Syrian War. Lavrov dot?

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Syrian War. Lavrov dot?

Сообщение DARPA » 14 сен 2015, 17:59

Last week, there were a lot of different events, therefore, the importance of an extremely strong statement by Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergey Lavrov on the situation in Syria and related issues by many Russians has not been evaluated. Or is this statement simply was not caught from infopotoka. Check out.


"We never made a secret of our military presence in Syria. Our military experts working there, helping the Syrian army to develop our service. No additional steps are now Russia is taken.
If it is required, we will take these steps in full compliance with our legislation, international law and with our international obligations. Of course, only at the request and with the consent of the Syrian government, or other countries in the region, if it will help them, and in the fight against terrorism. "

"In my regular contacts with US Secretary of State (John Kerry), including yesterday's telephone conversation, we talked about this in detail. He expressed concern about those rumors, which are full of Western media.
Kerry also held a very strange idea that support for Assad in the fight against terrorism only strengthens the position of LIH, because in response to LIH sponsors will pump this terrorist structure with plenty of weapons and money. It is completely inverted upside down logic, again attempt to pander to those who use terrorism to the fight against unwanted regimes.
This is a colossal mistake that the US coalition had no idea any cooperation with Syria, even informed the Syrian government is not expected that these countries are going to do, throwing punches in the territory, as they say, "the positions of LIH."

"So when are flying to our address allegations that we are doing something illegal, that somewhere strengthen the IG, I would request a closer look at the specific techniques that is making the US-led coalition.
We are confident that coordinate all these efforts, all the players in this important anti-terrorist front, quite capable, if we reject the double standards to conduct business on the basis of international law through the coordination, the central role of the UN Security Council. We are ready for it "(c)

Imagine? This real zhestkach sounded normally streamlined in wording Lavrov!

Those who are not able to recognize the signals translate into Russian diplomacy Lavrov Elementary:

1. Time and secrecy policy of waiting passed. It's time to act.
2. "The Syrian card" will be played Russia - MTB ready, the orders given to: indirect and direct military support to Syria Russia will be given in any case - whether in a coalition with Russia are interested in the destruction of LIH Western democracies, or in fact against the already existing coalitions mentioned countries with LIH.
3. There is no doubt - the "ace in the hole" Dark prepared for the anniversary UN General Assembly - a proposal was made clear to cooperate, including through the UN agencies.
4. At the same time, Lavrov made clear that Russia no one begs her to help, but if someone is in this thread crap Russia in his pocket, then the most adept ogrebёt double standards in full.

Here is a very interesting (to understand) made a statement Lavrov friends. You, by the way, notice that all of our channels voenkory koi constantly stuck in the Donbass is now molded reports from Syria? That's right, I'm talking about - the emphasis shifted, and Lavrov dot.
I'm really not a very good idea of ​​how we will be able to wage war in Syria in case against us is not only the LIH, but vile Westerners - geography very limits our ability ...

On the other hand, well-studied strategy and tactics of Putin, I can say with a high degree of probability suggest that Putin is not going to hit where everyone expects.
Looking forward to the moment when it is dark again stir the anthill of his beloved "asymmetrical" with a stick, and will be smiling his famous smile, quietly watch from the crazy ants legwork ...
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