SECRET harmony

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SECRET harmony

Сообщение DARPA » 13 сен 2015, 18:33

This post has matured itself. Too often I hear: "tyzhhudaya, you still can!", I like to eat junk food at any time of the day or night - great happiness of every person. No no and one more time no. That's why I decided to write an honest, open a post about my physique and power to arrange finally dot the "and."

Firstly, I reveal "secret" - I still have a predisposition to be overweight. For 29 years I have a lot of time recovering and grew thin, and there were moments when, because of nerves, I could not recover dolgofizicheski ... If I get better, it turned into a real "pear". In my case, all the excess deposited directly in the hips, while both top visually always easy. I'm happy to be shown their photos from Thailand, but unfortunately all the photos for the last 3 years of his life - mysteriously removed. Also admitted that he had never put in a network of unsuccessful photographs and recovering - successfully masked extra pounds of clothing (who do not know - I started my career with the stylist in the fashion industry, so that the task is easy to get by).

My slenderness (or thinness as you want) - the result of proper nutrition and exercise. Without these two components in a sedentary job, I simply gathering a 7-10 kg. Some of you are going to say: "Well, well!" ... Wake up! 10 kg of fat will not make anybody healthier or more beautiful. A good 10 kg of muscle mass - it is :)

I must say that I did not call leveled at my figure, I do not consider it an ideal and certainly no call to lose weight - each for himself determines the state in which he feels comfortable. Despite the fact that all people have different metabolism, is quite real, adhering to the simple rules of food, not just get rid of unnecessary kilograms, but also to improve their well-being + qualitatively change the state of the body :)

1. Make a nutrition program. Count how many calories you need to consume per day, depending on the activity, muscle mass and so on. Forming the menu every day - stick to the plan. It is difficult to be only the first time.

2. Eat "on the clock". My schedule supply about this: the first from 7:30 breakfast, 10:30 - second, 12:00 - snack (apple, nuts, grapes), 13:00 - Lunch 17:00 - a cup of coffee and a light snack (apple, sometimes plain yogurt, banana), dinner - 2-3 hours before bedtime. Days when the rhythm gets off, as a rule, not so much.

3. Stop eating all sorts of rubbish. Tell me once and for all "no": chips, cake with a fat cream, fast food, sugary cereals, "natural" juices, milk chocolate, Snickers and fizzy drinks like Coke, Fanta and Sprite. Just forget about it. Absolutely. Personally, I'm sweet is now only eat dark chocolate (my favorite, by the way - "Babaev"). Any other sweets - do not even want.

4. Reduce the use of alcohol. If you still think that your face and body, even super-groomed man of 40 is no worse than a person, leading healthy lifestyle, you're wrong :) The difference was, and will be visible at all times. This is especially true for women. From alcohol to prefer dry wine or strong drink in its purest form.

5. Drink water. Water - the basic element of life, not to speak nothing of the fact that it displays all the toxins from the body, helps digestion, moisturizes the skin (reduces the signs of aging) and supports our immune system in good shape. I drink at least 2.5 liters a day. If you are at least a couple of weeks, give up other drinks in favor of water, and then try to drink juice or tea bags "from a bag," almost sure that you will find this unholy abomination. Exceptions - good leaf tea or a good coffee.

6. Exercise. Choose the appropriate kind of activity for you and deal with it at least a couple times a week 2. I often write as hard to find a couple of hours for this (work, road, family, children), but if not Gd forbid any doctor puts the question squarely: "or transaction or a regular sailing" - the time is instantly! Do not think I do not want anyone similar "or .. or", but the fact remains. I have been at least 4 times a week (minimum - three times) and my physical condition is now much better than it was before, it's not the thinness, and in general sostoyanhttp: // organism (Health I really watch). In other words, do not be lazy and your body is sure to tell you "thank you!".
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