The massive influx of refugees into Europe is organized. It became known anyone

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The massive influx of refugees into Europe is organized. It became known anyone

Сообщение DARPA » 17 сен 2015, 17:54

Who do you think is behind this sudden wave of refugees to Europe? The war and the Germans? Nothing like this. Yesterday I got a call from one of Austria and reported the following:
"Do you know why some refugees behave provocatively and are demanding special privileges and benefits? They were promised that this would happen. They were invited to Europe. And not just invited, but literally pay for their passage and promised sea wealth. They were invited to the Americans."

We arrived.
I asked him, and the evidence you have, or that assumption?
He knocks me a couple of links to articles and website (in German). I will share below when someone is spoken.

And here to tell what it was.

That seems a harmless site But around him for several days, going so normal mess. The fact that the laws of European countries call for the active delivery of illegal refugees in Europe is prohibited. The consequence of such actions could be the arrest and prison. And on this page posted the most that either there is an active call for a move to Europe for the refugees themselves, and for EU citizens - "returning from vacation, do not forget to take out with one or two refugees." And some rules, how to find them, as they bring in, so as not detained and others.
Professional journalists claim to be able to distinguish the site from the people's initiative organized by the professional promotion. And the site looks very professionally made to pass. Therefore we began to understand. Where is the registered domain and how the person or organization?

And that's what (yellow marker):

Organization of The Ayn Rand Institute ran our former compatriot Alisa Rosenbaum Zinovevna. She moved to the United States for permanent residence and became a Zionist, who could not stand the Palestinians, called them a bunch of primitive savages who hate Israel, and actively advocated military action against them. In Europe, it became known as "the main ideologue of American law" (Chefideologin der amerikanischen Rechten). And with something this organization has undertaken is to help these people (the Arabs) to move to Europe. Somehow it does not fit.
They began to dig further. Organization, which is closely related to The Ayn Rand Institute, - Do not see its name in the email address to which is attached a registered domain - has been "Rise up", known for its positioning: "We are staging revolution, and free society." On-pa.

They were already organized for unrest in Macedonia, where the crowd of demonstrators protesting against the leadership of the country and demanded the resignation of the prime minister. Supported by the Soros Foundation aktivicty Rise Up do not hide their faces, one of them was interviewed and asked: "Money Joji Soros spread across the planet, and support the so-called color revolutions. Do not you think that is happening now in Macedonia is very similar to the events in Ukraine? " To this he replied: "It's not a revolution, it is a peaceful protest. And I hope it does not turn into a revolution as in Ukraine."

And what have our refugees, you ask? And despite the fact that these American organizations actively invite everyone in Europe, promising them various benefits. The emphasis is on compassion, humanity, and the need to help people in trouble. Interestingly, European researchers have not found a single case of a call to Mexico, America or Canada. But in Europe it has hospitably opened the gates to all comers.

But these refugees are not treated in the embassy for a visa, and to special transporters of illegal immigrants. These carriers and services costs money. Where do poor people from 7 to 14 thousand euros? Very simple. The road they pay for and take an IOU on which it will be necessary to pay ... what? Well, for example, with what to say.

There are facts that indicate a well-organized communication between carriers of illegal immigrants and international integration organization. Manages the organization, William Lacy Swing, the former ambassador to several African countries, and a CIA agent.

It is interesting that several times he openly appealed to Europeans to recruit more refugees and not to hesitate. He previously paved the way for the transfer of several African territories under the control of the United States, being a diplomat there.

Now he is one of the key figures in the financing of transport of refugees, led by his organization pays carriers. Then he tells the organization of the Coast Guard, which sent them paid boats with refugees. And then the state decides whether to take the boat, or sink - how necessary. Tin.

The fact that this sudden invasion of refugees is well planned and organized, no doubt. More and more Europeans are starting to talk about it. It's no secret to it, and the Russian authorities.
Сообщений: 1520
Зарегистрирован: 26 июн 2014, 11:58


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