In the nearby universe no traces of galactic civilizations

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In the nearby universe no traces of galactic civilizations

Сообщение DARPA » 23 сен 2015, 17:10

In 1964 Nikolai Nikolai Kardashev a way to measure the technological development of civilization, based on the amount of energy they consume. Civilization Type I used all the energy of the planet, II type - full of energy star home, III type - its entire galaxy. Our civilization evaluated on this scale somewhere 0.7.
As recently as this spring have been summed up the research 100 000 closest to the Milky Way galaxy, the purpose of which had just been looking for signs of civilization of type III. Astronomers searched for galaxies that emit more infrared than in the visible spectrum - it is believed that an excess of infrared radiation in the middle of the spectrum will be followed by a thermal astrosooruzheny collecting energy to tipa.Rezultaty III civilizations were not very comforting for the supporters of SETI - from it all sampling only a hundred galaxies has a sufficiently high level of infrared radiation in this region of the spectrum, to coerce astronomers their more detailed study. And, additional observations of galaxies have shown that almost all of them were the source of the registered radiation clouds of dust surrounding the cluster of massive stars. Of all the hundred-thousandth of the sample is now only a few galaxies, for which the final conclusion will be made after a series of new observations - the researchers themselves but by his own admission do not feed much hope to find there traces of green men. Now astronomers are already thinking about how to modify the methodology for the search to start searching for the next civilization of type II in the neighboring galaktikah.Vprochem, personally, in my opinion, the possibility of the existence of such sverhgalakticheskoy civilization has always seemed too fantastic. Firstly, why do civilizations might need this amount of energy - to build a galaxy of Death? Secondly, if civilization uncontrollably consumes resources in such quantities that it needs all galaktika- it all initially failed to live up to this stage of expansion? Finally - as I no idea how to be organized by the management system and the collection of energy on such a scale. In the universe of "Star Wars", where there is instant communication through any distance, fast and cheap flights superluminal is of course it would be possible - but in our reality, all this is fiction and more than likely it will remain so. Though of course, it would be cool to know that someone still managed to develop to such a stage - but apparently the lucky in our surroundings is not.
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Зарегистрирован: 26 июн 2014, 11:58


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