Should I change jobs during the crisis?

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Should I change jobs during the crisis?

Сообщение DARPA » 21 сен 2015, 20:54

We begin immediately with the exciting ones. The ruble falls, whether the oil is getting cheaper, prohibit any favorite foods - the presence or absence of the crisis does not mean that you should work on the unloved work.
This is not a reason to make her life very unhappy.
Therefore, if you are feeling right now, that this was the career dead end, you should do the following.

How do I know it's bad?

First you need to understand whether a crisis career.
To this end, it is desirable to go on holiday, alone or with loved ones that do not cause stress. Turn off all the gadgets and just what is called the vegetables. You will not believe how well it works. Rested on the second week of the brain begin to tell you what is really important. If after two weeks you will return to work and everything will still be terrible, so we should leave.

The second case is when you have to leave - if you live in mono. Such is, for example, in the Moscow region. If your city is tied to one company, and the company during the crisis in the industry has been bad, the city became deeply depressed. We must dramatically change careers and leave. If the company stop paying salaries, people start to look for another place, and it is also a sharp change of career.

The third case - if you are humiliated, from chauvinism and to the fact that you pesters the head, it's not glued. It is important that it was not a single story, and the situation of constant stress for you. I do not expect that everything will resolve.

What you need to know about the future of your dismissal: in times of crisis the first fired investment analysts, managers of innovation, development director - all domestic experts who work for the future and do not bring instant benefits. Furthermore, fired various consultants, employees of non-core divisions, PR-manager, SMM-managers - in short, all those without whom the company could survive the crisis.

The last dismiss those who can not cope without. This is a very good sellers and sales managers, because it is necessary to sell the product at all times.
If you are a good technician who understands the product, COO, who knows how to pull the project out of the crisis, the financial director who knows how to optimize the finance in any economic situation, for you will be held to the last.

What is fear?

Change of activity it is necessary not to panic and not from lack of work, and at the behest of the soul.
If you like your industry, better drop wages, endured the effects of the crisis, but stay inside. If you do not like it, then everything changes.
Now the average job search period - three or four months, for the top - six or seven months. Longer already critical. That means we need to change the requirements to lower salary demands or positions to deal with separately.
At the same time in a new place can be all too easy, you can do something does not work, because it is a new business. Therefore, a change of career should be taken very deliberately not to rush to the first position, and choose what you like. Because, despite the crisis, the work is.

So, what to do if you need to look for a job right now, in the situation of economic uncertainty and mild panic?

First job really is. But we need to look carefully at what is behind them in reality. Research needs to be done: to ask all acquaintances, friends and others what is really going on in this job.
It does not take into account that the owner says, the head of department or HR-director.

If you do not know this company, first, do not pay attention to the forums and recruiting resources, where they write about the companies: they always write only those people who are offended. Such a person would never admit that he was fired because he screwed up, he will blame the company and management.

Find the social networks of people who work or have worked in the company and ask them, literally, "I employ in this company, please, tell me about it."
Ask specific questions: Do pay wages on time, a style of leadership, and so on. I assure you, if you ask five people, three will be answered.

Second, we must learn to talk about themselves.
We have, in principle, most people do not know how to sell themselves. Unlike the United States and other countries, where children are taught from childhood skills of self-presentation. Therefore, in interviews you are behaving strangely. Either you underestimate yourself, or overestimate. You do not know how to answer the questions you are often very aggressive, or, conversely, are closed and all of you have to pry.
We understand that the interview - is stress.

We have much more time in detail talk about how to be interviewed, but the basic rule - to use simple tools that I'm going to teach you.

The first interview - this is not an assessment of your professionalism, and the input filter, which only checks the adequacy of your threshold.
The first thing you asked in the first interview, is "Please, tell me about yourself." From this moment you have 10 minutes to "catch their breath" and produce adequate first impression.
Here's how to deal with these ten minutes.

First you take and write your resume.

More often than not you do it wrong: rewrite your job description of the series "What I was doing."
And so you sold your resume, you need to write about KPI: I've done this for a business to be better in this business. If, for example, worked as an editor of news and your positions difficult to apply KPI, you can write that as a result of your work quoting your section increased by so much, views increased by so much, three times we have been nominated for any Prize and once our team has won the grant and the number of the department has grown from one person to five.
That is the right job, but not "writing articles, picking up the team went on business trips."
About how to write a resume, I will publish a large separate post (not one).
This is really important in the preparation of working Antirabstve resume dedicated to the whole course.

Then you pick up the recorder and teach job, just stupid heart. Then we need to listen to the recording, horrified, repeat five times.
Sleeping with this monologue the night, and the next day to repeat the exercise five more times.
On the tenth time you will find that this story stuck in your subconscious and you are no longer solid text, and you can safely talk and something to be combined.

Then find some loved one and tell him your resume, collect fidbek. As a result, you have a distinct story, which should be no more than 5 and a half minutes.
This story you and removed from his brain in a stressful situation.
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