In his confrontation with the US Russia has reached the level of the Soviet Union

Модератор: zlata

In his confrontation with the US Russia has reached the level of the Soviet Union

Сообщение DARPA » 17 сен 2015, 17:50

So, citizens, yesterday Bashar Assad gave an interview to the Russian First channel, and Syria's permanent representative to the UN said that Russia has every right to bomb the positions of LIH. This shows that in Syria all very seriously and allows us to draw some conclusions. Let the points.

1. Reprinted full interview Bashar al-Assad, I will not - interested, he can always find it in interenete and read or listen to - but most important from my point of view, I note, and not just a note and will try to make a transfer from the diplomatic in Russian. So, B. Assad said:

a) to achieve peace in Syria need vnutrisiriysky dialogue, so soon in Moscow will be held regular talks with the Syrian authorities the so-called opposition. Translation - Moscow - peacemaker, we are conducting negotiations (won LDNR also in Minsk with the junta about something talking), but we need one win;

b) the so-called Islamic State of intensified so because it, at least in the first stage of its existence, supported by the West. Translation: the West and now supports them - no wonder rollers IGILovskih executions look as if filmed in Hollywood;

c) the President of a country can and should leave his post only if its people so wish. Translation: I was elected by the people, not the American State Department to shift me;

d) can not at the same time lamenting the fate of the refugees and to look at gunpoint. Translation: blood filled our country, so now do not whine.

2. Interview Assad, as well as mentioned in the beginning of the application ambassador to Syria at the UN suggests that Russia took over the support of the legitimate government of Syria seriously. Does the Syrian our green men polite people, or do they exist only in the fevered brain of some drunk presidents nedogosudarstv, we do not know, but the fact that Russia has helped, and will help to help Syria, no one hides.

In general, it is clear that Russia is supplying Syria weapons, sent its military specialists, as well as, apparently, covered the sky over Syria (it is perhaps the most important, without the reliable shield western planes are over the heads of walking), and as for polite people , then I will quote a joke, what I saw recently tweeted: nothing but rumors about the appearance in Syria, "green men" forced to evacuate their West IGILovtsev in evropku ...

3. By the way of citation. Here's another one: "In Syria a serious batch. In his confrontation with the US Russia has reached the level of the Soviet Union. "

Yes: that's so imperceptibly, sly, yet Russia has reached the level of the Soviet Union: in Korea and local Ventame brave pilots Li Si and Cu Tsyn No Tsyn fought with the American military; in our shuravi Afghanistan helping the Afghan people to fight with American puppets - mujaheds, so now in Syria, Russia is helping the Syrian people at war with the West brought up by terrorists from LIH.

Now the main thing - do not repeat the mistakes of the Soviet Union. Since Russia is now, though smaller and weaker than the Pope-Union, but nonetheless frightening it, because Russian is no longer believe in the West., It is hoped that the mistakes of the past, we did not repeat, and the policy of Russia will be tough, cynical and profitable in First of all Russia. Russian allies did not quit, but at the same time, Russia has no permanent allies, but have permanent interests. Russia will help Syria, but instead to fight Syria will not be: yourself, it yourself, albeit with our help. Dot. RU.

4. In general, I have the impression that Russia is committed to serious, Syria does not drain, retreat is not going to gosdepovskie cries such as "if Russia would support Assad, it will be even greater international isolation," not paying attention and is determined to do so that Syria has not fallen, and that the Libyan scenario in Syria is not repeated. It's good. It is very good. Let's see if Russia save Syria ...

5. Well, the last. There is a game, a great game on many boards. Who is active on the Syrian board figures, but also on the board of Novorossiysk, which is perhaps not the most important, but for which we have the soul hurts much more than in Syria, the situation is also not so bad. For Russia and then, apparently, are serious, merging is not going, and is ready to move the red line, which she outlined the PID ... these ligand ... our Western partners - "if the Donbas elections will take place, then against Russia will introduce new sanctions" .

So, the die is cast. Chapter DNI Zakharchenko signed a decree on holding the local elections on 18 October. Title Zakharchenko citizens DNI read in my blog in 14 hours ... well, that's another story.
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Зарегистрирован: 26 июн 2014, 11:58


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