the world need to go to Italy, Greece and Egypt.

Several provincial castles in Western Ukraine? Ugh - in order to admire the real castles should go to France, Germany, etc. Britashku

Orthodox shrines? Well, actually, Kiev-Pechersk Lavra may be of interest to Orthodox Christians, but there are not liberasty Orthodox.

Rest on the sea? Hmm, well, theoretically, somewhere in Odessa or the same Berdyansk you can relax under the program no dick is not included is very cheap and cheerful, but as for me, seduced shovels (I do not like this word, but otherwise there can not be said) service on a fairly still cool northern coast of the Black Sea or on the dirty swamp Meotian can only or no adequate person, or poor rogue, to whom do not have enough money even to Egypt or Turkey.

Cheap girls? Oh, wow, sex tourism in dill our vso - write that kakluhi can give even dinner "Puzata hut", as if to pretend to be the type of bride and tell lies kakluhe that you have serious intentions, the kakluhu possible ten days polzovat gift but ... listen, do our Rousseau tourists such zadroty rogue and that they do not give even the women - you have sex tours to kakluham ride? "

Giggle in this style of luzerstva Rousseau tourists, you can move on to the second part of the ballet marlezonskogo - to the effects of fear. To do this:

- Make a selection of crime news dill. The facts we now have a lot: they fired to stop there or is there a gas station robbed collector car, it blew up a grenade, there beaten black students, there robbed travelers, etc. This bully of Russian tourists in any case can not: on the contrary, we should smile and say, "No, well, I understand that liberast stupid to think that there pebble became friends, and believes that the time with me during the trip nothing wrong did not happen, it means that all zashib dill. Well, well, let him ride in the dill and more - it's all the time: a pitcher of water got into the habit to go .... ";

- To recall the facts as found in canned ukropskih glass and other foreign bodies (by the way, Russia is high time to ban the export of products from the fennel, because no one knows that there splashed dill). Recalling grin and say, "No, I know that you think that the time had come to praise dill and find fault" Raska ", you will be on hand kakly wear. But, you know, it may happen that some kind waitress Galya does not recognize in you the world famous popular blogger and think that you're just Moskal and plesnёt you in the soup something sort of ... Do not believe me? And you remember how sorry Toots just now here you are simply Vova on the machine cut the tire, BGG. "

- To talk about the environmental situation, the burning of peat bogs, smog over Kukuyev, on fires in the Chernobyl zone. Remind that the cancer of the respiratory tract it stsuko, no spare ...

Something like that. Of course, no one thinks that after our light trolling Rousseau tourists with the appearance of immoral so soon cease to travel to Dill - do not stop, because perverts in this world enough; In addition, as we have said above, it is believed that some bloggers posts in the style of "the beautiful tourist dill" prepay.

But osadochek from Rousseau tourists will believe me. So, look, and ye shall find.
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Зарегистрирован: 26 июн 2014, 11:58


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