Russian against Russian

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Russian against Russian

Сообщение DARPA » 23 сен 2015, 17:07

This - the commander of the Land Forces Anatoly Pushnyakov APU.
And it is notable that became the eighth full knight of the Order of the Ukrainian Bogdan Khmelnitsky, ie All three of his degrees.

Pushnyakov - Russian, a graduate of the Kharkov Tank School (1975) and armored Academy. RJ Malinowski in Moscow (1987), a veteran of the war in Afghanistan, frontline battalion there. As you can see, the classic biography of the Soviet military - if it were not. Then, the state is divided. In 2014 it began the ATO and Pushnyakov from summer to participate.

The most interesting thing in its full kavalerstve that three degrees awarded him the Order of the different presidents and different.

The third degree of BH - Yushchenko. For participation in the Iraq peacekeeping operation (2005)
Second degree BH - Yanukovych. For the development of veterans' movement, just 9 months before the start of the Maidan (February 2013).
First degree BH - Poroshenko. For skilful and persistent command in the zone of the ATO.

As you can see, a clear illustration of the fact that the Russian in the war fighting against the Russian. Soviet war against the Soviet (of age). Afghan veterans against the veterans of Afghanistan. More than half of the APU - a Russian and Russian, so the conflict in the South East of Ukraine can safely be called a civil war in the geographical sphere of Russian civilization.

* * *
That the Order itself (not the Soviet military version, and its successor Square):

Since I've been watching the Ukrainian identity after the second Maidan and trends in this area, it is necessary to periodically look on completion of the local Ukrainian pantheon of heroes, which is its most important component.

Previously, the order was in fact the memorial and decorative, and they were awarded mainly veterans of the Great Patriotic War. For example, as the Soviet Army General IA Gerasimov, in the late Union - Commander of the South-West direction, and then a long-term chairman of the Union of Veterans of Ukraine (1991-2008) and a member of Parliament from the Communist Party. By the way, until the Soviet war veterans were still in force, and they were consumed in large quantities because of their age, then perform the operation decommunisation and deprivation Ukrainians memory of the Soviet Union was two orders of magnitude more difficult. As you remember, Yushchenko that, for all its eccentricity, did not dare.

After the beginning of the Order of the ATO he began fighting, and this gradually led to a change in its value.

It is noteworthy that the seventh full knight of all degrees of Khmelnytsky was a man already-Soviet tradition, 1979, year of birth - Colonel Mirgorodsky from Nikolaev (!). All three degree he received in the course of ATU: the third - for the capture of Slavyansk (07.2014), the second - for the fighting in the region of Donetsk airport (11.2014), the first, the highest - for the fighting in Debaltsevo (04.2015). Whatever it was, and whatever the result ended in fights (I know that they ended leaving APU Debaltsevskogo of pocket) - and this is a frame with considerable practical combat experience.

When Mirgorodsky was still only the third degree, he was awarded a special post from one of patriotic bloggers New Russia, and the fanfare of praise from the most odious ukropropagandistskogo resource Tsenzor.Net.
Example Mirgorodskogo stark contrast to all the previous one full gentlemen of BH

* * *
Examples of application experience, "Afghans" in the area of ​​the ATO against other "Afghans" (and vice versa, of course) is already done.

Remember the brave Afghan officer and holder of two Orders of the Red Star on the platform I congress of People's Deputies of the USSR - Sergey Chervonopisky, in 1989? Who fervently denounced the anti-Soviet insinuations and notions dissident Andrei Sakharov? So, after the collapse of the Soviet Union it is completely integrated into the political circles of Ukraine, and even under Yanukovych got local star Hero. Now it looks like this:

And, too, it is concerned that the Afghan experience in ATO is used loosely and badly in demand:

[...] The criminal incompetence of many military leaders. Which, as always, is compensated by the heroism of ordinary soldiers. Veterans of the Afghan war in the Donbass, worked as an instructor, delivered gumantarku, engaged in the liberation of prisoners live in the territory of the fighting. To us, in USVA flowing mass of information, and, from people experienced, knowledgeable war not on film. We evaluate the situation objectively.

Is it possible to compare the loss of the Afghan war and the present? At the time of binding.

- Now - much more. Against us are not used artillery such density. And the more modern systems of salvo fire. Having lived through it and survive - the real heroes. This war - is extremely fierce. Those who started it, it's not easy.

The real war is different from the textbook Military Academy. And we have lately army systematically destroyed. In contrast to the same Russian.

- Therefore, we must make the most of our experience - members USVA. This experience is not a book, it was extracted blood. Many of our veterans are ready to instructors - in the combat zone, at training bases - where ordered. USVA ready to send them, vouch for everyone. [...]

* * *
And yes ... As you can see - no schiryh zapadentsev from Galicia, and especially not (they mutili mainly the political part of the Maidan and blown away during a military operation), but the main work is done to combat the APU Russian language. So this is the greatest success of our geopolitical opponents, what happened here so play off the two top ex-Soviet republic. There are, of course, the wine and the political leadership of Russia, which did not benefit from a unique window of opportunity March and April 2014, which led to the current stalemate.

The moral of the post - not in exaltation or belittling the other side. And in the long-term trends: the blood is gradually written pantheon of heroes on both sides. He will have a greater and greater impact on the construction of identities and divergence. In establishing the fact that the war on both sides is conducted mostly in Russian, and Russian. Now the focus is shifted to Syria, the efforts of propaganda, but for the Russian civilizational space main problem for 7-10 years ahead will still remain a confrontation between Ukraine and Russia.
Сообщений: 1520
Зарегистрирован: 26 июн 2014, 11:58


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