Rating of Russian roads from the WEF

Модератор: zlata

Rating of Russian roads from the WEF

Сообщение DARPA » 17 сен 2015, 01:52

They sent me a link to another Western rating, according to which Russia is supposedly at the bottom: this time on the quality of the roads. Some experts of the World Economic Forum put Russia in 136th place out of 144 possible - on par with Ukraine and Gabon recently already mentioned:


This assessment of our roads looked obviously false - as the roads in Russia, though clearly inferior in quality to European, but with no less clearly superior to the road of poor countries. I decided to look at the original of this ranking, and he confirmed my worst fears. Look at page 413 (429), Quality of roads:

http://www3.weforum.org/docs/WEF_Global ... 012-13.pdf

It turns out that in Rwanda and Botswana's roads are better than in Italy, Liberia and better than in the Czech Republic.

This is an obvious absurdity. Let's compare Rwanda (40th place in the ranking) and the Czech Republic (77th place ranking). The population of these countries is approximately the same - 12 million in Rwanda, against 10 million in the Czech Republic.

Rwanda - one of the world's poorest countries with a GDP (PPP) per capita of US $ 1700. Compared to other African countries roads in Rwanda are not so bad - where they are:


The total length of roads in Rwanda - 14 thousand kilometers are paved - 19%:


Czech Republic - prosperous EU country with a GDP (PPP) per capita of 30,000 US dollars, 18 times higher than in Rwanda. The total length of roads in the Czech Republic - 130 thousand kilometers are paved - 100%:


Yet Rwanda WEF experts put 5 points out of 7, and the Czech Republic - only 3.7 points.

Google Czech Republic Panorama covered thickly enough, the curious can estimate the quality of the road surface in this country a favorite with tourists. It is quite high:

https://www.google.ru/maps/@50.0717479, ... 56!6m1!1e1

Making sure that the rating on the WEF comprises a candid absurdity, I decided to search the Internet for more information, and soon found a very interesting analysis of this rating for Pauline authorship Zyuzin. It turns out that a country's score in the rankings are set by random survey of people from the areas of business:

http://blinkinstitute.blogspot.ru/2013/ ... 12012.html

The technique involves the study (and proves to be sufficient) to obtain basic information about the quality of transport infrastructure through a survey of employees of firms from among the top management (managers). The respondents' answers are evaluated on a 7-point scale. Thus, six of the nine key indicators of the infrastructure unit calculated on the basis of the private opinions of representatives of top management (managers) of the individual companies doing business in the country.

In the Russian Federation, addressed the 377 survey respondents, of which only 2% were interviewed in person. For information about the respondents themselves stingy. It is not clear how all respondents respondents competent in assessing the quality of infrastructure.

The picture finally cleared. Researchers WEF just sent a large number of heads of long questionnaires in which the country was asked to put their assessments on several dozens of items - from politicians to trust the quality of power supply. One of the items in the questionnaire stood something like "appreciate the quality of roads in your country on a seven-point scale» </ blockquote>

The question is, how can evaluate the quality of roads in Russia any Head of a small bank or a director of a brokerage agency? Obviously, in any way. For this purpose it is necessary to conduct a special study to delve into the statistics, analyze data, compare with other countries ... and the question in the questionnaire - a few dozen, and each of them is desirable to spend no more than 15 seconds, as the leaders of the time is always in short supply.

Most of the respondents probably just mindlessly indicated in the questionnaire that she heard 10 times a day from our bloggers and journalists - that the roads in Russia are terrible and disgusting.

What happened in Rwanda, and in the Czech Republic?

In Rwanda, representatives of business elite obviously been tuned a bit more patriotic and stated that the roads in their country on the whole good. Compared with neighboring countries in Africa, perhaps it really is. But the Czechs were as disgruntled whiners, like the Russian "experts".

The article Paul Zyuzin, to which I have already referred to above, are also dealt with in detail and other outstanding 'experts' evaluation. The overall conclusion - that part of the WEF study, which is formed by surveys of business, is an information garbage that can not be taken seriously any:

http://blinkinstitute.blogspot.ru/2013/ ... 12012.html

Now a little about sad. The link to the article, according to which the Russian roads are supposedly one of the worst in the world, I was given about 10 pm. Who I am on my watch for 11, and I, as you see, has received enough information to name the arguments rating WEF "information garbage" without fear of prosecution by Western researchers.

The question is, why are these miserable 60 minutes time there was not one of the journalists of our media? Why are our journalists did not even try to include the brain, just obediently eat with a shovel that nonsense that they shoved him, Western analysts?

The answer, unfortunately, obvious. Because the Russian press corps "business" media first, deeply unprofessional, and secondly completely under the control of Western ideas. It is impossible to imagine a journalist large "business" media who have written in the newspaper - "yes, researchers WEF this time written about Russia blatant nonsense."

The most the maximum that can be expected from the media - it is a conversation with the editor in the key "here here WEF strongly nalazhal with numbers, let's not put in the room." Articles that have exposed blunders and outright lies of Western researchers in our business, I have not seen the media once.

However, on the other hand, there is in this painful credulity domestic media and its advantages. After all, if our journalists were able to perform their duties, who would then read the revelations Western ratings on our "Handbook patriot"?


To summarize

Next time you will be given as an argument to link to the rating of the road from the WEF, answers simply: according to this rating roads in poor African Rwanda supposedly much better than the road to a prosperous Europe the Czech Republic. This obvious absurdity proves that the information in the ranking of WEF completely divorced from reality.

PS. For those who now begins to throw in the commentary old photos of bad Russian roads. Bad roads can optionally be found in almost any country. For example, US:

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